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- Addestratore e aereo d'attacco leggero.

- Dovrebbe rimpiazzare L-39, Su-25 e MiG-29 (l'ultimo non so come, ma dicono così).

- Avionica ucraino-occidentale



Ukraine to develop new light strike aircraft - Defence Blog





On 15 March Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko announced that Ukraine’s defense enterprises would soon create a new light strike aircraft to replace the Soviet-made L-39, Su-25 and MiG-29 aircraft.

During a visit to the Ivchenko-Progress engine design bureau located in Zaporozhye, President Poroshenko got acquainted with the “mock-ups” of a platform for a new aircraft, which has been given the programme name of Legkiy Boiviy Litak, which is Ukrainian for “Lightweight Combat Aircraft” and abbreviated as LBL.

The new Ukrainian light strike aircraft “looks similar” to the Chinese L-15 supersonic training and light attack aircraft and Iranian Shafaq subsonic aircraft project. At the moment, the “new” aircraft remains at the conceptual design stage.

The LBL is a two-seat training and light attack aircraft being developed by National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute in partnership with the Motor Sich. Reports from Poroshenko’s visit to the Ivchenko facility stated that the two engines would be “a design based on the AI-225-25 or AI-322F and the avionics would be of both Western and Ukrainian manufacture”.

The LBL can perform light-attack and reconnaissance duties, carrying a combat load of 3,000 kg. Maximum true airspeed is 1040 km/h, service ceiling is 14,000 metres, service range 780 km.  The aircraft can carry weapons, suspended fuel tanks, reconnaissance pods and a range of electronic warfare pods including radar jammers and infrared countermeasures.LBL


già Zarathustra

"la 4C sarà un trabiccolo per incompetenti" (Ipse dixit)

Inviato (modificato)

mah, ci mancavano pure gli ukraini, e con che soldi che sono in bancarotta? capisco la necessità di cambiare la linea aerea che avrà sempre meno ricambi, soprattutto per gli aerei di punta quali i su27-su30 e i vecchi mig29.

On 15 March Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko announced that the country's defence industry will develop its own twin-engine, multirole fighter. The announcement was made during Poroshenko's visit to the Ivchenko-Progress engine design bureau located in the southern Ukrainian city of Zaparozhe. This facility is also co-located with one of the largest aero-engine assembly sites in all of the former Soviet Union: the Motor Sich production plant.

Ukrainian aeronautical design teams have already produced what has been described as a "sketch outline" of a platform for a new fighter, which has been given the programme name of Legkiy Boiviy Litak, which is Ukrainian for "Lightweight Combat Aircraft" and abbreviated as LBL. The aircraft is supposed to bear a strong resemblance to the Soviet-designed Mikoyan MiG-29 in its external appearance, but the aircraft's onboard systems will be of non-Russian origin.

One of the main differences between this new Ukrainian design and the original MiG-29 will be its engines and electronics. Reports from Poroshenko's visit to the Ivchenko facility stated that the two engines would be "a design based on the AI-322F and the avionics would be of both Western and Ukrainian manufacture".

The engine design appears to be one of the main drivers for this concept, with the Ukrainian president stating, "We will soon be able to create our own aircraft engine for the fighter." Poroshenko also pointed out that Ukraine is among a small group of just five nations in the world that are capable of independently developing aero-engine designs.


qui mi pare non si parli di trainer ne di l-39 ne di su-25... boh?

Modificato da nubironaSW

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