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No one is out-and-out saying 'no' when we ask and even we have to admit that all the signs are pointing to an eventual majority sale of Maserati to Volkswagen Group.

It's no secret VW wants the Quattroporte platform for future Phaeton-size vehicles. Nor that the 2006 Maserati Coupe and Spyder will have several Audi components on them, particularly when it comes to all on-board electronics and a version of quattro all-wheel drive. Maserati is also sharing Audi dealers in certain markets and benefiting from Audi client services and financing structures.

Ferrari-Maserati boss Luca Cordero di Montezemolo is now head of the ultra-powerful Italian union Confindustria -- a full-time job that keeps him away from Modena and Maranello. Between this and the fact that Maserati sales are falling well behind forcasts in all markets may signal a move to divest from Maserati in favor of VW leading the show.

A Modena source says, ?This is not a surprise to hear and it?s something that has definitely been talked about since we [VW and Maserati] started our technology swap.? A Maranello contact adds, ?It?s feeling like it could happen at any time now. Nothing sure yet, but the signs are everywhere.?

:shock::shock::shock::shock: spero che questo non è vero, povera Maserati.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

Guest T a u r u s

Ma dai chi le scrive queste assurdita'....riciclano ridicole notizie di fine 2002...sic

Non penso proprio che le finanze VAG possano permetterselo

Bè magari qualche intervento un pò più serio.....

...forse lui ha ragione.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

Guest T a u r u s
Per Maserati questo sarebbe una cosa ottima come la vendità della Lancia

Povero taurus...( "esperto della disinformazione made by Fiat" )

Povera Fiat...

Ma fra la decadenza (Lancia) e la "CaccAlfa Romeo della merda", preferisco ancora la chiusura della soluzione n° 2....

L'avvenire dura tanto tempo.....

Lancia Delta HF Integrale...

Forza Lancia !!!

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