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ma allora che lo dicano chiaramente e una volta per tutte che alfa romeo e maserati sono marchi driver oriented, roba per Pistoheads!


che siccome sono pochi perche' oggi i giovani perdono la vista non sulle pagine di biancheria intima femminile di postalmarket come i loro padri ma sui giochi delle playstation..


si deve capire che alfa e maserati sono fatte per una nicchia di "macchinari" e non di fighetti che cercano l'aria quadrizona, quindi: si devono definire modelli investimenti specie nelle linee di montaggio adeguati alla nicchia che in realta' sono e non ai modelli generalisti di altri marchi, uno dei veri problemi di maserati e' di avere linee di produzione da mass market, cosa non dovrebbe mai essere per un marchio come quello!


in futuro la gran parte delle auto saranno taxi a guida autonoma, per allora che fca lo voglia o no, alfa romeo dovra' assomigliare piu a ferrari che ad audi, ripeto: che lo vogliano o no e' cosi'


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1 ora fa, shadow_line scrive:

ma allora che lo dicano chiaramente e una volta per tutte che alfa romeo e maserati sono marchi driver oriented, roba per Pistoheads!


che siccome sono pochi perche' oggi i giovani perdono la vista non sulle pagine di biancheria intima femminile di postalmarket come i loro padri ma sui giochi delle playstation..


si deve capire che alfa e maserati sono fatte per una nicchia di "macchinari" e non di fighetti che cercano l'aria quadrizona, quindi: si devono definire modelli investimenti specie nelle linee di montaggio adeguati alla nicchia che in realta' sono e non ai modelli generalisti di altri marchi, uno dei veri problemi di maserati e' di avere linee di produzione da mass market, cosa non dovrebbe mai essere per un marchio come quello!


in futuro la gran parte delle auto saranno taxi a guida autonoma, per allora che fca lo voglia o no, alfa romeo dovra' assomigliare piu a ferrari che ad audi, ripeto: che lo vogliano o no e' cosi'


purtroppo, anche se non me lo auguro, penso che tu abbia pienamente ragione! Questo tra l'altro significherebbe ridimensionare, e di parecchio, il livello occupazionale diretto e dell'indotto dell'automotive in Italia. Solo conquistando più quote nei mercati esteri più ricchi si può scongiurare questo scenario. Ma questo richiede un processo di ampliamento della rete di distribuzione e vendita che richiede tempo ed impegno costante, considerevoli investimenti e non ultimo, una linea di prodotti completa e continuamente aggiornati.

Vorrei sapere a che punto si trova FCA in questo momento su tutti questi quesiti per i brands Alfa e Maserati.

2 ore fa, shadow_line scrive:

ma allora che lo dicano chiaramente e una volta per tutte che alfa romeo e maserati sono marchi driver oriented, roba per Pistohead 



L’ultima volta che sentii Altavilla, prima della sue dimissioni, alla platea lo dissse chiaramente.


Alfa e Abarth (Maserati era fuori dal suo perimetro) non si sarebbero spinti troppo in là ne come guida autonoma ne come elettrificazione.

Perchè sono due marchi incentrati sul piacere di guida, e verrebbe pesantemente snaturato.

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Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

1 ora fa, TonyH scrive:


L’ultima volta che sentii Altavilla, prima della sue dimissioni, alla platea lo dissse chiaramente.


Alfa e Abarth (Maserati era fuori dal suo perimetro) non si sarebbero spinti troppo in là ne come guida autonoma ne come elettrificazione.

Perchè sono due marchi incentrati sul piacere di guida, e verrebbe pesantemente snaturato.

Sembrano dichiarazioni fatte più per cercare di giustificare una serie di scelte che ahimè purtroppo non sono state felici per i due marchi.

Comunque forse per il prossimo lustro Alfa potrebbe anche sfangarla con l'autopilot e l'elettrificazione, ma dopo questo periodo o lo riposizionano in qualche modo oppure si estinguerà.


Un’Alfa che non si guida, che Alfa sarebbe?

O una Abarth?


Che ci sarà sempre meno posto come volumi per le auto da guidare, è pacifico.

Che sia necessario andare contro completamente se stessi, non la vedo come la mossa risolutiva.

Vai poi a battagliare con chi non ha il tuo dna.

  • Mi Piace 3


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.


Io ci andrei piano con i voli pindarici sulla guida autonoma....

Chiaramente gli ADAS andranno sempre più avanti, ma sulla scomparsa TOTALE del volante dentro le auto non ci scommetterei per i prossimi 15 anni almeno

  • Mi Piace 2
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In my courtyard: 2019 Maserati Ghibli 250cv GranSport, 2017 Alfa Giulia 150cv


Vorrei essere un po' prolisso per dire la mia, anche perché queste ultime pagine sono notevolmente deprimenti per chi, diversamente giovane come me, l'auto l'ha sempre vista come una gioia da guidare e non solo un maledetto trabiccolo per portati, più o meno comodamente e più o meno economicamente, da A a B.

Questa continua accelerazione su guida autonoma ed auto elettrica non sono né possono essere la risposta alla congestione dei centri urbani, ma l'ausilio ad una società che nel mondo "ricco" (quello che può permettersi certe auto) invecchia sempre più, con l'età del ritiro spostata sine die ma con sempre la necessità/impellenza di muoversi.

Aggiungiamo il fatto che oggi più di ieri e meno di domani, l'auto sarà sempre più uno smartphone con le ruote: avrai ciò che vuoi in base a ciò che puoi pagare al mese.

Tutto questo lascerà le Case dotate di Storia Sportiva a doversi spostare verso l'alto od estinguersi, perché per tutto il resto ci saranno le Apple o Samsung dell'automotive a far da padroni nel mercato del futuro; chi vorrebbe acquistare una BMW serie 3 (marchio sportivo abbordabile del momento) a guida autonoma, quando una Mercedes classe C o Audi A4 può fare la stessa cosa ma con assemblaggi impeccabili e plastiche da orgasmo al tatto?

Certi marchi si comprano per il piacere di guida o per dimostrare agli amici al bar di potersi permettere/saper usare un'auto da sportivi... se togli la guida, togli il 95% del senso d'esistere di certe Case automobilistiche. Marchi privi di storia sportiva o così remota da essersene dimenticati, ma comunque con già una consolidata presenza sul mercato non faranno nessuna fatica a dominare anche il mercato dell'auto automatica... Mercedes, a patto di evitare cazzate colossali, resterà sempre Mercedes, per tutto il resto ci sarà sempre ampia scelta... Marchi spariranno e saranno rimpiazzati da altri di altri paesi, perché il mondo cambia e nulla è eterno... il vero problema di FCA e dei marchi italiani (e fabbriche italiane, aggiungerei) è il ritardo almeno ventennale che ci si trascina dietro, che ci lascia con enormi vuoti di gamma, modelli lanciati e poi più o meno abbandonati al mercato, enormi incertezze su come spendere i capitali affannosamente raggranellati dopo gli enormi deficit degli anni passati che quindi creano continui ripensamenti ed altri ritardi... qui, il navigare a vista può essere quasi peggio di una strategia sbagliata ma proseguita caparbiamente, perché altro non si fa che perdere tempo, ed intanto continuiamo ad aspettare "il prossimo rilancio".


PS: in casa ho una Panda III a metano del 2014 e quasi 110.000 km e una 159 TBi del 2011 con 90.000 km. La prima intendo cambiarla nel 2022 con qualcosa di equivalente (e vedremo cosa ci sarà per allora), per la seconda, se non fosse per la donna, avrei già preso uno Stelvio 280cv :wall:

  • Mi Piace 2

Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma


The Crisis Fiat Faced as It Lost an Indispensable Leader


A revealing excerpt on what the company risked with the sudden demise of CEO Sergio Marchionne.

Tommaso Ebhardt


On the morning of July 20, 2018, a warm Friday, a Fiat Chrysler corporate jet took off from Turin, Italy, with Chairman John Elkann on board. For the second time in a week, Elkann, a scion of Fiat’s founding Agnelli family, was crossing the Alps, headed for the University Hospital Zurich to try to discover what was wrong with his chief executive officer, Sergio Marchionne. Three days earlier, Elkann had been denied entry to the hospital’s intensive-care unit by Marchionne’s doctors who said it would be a violation of the patient’s privacy. The chairman hadn’t received an update on how the CEO was recovering from surgery he’d undergone at the end of June. No one at the company knew he’d been scheduled for the procedure.


Elkann had one issue on his mind. The company had told investors in its 2017 annual report that Marchionne was “critical to the execution” of its strategy, high praise yet high risk. Fiat’s market value had grown tenfold under Marchionne. What would happen if the superstar CEO—who ran three of the family’s huge companies—was incapacitated? Elkann had started evaluating options on the evening of his first visit to the Zurich hospital, as he headed to the airport after a walk by the lake with Marchionne’s partner, Manuela Battezzato. This second visit would be fraught: The company’s second-quarter results were due in five days, and media speculation was mounting over the CEO’s condition. As Elkann passed through the glass doors of the hospital, he saw Battezzato and, after speaking with her, came to the realization that his CEO was never coming back.
Marchionne ruled Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV—and the Agnellis’ other car and truck companies, Ferrari SpA and CNH Industrial NV—with the help of his phones. For the most part, he used an iPhone with a profile picture of a red Ferrari passing a rival Mercedes at a Formula One Grand Prix. He gave out daily orders via WhatsApp to more than 50 people who reported to him directly. He seemed ruled by an obsessive attitude: “It is just right to get this done, it’s that simple,” he once said to Bloomberg Businessweek. The only time Marchionne’s phones got a rest was when he went to bed—and even that produced only a three-to-four-hour respite from meetings, emails, and texts each day.


Although the exact nature of his illness hasn’t been officially released, Marchionne knew he was seriously sick a year before he died. In the weeks before he suddenly vanished into the hospital in Zurich, he appeared pale, swollen, and weak even as he worked his mobile phones, running his automotive empire. Everything went silent after he went into surgery on June 28. Only Battezzato and his closest relatives knew he was being hospitalized. Everyone else—including Elkann, who’s Fiat’s controlling shareholder; the company’s top executives; and the board of directors—was left in the dark. Marchionne’s WhatsApp account went offline; hundreds of communications were left unread. A July 5 statement from a Fiat spokesman confirming the chief executive had undergone “shoulder surgery” with a “short period of recovery foreseen” was the only update given on his condition. The Agnellis’ three companies were at risk of coming to a standstill. Marchionne always had the last word on every big decision, from approving a Jeep commercial for the Super Bowl to choosing the design of the first-ever Ferrari SUV. He even signed off on the press releases that reported on monthly auto deliveries in Europe.


On June 1, just weeks before entering the hospital, Marchionne had celebrated reaching a major target: freeing Fiat Chrysler from industrial debt by the end of the second quarter so it would be better able to weather any sudden crises. Although Marchionne usually wore dark sweaters like his idol Steve Jobs, he celebrated the milestone by putting on a tie at the presentation of the five-year plan. That day, Fiat stock neared a record high in Milan trading: The three companies that were part of Fiat when Marchionne joined the company in 2004 were now worth $80 billion in total.


Marchionne’s ultimate goal before a planned retirement in 2019 was to boost the group’s value to $100 billion. That plan required a momentous decision: Who would succeed him and take his legacy forward? He’d been considering starting his own management company with a group of close aides after leaving Fiat, but first he had to help Elkann select the right successors. “We will make the right choice on leadership, forget about it,” he said over dinner and grappa when I asked about the succession in his last sit-down interview, in January 2018. “The turkey that comes after this turkey will be a good turkey, and he’s going to be surrounded by a bunch of other turkeys who will be as fully committed as the top turkey that the new business plan works. What the f---do you care?”
In Zurich on July 20, Elkann knew he had to make that crucial decision without Marchionne at his side. Flying back to Turin—where Fiat was founded in 1899—he summoned top managers, executives, and members of the boards of Fiat, Ferrari, and CNH to assemble in the city the next day. Before they convened, he had to come up with candidates for them to consider. For Fiat, at least, that process had been under way for months. Potential candidates included Europe chief Alfredo Altavilla, Jeep boss Mike Manley, and Chief Financial Officer Richard Palmer. Elkann whittled the list down to two to discuss with the board: Palmer and Manley.


As the emergency meeting was coming together, Palmer took himself out of the race while Manley confirmed he wanted the job. So Elkann proposed Manley, who’d been key to the boom at Jeep, Fiat’s most profitable unit, where sales rose to more than 1.6 million in 2018 from 300,000 in 2009. Altavilla, Marchionne’s closest aide for over a decade, told the chairman he was going to resign. Palmer, who stayed on as CFO and has now been appointed to the board, is working closely with both Manley and Elkann on Fiat Chrysler strategy, with a new responsibility for mergers and acquisitions.

Elkann then chose Marchionne’s successor as chairman at CNH, naming Suzanne Heywood, managing director of Exor NV, the Agnelli family’s holding company, for the post. There was no obvious replacement at Ferrari because Marchionne had expected to stay at least three more years. Elkann chose Philip Morris International Inc. Chairman Louis Camilleri, a Ferrari board member, who had the international standing—and could take the job on just a few hours’ notice.

On July 21 the boards affirmed Elkann’s choices—just in time to make that night’s prime-time news shows. Four days later, Marchionne’s family announced that he’d died.
Marchionne left behind several “what ifs,” including ultimately fruitless approaches to Volkswagen AG and Peugeot SA about mergers. In 2013, Emmanuel Macron, then a top adviser to French President François Hollande, had preliminary talks with Fiat about a merger with troubled Peugeot. At the end of 2014, Marchionne was told by some of his advisers that Peugeot’s new CEO, Carlos Tavares, was interested in discussing a deal and wouldn’t compete with Fiat’s chief for the top job, according to three people familiar with the approach. But Marchionne by then had no interest. (Tavares denies making the offer.)

In 2016, Marchionne considered what was called the “Wulf Project”—an option to combine with Volkswagen’s U.S. operation in the wake of the German car company’s emission scandal. That led nowhere, and Marchionne soon turned his focus to his profit targets for Fiat Chrysler and boosting the value of its brands, which he hoped would make the company strong enough before his planned retirement to survive the disruptive electric and self-driving revolution.

There was one uncompleted project that Marchionne probably regretted to the end of his life. He wanted to create the world’s biggest carmaker by merging Fiat Chrysler with its biggest U.S. rival, General Motors Co. The plan was called “Operation Cylinder.” With Elkann, he sent three exploratory letters from 2013 to 2015 to GM executives, including new CEO Mary Barra. All went unanswered. Marchionne then tried to force Barra to the table by seeking help from activist investors. He even considered a hostile bid. In 2015, Marchionne had lined up initial commitments from European banks to finance a $60 billion cash offer for GM. But conditions weren’t right, as Elkann soon realized: It was too financially risky for indebted Fiat, and Barra had the backing of the U.S. establishment, along with top GM investors, including Warren Buffett. The Oracle of Omaha had discouraged Elkann, suggesting Barra should get her chance to run GM.

After months of preparation, Marchionne concluded he couldn’t push for a merger with GM. Clearly disappointed, he told me in an interview at his Michigan mansion, “If nobody wants you, then celibacy may be the only option.” He took out his frustration on the Agnellis, feeling a lack of support. This was one of the several ups and downs he had with Elkann, with whom he had a close relationship. But he was realistic enough to admit in private conversations that the U.S. would never allow him to wage a battle to unseat the first female CEO of the country’s biggest carmaker.
One of Elkann’s first strategic decisions after Marchionne’s death was the sale of Fiat Chrysler’s Magneti Marelli component business to KKR & Co.’s Calsonic Kansei—a move already in discussion in the months before the CEO’s final illness. That will bring more than €6 billion ($6.8 billion) of cash to the carmaker and a special dividend of €2 billion to its investors.

Since Marchionne’s death, two of the companies appear to be thriving. CNH stock has gained more than 10 percent, and Ferrari stock has recovered earlier losses with the help of strong revenue and profit.


But almost nine months after Marchionne’s death, Fiat Chrysler stock has lost more than 10 percent of its value—about €4 billion—amid a global car industry slowdown. Analysts are still worried about the company’s “durability without its architect, engineer and chief pilot at the controls,” as Bernstein Research’s Max Warburton—one of Marchionne’s favorite sparring partners—wrote in his tribute note after the CEO’s death.


Manley’s first official pronouncements as CEO didn’t help. On July 25, a few hours after Marchionne’s death was announced, he cut 2018 profit targets, and shares plunged more than 15 percent that day. Six months later, the stock took another hit when he provided investors with a weak 2019 outlook. Manley is facing a tougher-than-expected business environment, including a trade war between the U.S. and China and stricter emission rules, especially in Europe. Car sales fell globally in 2018 and are on pace for another decline this year.

As the market slows, automobile manufacturers are under intense pressure to combine efforts and investment as they develop expensive technologies. Manley has signaled that Fiat Chrysler is again open to explore ways to cooperate or even merge with other carmakers. Fresh talks with Peugeot have begun for joint investments, according to people familiar with the matter. Fiat shares have been rising since the beginning of March on speculation of a deal in the works.

Fiat Chrysler has at least two pieces of Marchionne philosophy to guide it. His Turin office was adorned with a portrait of Pablo Picasso and the motto “Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” Then there are Marchionne’s own words: “I am a fixer by nature. Things that are not well run, well structured, ready to compete, are not good things. I need to fix them.” Like everyone else in the industry, Elkann is aware that the next automotive revolution is under way—and that he and Fiat Chrysler are heading into it without Marchionne there to fix things.


—Adapted from Sergio Marchionne by Tommaso Ebhardt, published in Italian by Sperling & Kupfer

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