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La Altair sta lavorando alla definizione della nuova piattaforma modulare destinata ai futuri modelli della Ferrari. Secondo le informazioni diffuse da, l'azienda americana, partner decennale del Cavallino, ha già stabilito i punti cardine del progetto, lavorando in Italia a stretto contatto con i tecnici del Cavallino.

Peso ridotto. L'obiettivo è quello di ridurre la massa del 15% incrementando, allo stesso tempo, la rigidità del 20%, per ridurre vibrazioni, rumorosità e incrementare la sicurezza. Non esistono ancora indicazioni sui materiali previsti e quindi sull'eventuale passaggio dall'alluminio alla fibra di carbonio, né sul numero e sull'identità dei modelli che sfrutteranno la nuova base tecnica.

Bocche cucite sull'ibrido. La riduzione del peso è uno degli elementi cardine dello sviluppo per offrire un rapporto peso/potenza sempre più vantaggioso e mantenere un feeling di guida degno della storia del marchio. Non ci sono per ora informazioni circa la predisposizione di questa piattaforma per i powertrain ibridi, che per il momento hanno fatto la loro comparsa solo sulla LaFerrari.


Notizie che circolano già da un anno...

Non sono molto sicuro su dove mettere la discussione.

In ogni caso questa piattaforma modulare è più che altro una condivisione delle tecnologie tra i modelli piuttosto che un pianale o sbaglio?


press release ufficiale Altair



TROY, Mich. – July 27, 2016, Altair has collaborated with luxury sports car maker,Ferrari, to design and engineer the company’s ‘Next Generation’ vehicle platform which  sarà la base di numerosi nuovi derivati del veicolo di punta. The announcement signifies the strong and mutually beneficial relationship that the two companies have enjoyed since Ferrari started working with Altair over a decade ago.

To develop the Next Generation platform, Altair supplied a highly specialised group of designers and engineers working on-site at Ferrari’s vehicle development centre in Italy. The team worked alongside Ferrari’s own design, engineering and manufacturing teams.

Maximilian Szwaj, Ferrari’s Director of Innovation and BIW Development, stated, “It was important for Altair to supply both CAD and CAE expertise to facilitate tight integration particularly when packaging ideas and manufacturing process are so fluid. The speed of the optimization processes deployed were able to control the weight whilst achieving the demanding structural targets as new packaging changes were introduced. For Ferrari, the Next Generation platform is a significant engineering achievement and a symbol of our successful collaboration with Altair.”

Innovation is the driving force behind the vehicle development process at Ferrari and Altair’s team successfully utilised innovative design optimization methods (e.g.Altair’s Concept Optimization Driven Process C123), driven by the HyperWorks suite of simulation technologies. Outstanding performance is a fundamental part of Ferrari’s DNA. The Next Generation platform is 15% lighter, while enhancing the performance of crash, NVH and other critical attributes by over 20%. Altair’s solver and optimization technologies, RADIOSS and OptiStruct for crash and NVH respectively were key tools in achieving the outstanding weight and performance characteristics.

Dr. Royston Jones, Exec VP European Operations & Global CTO, Altair ProductDesign, “For Ferrari to trust Altair to support the delivery of the Next Generation platform as a strategic partner was a great compliment. Ferrari provided an Innovation Environment where, together with Ferrari’s engineering team, our engineers and designers had the freedom to apply new technologies. As an innovation strategy, Ferrari encourages ideas from everywhere and our new design processes were able to rapidly assess the majority of ideas.”

“I love the Next Generation architecture, it has an organic nature, with the structure flowing smoothly from sections to joints. It’s an outcome of a massive deployment of structural optimization defining optimum material layout resulting in outstanding weight / performance characteristics. I believe it truly warrants the title of Next Generation and importantly, repays Ferrari’s trust.”


I motori sono come le donne, bisogna saperli toccare nelle parti più sensibili.(Enzo Ferrari)

7 ore fa, Beta Montecarlo dice:

Ma Mclaren non fa anche modelli a motore anteriore...

beh, io mi riferivo a dino-v8 centrale-hypercar che ricalcano esattamente 570-650-P1, me credo anche (e spero) che studino qualcosa in ottica One-off, magari meno vincolante dal punto di vista dal packaging


è partito lo sviluppo della nuova supercar che andrà a sostituire LaFerrari,  "...15 per cent lighter but with an over 20 per cent better performance in crash.."


" Ferrari has joined forces with engineering and software company Altair for the development of their next-gen platform. 
The new architecture will spawn “several new flagship vehicle derivatives” according to Altair who is a longtime partner of Ferrari for over a decade. 
Altair has sent a group of designers and engineers to work on-site at Ferrari’s vehicle development center in Italy to work alongside Ferrari’s own team. The new platform is expected to be 15 per cent lighter but with an over 20 per cent better performance in crash, NVH and other critical attributes, according to Altair. 
“It was important for Altair to supply both CAD and CAE expertise to facilitate tight integration particularly when packaging ideas and manufacturing process are so fluid”, said Maximilian Szwaj, Ferrari’s Director of Innovation and BIW Development. “For Ferrari, the Next Generation platform is a significant engineering achievement and a symbol of our successful collaboration with Altair.”
Royston Jones, Altair Product Design’s global chief technology officer added that the new platform will be the outcome of “a massive deployment of structural optimization” with the “optimum material layout”. 
“I love the Next Generation architecture; it has an organic nature, with the structure flowing smoothly from sections to joints”, he said. “I believe it [the platform] truly warrants the title of Next Generation and importantly, and repays Ferrari’s trust.”

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