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Confermata la S60 questa estate così come la V60 CC




Lex Kerssemakers, a Volvo senior vice president, confirmed in an interview with Roadshow that the new S60 will be coming soon. Interestingly enough, the sedan will be shown for the first time in South Carolina, as opposed to the V60’s debut in Volvo’s home country of Sweden. While South Carolina may seem like a strange location for a debut, it makes sense – Volvo's new American manufacturing facility is located in Berkeley County.



In an interview with Roadshow at the V60 debut, Volvo boss Lex Kerssemakers confirmed that the wagon will be getting a more capable Cross Country version, too. Exactly when the higher-riding, body-cladded V60 will be available to buyers remains a mystery, but we don’t expect it to be too far off the standard model's unveiling.

In confirming the V60 Cross Country, Kerssemakers made sure to note the nameplate’s significance within the brand. "Is it huge volumes? No," Kerssemakers said in the interview. "It’s part of our heritage so we need to continue it." Already the company offers a Cross Country version of the V90 wagon, as well as the S60 sedan, which itself is scheduled to get in overhaul in just a few months.

Via Roadshow

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42 minuti fa, KimKardashian dice:

Curioso di vedere la coda, magari stile coupe come la prima serie! 


L'attuale ha, imho, una linea davvero riuscita e molto coupettosa (anche s dentro è comoda), così come un gran bel popò. :si:

Spero che in qualche modo la richiamino.





  • Mi Piace 2

I'M IN LOVE!:pippa:

"La 6° marcia, K@zzo!"

7 ore fa, tipt dice:

Con questa direi gamma quasi completa! 


Ma la V40 muore con la XC40 o prossimamente rinnovano pure lei?

Secondo AutoMotor u Sport non muore, sara in due versioni la V40, una normale con motori a combustione/ibrido e una versione BEV.

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