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On 6/3/2017 at 13:21, vince-991 dice:

IL sistema di controllo della trazione deve essere bello efficiente considerata la coppia ( 1.620 Newtonmetro )


Bisogna vedere qual è il rapporto di riduzione, perché trattandosi di motori elettrici, esso potrebbe essere piuttosto spinto, avvicinando così il valore di coppia alla ruota a numeri molto prossimi a quelli di una supercar tradizionale... Regime di picco a parte ;-) 

  • Mi Piace 2

Qualche altra info

In creating the new design, Touring has adhered to Artega's strict principles. It was important that the car was visually beautiful, with perfect proportions. It also needed to be discreet, understated and unembellished with unnecessary ornamentation.

Obviously a sports car, it also displays its luxurious qualities, without being ostentatious. Clean, simple, minimalistic lines ensure the design is a timeless classic masterpiece, suitable for any event or occasion, but highlighting its exclusivity and showcasing a technical tour de force. In short, it had to be seen as a work of art in accordance with the core values of Artega.

Touring's new design has maintained Artega's visual brand identity while recognising the designer's tradition of creating beauty through simplicity and purity of line.

Subtle design features, such as placing the door in the centre of the car's profile, provide a balanced shape, which accentuates the car's elegance. At the same time, other motifs, such as the razor edge wing profiles, the shut line of the door, the angle of the B-pillar and the hot air exhaust outlets for the front brakes, point to the car's dynamic qualities. Aerodynamic optimisation enhances these dynamics.

Practicality is embodied in the design too, with the door cut-outs in the roof to facilitate an easy access to the three seats, each of which is an individual full size bucket placed parallel to the centreline. Generous headroom is hinted at with the polished detailing strip above the side window.

Artega Scalo Superelletra uses a state-of-the-art carbon fibre monocoque with high tensile tubular steel sub-frames front and rear, in turn reinforced with carbon fibre crossbars.

In-keeping with Touring tradition, the bodywork blends aluminium with CFRP panels (PU is used for bumpers). Carbon fibre is selected for weight for bonnet, hood and doors.

There are four water-cooled synchronised high performance e-machines from the German manufacturer VOLTABOX, those in the rear rated at 400kW with a 500kW peak, and the two front ones rated at 350kW with a peak output of 400kW. They provide a total nominal output of 750kW -1,020HP, with a peak output of 940kW - 1,278HP. With 1,620Nm torque and employing torque vectoring, and on a target kerb weight below 1,850Kg, stellar performance is guaranteed.

Particular attention is paid to eco-friendliness in production. Not only is the manufacturing process CO2-neutral, but the car is fully recyclable, and as much use as possible is made of natural materials.

The all-new Artega Scalo Superelletra addresses the price segment from EUR 500,000 to EUR 1,000,000. Orders can be placed to the manufacturer against down payment of EUR 100,000.


Dal sito della Artega,

Welcome Scalo Superelletra, styled by renowned Italian design house, Touring Superleggara. The name "Superelletra" is a play of words - the Italian words for superlight (superleggera) and electric (elettrico)..


Potevano fare meglio...Su Scalo non ho trovato nulla...


2 ore fa, AlessioAlfa dice:

Bene.... ma come andrà in pista?


Per poco tempo... :D  Scherzi a parte, sono quasi 2 tonnellate di auto. Il peso è nemico della dinamica, per quanto torque vectoring brutale, coppia e baricentro basso possano aiutare. 


L'autonomia la limita, ma anche gli sforzi trasmessi al suolo potrebbero incidere molto rapidamente sul comportamento degli pneumatici.

  • Mi Piace 2

Elletra, cazzo, ELLETRA. Vorrei comparisse Sgarbi incazzato e li prendesse a frustate.

  • Mi Piace 1

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!


La prima auto con l'errore ortografico nel nome.

  • Mi Piace 1

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- Peugeot 206 1.4xs 75cv (2003) - Audi A3 2.0tdi S-line 170cv (2008) - Audi SQ5 3.0tdi quattro® 313cv (2013) - Audi A5 Cabrio 2.0tdi S-line quattro® 220cv (2015) - Abarth 124 Spider Turismo 170cv (2018) - Mercedes A35 AMG 4matic 306cv (2020) -

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