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Quanto ti piace l'Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio 2017?  

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  1. 1. Quanto ti piace l'Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio 2017?

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In what seemed like a practical joke, Alfa Romeo sponsored the Bimmerfest 2019, specifically the Autocross challenge. This makes Alfa Romeo the sole automaker to have sponsored the largest gathering of BMW fans and owners.

Okay, wait. Alfa Romeo sponsored a BMW-filled event? It doesn't make sense, does it? It's like the Los Angeles Lakers hosting a championship party for the Toronto Raptors.

Well, apparently, it was for a good reason. The Bimmerfest 2019 happened last May 25 to 26, 2019. As the major sponsor, Alfa Romeo let the Bimmefest attendees test drive its cars in a controlled track, completing up to 300+ test drives throughout the two-day spectacle. The automaker was pretty confident about the move, and it's easy to see why.

With Alfa Romeo cars championing corners – whether it's a Giulia Quadrifoglio or a Stelvio Quadrifolgio – the marque knew that these unsuspecting BMW patrons would love its cars. And they couldn't be any righter about it.

Here are some quotes from BMW owners/fans at Bimmerfest:

"I compared it (Stelvio Quadrifoglio) to my (Porsche) Cayenne S and it knocked it out of the park."

"What I loved about this ride is that whenever I asked it (Giulia Quadrifoglio) to do something, it just did it."

"I just drove the Alfa Romeo Stelvio (Quadrifoglio) and it was amazing, I loved it."

"It's awesome that Alfa Romeo is sponsoring Bimmerfest."

"I have six BMWs and I'm actually kinda disappointed I didn't go with Alfa."

Guess we could say that Alfa Romeo's gamble paid off. It was a bold move, but one that didn't come empty-handed.

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