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It is just imaginary post from Forbes. What if?


What if tomorrow Italy will vote for lira instead of Euro. Can you imagine this article at Forbes web site, with some assumptions and without conclusions. 


Do not be stupid, it is an attempt to manipulate of peoples mind - imaginary news. It is not even fake it is someone's imagination. 


New level of rumors use, for wide auditorium. This is old KGB technology in modern digital era.

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2 ore fa, max_pershin dice:

It is just imaginary post from Forbes. What if?


What if tomorrow Italy will vote for lira instead of Euro. Can you imagine this article at Forbes web site, with some assumptions and without conclusions. 


Do not be stupid, it is an attempt to manipulate of peoples mind - imaginary news. It is not even fake it is someone's imagination. 


New level of rumors use, for wide auditorium. This is old KGB technology in modern digital era.

The post sounds like a free interpretation of the journalist on the current situation. Which is not a true jurnalism due that, as you pointed out, does not have any proper citation....rumors from the web?

The article from Milanofinanza seams to have some proper bases 

Non ti curar di loro, ma sgomma e sorpassa....

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