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General characteristics

* Crew: 9

* Capacity: 100 passengers

* Length: 202 ft 4 in[15] (61.66 m)

* Wingspan: 84 ft 0 in (25.6 m)

* Height: 40 ft 0 in (12.2 m )

* Fuselage internal length: 129 ft 0 in (39.32 m)

* Fuselage max external width: 9 ft 5 in (2.88 m)

* Fuselage max internal width: 8 ft 7 in (2.63 m)

* Fuselage max external height: 10 ft 10 in (3.32 m)

* Fuselage max internal height: 6 ft 5 in (1.96 m)

* Wing area: 3,856 ft² (358.25 m² )

* Lift/drag ratio: Low speed- 3.94, Approach- 4.35, 250 knots, 10,000 ft- 9.27, Mach 0.94- 11.47, Mach 2.04- 7.14)

* Elevon area (each): 172.22 ft² (16.0 m²)

* Tail fin area: 365.0 ft² (33.91 m²)

* Rudder area: 112.05 ft² (10.41 m²))

* Empty weight: 173,500 lb (78,700 kg)

* Useful load: 245,000 lb (111,130 kg)

* Max takeoff weight: 408,000 lb (185,070 kg)

* Maximum fuel load: 210,940 lb (95,680 kg )

* Maximum taxiing weight: 412,000 lb (186,880 kg)

* Powerplant: 4× Rolls-Royce/SNECMA Olympus 593 Mk 610 afterburning turbojets

o Dry thrust: 32,000 lbf dry (140 kN) each

o Thrust with afterburner: 38,050 lbf (169 kN) each


* Maximum speed: Mach 2.04 (1,350 mph, 2,170 km/h)

* Range: 3,900 nm (4,500 mi, 7,250 km)

* Service ceiling: 60,000 ft (18,300 m)

* Rate of climb: 1,525 m (5,000 ft)/min (25,41 m/s)

* Wing loading: lb/ft² (kg/m²)

* Thrust/weight: .373

* Fuel consumption: 46.85 lb/mi (13.2 kg/km)

* Maximum nose tip temperature: 260 °F (127 °C)





Un aereo allucinante,totalmente era l'aereo del futuro...come negli anni '70 sognavano il 2000...che tristezza...

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Un aereo allucinante,totalmente era l'aereo del futuro...come negli anni '70 sognavano il 2000...che tristezza...

Talmente antieconomico che alla fine è stato ritirato dal servizio...i prezzi stratosferici dei biglietti evidentemente non erano sufficienti a coprire i costi d'esercizio. L'incidente di Parigi del 2000 poi ha aggiunto del suo, per anticipare il pensionamento.

Decisamente il volo supersonico non si è dimostrato la strada da percorrere, per il trasporto aereo civile.

Se può consolare, la controparte sovietica del Concorde, il Tupolev Tu-144, se ricordo bene non ha mai superato lo stadio di prototipo.



Non é corretto, il Tu 144 volò per una decina di anni sia come trasporto civile che come cargo(???) e aveva anche prestazioni migliori rispetto al Concorde.

La struttura era quasi identica (infatti ci fu spionaggio) tranne per la movimentazione del muso.

La meccanica era derivata da quella militare del Tu 160 e i motori erano fra i più potenti in campo civile.

cit: "Dio inventò l'acciaio; a tutto il resto ci pensarono gli ingegneri meccanici!":lol::lol:

Non é corretto, il Tu 144 volò per una decina di anni sia come trasporto civile che come cargo(???) e aveva anche prestazioni migliori rispetto al Concorde....

Come non detto. Ero male informato.. :roll:

PS: Leggevo anch'io del fatto che ci sarebbe stato spionaggio industriale, alla base del progetto Tu-144...



riguardo al tu-144......

[...]The prototype was nearly ready to fly and there would be extensive overtime before the first flight in order to ensure they were flying before Concorde. December 31st1968 saw the first test flight. Tupolev and his sons were present as the graceful monster took to the skies and made three passes over the airfield before landing. However, the shape and grace of the aircraft was unmistakably copied from the West, and the aircraft was soon nicknamed "Konkordski". Although it was instantly recognisable as a copy, an exact copy could not be made by the Soviets as they didn't possess the necessary technology, had different measurementts, screws and bolts. The Soviets could only follow the characteristics of the design, "building around" the pieces they couldn't copy. However, the wing design was wrong and the design didn't create lift and stability through the speed ranges and so when the Tu -144 was shown off at the Paris airshow in 1973, canard foreplanes had been added to just aft of the cockpit.

At the Paris airshow of 1973, the Tu-144 was said to be cleaner and faster than Concorde ands certainly was bigger. On the third day of the show it was time for the two supersonic aircraft to duel against each other in the sky - a battle of the displays. Concorde flew first and performed a breathtaking display of the sort that we are now accustomed to from the big white wonder. Whilst on the runway, the pilot of the Konkordski was told that he now had only half the time in which to perform his display, his time had been cut. The Tu-144 took off and climbed to 4 000 feet - suddenly there was a violent change in the pitch of the aircraft and it fell out of the sky, the aircraft broke up at 1 500 feet and feel onto the nearby village. All six crew and several civilians died from the accident.

Inmediately after the crash the cover-up of the reasons for the crash began, a cover-up that seemed to involve both the French and the Soviets. In 1974 there was a joint French/Soviet statement that read that it was impossible to define the cause of the crash of the Tu-144, the "Black Box" had apparently been destroyed.This seems a most unlikely event due to the design of "Black Box"'s and the record of crashes where the Box has survived despite the aircraft plunging into the ground

Shortly before the Tu-144 took off, a French Mirage fighter launched from a nearby airfield. The Mirage was fitted with reconnaissance photographic equipment. The Tu-144 crew were not informed of the Mirage, this was in breach of the airshow regulations. The Mirage climbed to 4 000 feet and began to film the canard foreplanes of the Tu-144. As the Konkordski climbed it was climbing towards the Mirage above them. The Tu-144 suddenly burst through the clouds and saw the Mirage, in a despirate attempt to avoid a collision the Tu-144 pilot performed a -1G dive. This manoevre caused thrust to be lost as a result and the aircraft stalled. The pilots despirately tried to windmill-start the engines as the plane fell out of the sky. The crew managed to virtually recover the plane, but tragically it was too late as the airframe was overstressed to destruction. This was why there was a cover-up and why the deaths of 8 people had no explanation.

The French couldn't admit to the top secret mission of the Mirage. The official report stated that it was pilot error that led to the loss of the Tu-144, not evasive manoevres. The -1G dive caused a systems failure and structural collapse - Concorde would most probably have survived the manoevre, this is why the Soviets wanted to hide the real reasons behind the loss of the aircraft - they couldn't admit to technological failure. So despite beating the West into producing a supersonic aircraft, it appears that theirs could well have been the inferior of the two. Another explanation provided for the loss of the aircraft was that the 4th crewmember aboard the Tu-144, Benderov, was photographing for the French in the cockpit of the Konkordski. He had dropped his camera during the climb and this had wedged in the control stick well and had jammed the flight controls into the dive position, the Soviets even demonstrating the yawning joystick well to illustrate their point. However, the cockpit of the Tu-144 was discovered in the cellar of a house and their were 3 bodies pulled out, there was NO fourth person. A fireman from the scene testifies to this.

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Aereo pionieristico, assolutamente inutile quanto indispensabile.

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a proposito di Aerei, vi ricordate quella discussione con Frallog sui Multiruolo...

Beh, sull'ultimo numero di RID c'è un articolo sulla storia del Jas-39 Grippen, adottato da Svezia, Sud Africa e Rep. ceca e utilizzato come Multiruolo con ampio successo, anche se possiede caratteristiche di cellula e di spinta pari alla metà del classico esponente di questa classe di veivoli, Md f18 Hornet.

Grazie ai pod per la guida laser, avionica creata per l'EF 2000 e trapiantata sul Jas (come il casco per missili agili tipo AIM 120) e alle SDM (small diameter bomb) il Grippen sta diventando un'ottimo prodotto per il mercato internazionale andando ad insidiare l'ormai longevo F16 (utilizzato con spettacolare efficacia dagli israeliani come cacciabombardiere, confutando l'idea che aerei dalla cellula così piccola potessero svolgere tale ruolo).

cit: "Dio inventò l'acciaio; a tutto il resto ci pensarono gli ingegneri meccanici!":lol::lol:


per me quest'aereo era un capolavoro... chissà come potrebbe essere fosse stato sviluppato...

E' la prima auto al mondo con motore a 6 cilindri a V di 60 gradi e con frizione, cambio e differenziale in un unico blocco sull'asse posteriore, transaxle, ..., è il 1950 e lei è l'Aurelia. (


Bello aero,chè ha innovato il "drive by wire" al epoca . Peccato chè non volo più.

Ma...consumava troppo ( 18 T di cherosene in meno di 30 minuti al decollo ) e costava caro in manutenzione .

Non ha mai stato rentabile . Le due crisi delle gregio nelle anni 1970 ha uciso la carriera del Concorde.

Potete trovare video del Concorde su questo sito americano dedicato al aviazione.

Alfa Giulietta 1.4 MultiAir 170 Distinctive

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