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Non stanno proprio così le cose :D Non vedremo la panda con roba BMW e viceversa. Ma si svilupperà una architettura modulare per la guida altamente automatizzata Livello 3 e completamente autonoma Livello 4/5.




Firmato stamane un memorandum di intesa per lo sviluppo congiunto di una piattaforma di Livello 4/5 tra BMW Group, Intel Corporation, Mobileye e Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA)

FCA si è unita stamani ai colossi di BMW Group, Intel e Mobileye per lo sviluppo di una piattaforma di guida autonoma leader a livello mondiale. La collaborazione consentirà alle aziende di sfruttare le proprie forze, capacità e risorse individuali

BMW Group ha un nuovo partner automobilistico per lo sviluppo della futura piattaforma a guida autonoma di Livello 4/5: Fiat Chrysler Automobilies. I partner di sviluppo intendono sfruttare le proprie forze, capacità e risorse individuali per migliorare la tecnologia della piattaforma, aumentare l'efficienza dello sviluppo e ridurre il "time-to-market". Uno degli obiettivi per conseguire questo obiettivo sarà la collaborazione tra gli ingegneri delle singole partecipate. FCA porterà ingegneria e altre risorse tecniche e competenze alla cooperazione, così come i suoi significativi volumi di vendita, la portata geografica e la lunga esperienza in Nord America.

"Per promuovere la tecnologia di guida autonoma è fondamentale formare partnership tra produttori di autoveicoli, fornitori di tecnologie e fornitori. L'adesione a questa cooperazione consentirà a FCA di beneficiare direttamente delle sinergie e delle economie di scala che sono possibili quando le aziende si incontrano con una visione ed un obiettivo comuni".

Sergio Marchionne, Chief Executive Officer dell'FCA.

Una piattaforma modulare per la guida autonoma

Nel mese di luglio del 2016, BMW Group, Intel e Mobileye hanno annunciato di voler congiuntamente realizzare una pletora di autovetture che portino in dote soluzioni per la guida altamente automatizzata (Livello 3) e la guida completamente automatizzata (Livello 4/5) in  produzione entro il 2021. Da allora, stanno progettando e sviluppando un'architettura modulare che può essere utilizzata da più produttori di automobili in tutto il mondo, mantenendo contemporaneamente le identità uniche di ogni marchio automobilistico.

La cooperazione rimane in pista per mettere in atto 40 veicoli di prova autonomi su strada entro il 2017. Inoltre, si aspetta di trarre vantaggio dal sfruttamento dei dati e delle conoscenze della flotta dei veicoli di prova di nuova concezione. Tutto è supervisionato ad oltre 100 livelli di controllo da parte di Mobileye, un'azienda Intel, che dimostra quanto l'effetto scala di questo approccio possa esser vincente.


" I due fattori che restano fondamentali per il successo della collaborazione sono: un'eccellenza senza compromessi nello sviluppo e la modularità della nostra piattaforma di guida autonoma. Con FCA come nostro nuovo partner, rafforziamo il nostro percorso per creare con successo la soluzione più rilevante di livello 3-5, cross-OEM, su scala globale".

Harald Krüger, presidente del consiglio di amministrazione di BMW AG. 

Cartella stampa completa


Via BMWNews

  • Ahah! 1




BMW si allontana sempre piú dal cartello, molto bene, molto bene..


BMW Group, Intel Corporation, Mobileye, an Intel company, and Fiat Chrysler
Automobiles (FCA)
signed a memorandum of understanding for FCA to join them in
developing a world leading, state-of-the-art autonomous driving platform
• The cooperation allows the companies to leverage each other’s individual strengths,
capabilities and resources
• The platform will be scalable for Level 3 to Level 4/5 automated driving and can be used
by multiple automakers around the world while maintaining their unique brand identities

Non ti curar di loro, ma sgomma e sorpassa....

Inviato (modificato)

Comunicato FCA:



Fiat Chrysler Automobiles to Join BMW Group, Intel and Mobileye in Developing Autonomous Driving Platform

  • BMW Group, Intel Corporation, Mobileye, an Intel company, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) signed a memorandum of understanding for FCA to join them in developing a world leading, state-of-the-art autonomous driving platform
  • The cooperation allows the companies to leverage each other’s individual strengths, capabilities and resources
  • The platform will be scalable for Level 3 to Level 4/5 automated driving and can be used by multiple automakers around the world while maintaining their unique brand identities
August 16, 2017 , London - BMW Group, Intel and Mobileye announced today that they have signed a memorandum of understanding with the intention for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) to be the first automaker to join them in developing a world leading, state-of-the-art autonomous driving platform for global deployment.
The development partners intend to leverage each other’s individual strengths, capabilities and resources to enhance the platform’s technology, increase development efficiency and reduce time to market. One enabler to achieve this will be the co-location of engineers in Germany, as well as other locations. FCA will bring engineering and other technical resources and expertise to the cooperation, as well as its significant sales volumes, geographic reach and long-time experience in North America.
“In order to advance autonomous driving technology, it is vital to form partnerships among automakers, technology providers and suppliers,” said FCA Chief Executive Officer Sergio Marchionne. “Joining this cooperation will enable FCA to directly benefit from the synergies and economies of scale that are possible when companies come together with a common vision and objective.”

In July 2016, BMW Group, Intel, and Mobileye announced that they were joining forces to make self-driving vehicles a reality by collaborating to bring solutions for highly automated driving (Level 3) and fully automated driving (Level 4/5) into production by 2021. Since then, they have been designing and developing a scalable architecture that can be used by multiple automakers around the world, while at the same time maintaining each automaker’s unique brand identities.
The cooperation remains on-track to deploy 40 autonomous test vehicles on the road by 2017 year-end. It also expects to benefit from leveraging data and learnings from the recently announced 100 Level 4 test vehicle fleet of Mobileye, an Intel Company, demonstrating the scale effect of this collaborative approach.
“The two factors that remain key to the success of the cooperation are uncompromising excellence in development, and the scalability of our autonomous driving platform,” said Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG. “With FCA as our new partner, we reinforce our path to successfully create the most relevant state-of-the-art, cross-OEM Level 3-5 solution on a global scale.”

“The future of transportation relies on auto and tech industry leaders working together to develop a scalable architecture that automakers around the globe can adopt and customize,” said Brian Krzanich, Intel CEO. “We’re thrilled to welcome FCA’s contribution, bringing us a step closer to delivering the world’s safest autonomous vehicles.”
“We welcome FCA’s contributions and use of the cooperation’s platform, which has made substantial progress over the last year and is rapidly entering the testing and execution phase,” stated Professor Amnon Shashua, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer of Mobileye, an Intel Company. “The combination of vision-intense perception and mapping, differentiated sensor fusion, and driving policy solutions offers the highest levels of safety and versatility, in a cost-efficient package that will scale across all geographies and road settings.”
BMW Group, Intel, Mobileye and FCA, together with the recently announced development partners and system integrators, invite and welcome additional automakers and technology suppliers to join them in adopting this autonomous driving platform in an effort to create an industry-wide solution.


P.S.: notizia che non fa che confermare che siamo alla vigilia della smobilitazione e del "moriremo tutti"......Scusate il sarcasmo, ma ogni tanto scappa...:mrgreen:

Modificato da pennellotref
  • Mi Piace 1

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

32 minutes ago, pennellotref said:

Comunicato FCA:



P.S.: notizia che non fa che confermare che siamo alla vigilia della smobilitazione e del "moriremo tutti"......Scusate il sarcasmo, ma ogni tanto scappa...:mrgreen:

Mi hai anticipato, volevo scrivere esattamente la stessa cosa...

1 hour ago, Rohypnol said:

Vedo già la Panda con l'opzione:

  • guida autonoma livello 5 made by Rolls Royce in Goodwood, United Kingdom

Quando si continua a confondere FCA con FIAT....

  • Ahah! 1

Ecco. Quando leggo ste cose mi viene da riderissimo a pensare che c'è qualcuno che pensa che un certo brand stia sviluppando da solo queste tecnologie e sia all'avanguardia del campo e per questo molto innovativo.

  • Mi Piace 7
  • Ahah! 1

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO





Fiat Chrysler joins BMW, Intel self-driving alliance

August 16, 2017 @ 4:05 am
Alexandria Sage

Have an opinion about this story? Click here to submit a Letter to the Editor, and we may publish it in print.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is joining the self-driving alliance led by BMW Group, Intel and Mobileye, becoming the second automaker in the year-old group to opt to partner in developing an autonomous driving platform.

More automakers are seeking alliances to share the high costs of developing self-driving vehicle technology, which requires extensive r&d and software expertise outside the traditional domain of carmakers.

The group, which announced its alliance last year, plans to put its technology for both Level 3 and Level 4/5 autonomous driving into production by 2021, BMW said in a statement on Wednesday. This would match a general timeframe shared by rival automakers and technology companies that are developing such technology alone.

In a separate statement, the partners said FCA, which already has a non-exclusive alliance with Alphabet's self-driving unit, Waymo, would bring engineering and other technical resources and expertise to the deal, as well as experience in North America, the automaker's most profitable market.

FCA CEO Sergio Marchionne cited the "synergies and economies of scale" possible in joining the alliance.

Marchionne has long argued that automakers must merge in order to survive the prohibitively high costs of making more technologically advanced vehicles. In April, he said FCA was looking for new partners in self-driving development because "banking all of our solutions on one possible outcome is going to be disastrous."

Auto suppliers Delphi and Continental are also part of the alliance.

The group said it was still on track to put 40 self-driving test vehicles on the road by the end of 2017, and would learn from the 100 test vehicles to be deployed by Mobileye in the U.S. beginning later this year.

The FCA partnership with Waymo uses Chrysler Pacifica hybrid minivans for testing.



. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

Inviato (modificato)

Domandone da millemila milioni de euri :mrgreen:: quanto c'entra (se c'entra...) la presenza di MM in FCA nella conclusione di un accordo del genere ? :dubbio:



FCA will bring engineering and other technical resources and expertise to the cooperation, as well as its significant sales volumes, geographic reach and long-time experience in North America.

Citazione dal separate statement di cui sopra:

Modificato da pennellotref

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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