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 Volkswagen has unveiled the Gen.E research vehicle at the Future Mobility Days event in Germany.

Looking like a futuristic Golf three-door hatchback, the concept has an aerodynamic exterior with sculpted bodywork, a rakish windshield, and special alloy wheels. The car also has flush-mounted door handles and what appears to be video pods that replace the side mirrors. Other highlights include LED daytime running lights, unique side windows, and an open charging port on the hood.

Volkswagen didn't have much to say about the car but noted it rides on a lightweight architecture that has been "designed for maximum crash safety."

Power is provided by a high-tech battery which uses "advanced lithium-ion cells" that give the car a range in excess of 400 km (248 miles). The battery feeds an "optimized" electric motor but the company declined to reveal performance specifications.

One of the more interesting aspects about the Gen.E is the fact that it was designed to work with mobile robots. As Volkswagen explains, they are working on robots that will automatically connect charging cables to electric vehicles for added convenience. The robots are envisioned to be used in underground parking garages and multi-story car parks.  






"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Sarà anche un prototipo ma la portiera la potevano anche tagliare un po meglio che dietro la vedo un po scomoda a salirci


Frontale molto Renault...

Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street


Il frontale è della XL1 e di tutte le VW elettriche


Inviato (modificato)
7 minuti fa, kramer23 dice:

La Scirocco con la fiancata della Delta Evoluzione GT...che noia, almeno cambino il colore...


Modificato da Aymaro
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