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Inviato (modificato)

E' andata.....Il Maglionato ha confermato in conference call. Cito " utility vehicle Ferrari style (come tecnologia/architettura, prezzo, esclusività, tiratura)". Sono ancora in fase di studio tecnico, ma "probabilmente ci sarà". "Il segmento è troppo grande e troppo importante per essere ignorato a lungo termine" Vedremo.....

Modificato da pennellotref
  • Mi Piace 1

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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1 ora fa, TONI dice:

qualcosa di esclusivo ci potrebbe pure stare in gamma che d'altro canto ha già una 4x4 quasi 4 posti da offrire

Imho, il vero spartiacque è stata l'FF. Fatta questa, non è utopia immaginarne una versione superiore in termini di usabilità/versatilità, con sospensioni pneumatiche ed un armamentario software spaventoso, tale da trasformarla da crossover per la settimana bianca a quasi belva da pista. Immagino già una diecina di altezze differenti garantite dalle pneumatiche (la Levante ne ha cinque, per dire....), più 6/7 settaggi diversi sul manettino :oddio::lol:

Comunque siamo ancora alla fase del "forse" (:pinoc::lol:):



Marchionne says Ferrari utility vehicle would not hurt brand or margins

August 2, 2017 @ 1:22 pm
Agnieszka Flak
Sergio Marchionne says Ferrari needs to go after customers drawn to the brand's style rather than the power of engines. Photo credit: Bloomberg


MILAN -- An expansion of Ferrari's lineup into utility vehicles would not compromise the Italian carmaker's exclusive status nor its luxury profit margins, CEO Sergio Marchionne said on Wednesday.

Marchionne has repeatedly ruled out following rivals such as Volkswagen-owned Lamborghini into SUVs.

But recent press reports have said the sports car maker is considering developing a four-seat utility vehicle to boost profits, unnerving some investors concerned it could weaken the brand.

After being spun-off from Fiat Chrysler, Ferrari has sought to show it can increase profits without the backing of its parent and lift sales.

The group has released several quarters of record earnings, helped by the launch of a number of special edition models.

But Marchionne said Ferrari was now approaching the limit of the number of cars it can produce from its current range without weakening their exclusive appeal, and needed to look beyond.

The CEO, who is set to leave the company in 2021, said if the carmaker ever made a utility vehicle it would be "Ferrari style" for "the selected few" and not to compete with the likes of Porsche.

Its claim to fame would not be "being able to climb rocks", Marchionne told analysts on a conference call, adding the board had yet to decide whether to go down that road.

"Whatever it is, it will be of the same caliber as anything else we've done."

Earlier on Wednesday, Ferrari reported a 24 percent rise in second-quarter adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) and a 14 percent increase in quarterly sales, both in line with expectations.

Revenues were helped by sales of 12-cylinder models such as the GTC4Lusso and the LaFerrari Aperta hybrid convertible.

The 812 Superfast, Ferrari's most powerful model to date that has yet to arrive on the market, already has a waiting list beyond 2018, the company said.

Ferrari is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year with a series of tailor-made cars, all inspired by iconic models from its past. Overall, the group plans to ship around 8,400 vehicles in 2017, getting closer to the 9,000 goal it has set for 2019.

The company has also been trying to broaden its appeal beyond drivers attracted by the technological prowess of its 8-cylinder and 12-cylinder models.

Marchionne said the company needed to go after customers drawn to the brand's style rather than the power of engines.

"There are more people that would buy non-extreme versions of Ferrari than those that will buy extreme versions," he said, adding this move did not mean compromising on price.

The GTC4Lusso T, a four-seater with a smaller V8 turbo engine, was marketed as "designed to be driven every day", raising expectations of other such releases from the Maranello, Italy-based factory.

"We see volume expansion as the most positive and exciting thread to the bull case," Evercore ISI analyst George Galliers said in a note.

Marchionne said Ferrari would unveil a new strategy to 2022 early next year and that it would give an indication on how it would expand the luxury brand beyond cars.


Modificato da pennellotref
  • Mi Piace 1

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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14 ore fa, Shangri-La dice:


Le emozioni sono le prestazioni o il rumore? ;-)

Il rumore più delle prestazioni, senza dubbio. Per fare un' esempio, tra una 124 Abarth e una Porsche 718 io sono molto più attratto dalla prima, al netto dei prezzi diversi e delle prestazioni totalmente su due pianeti diversi. Un' auto che fa 0-100 in un millesimo di secondo ma è più silenziosa del mio aspirapolvere è per me il demonio. Io sono convinto che una nicchia di auto per appassionati, ibride plug in magari ma con un motore a scoppio per divertirsi ogni tanto, resisterà.


Tornando al Suv Ferrari (:afraid:) io spero che non cedano, anche se ci credo poco ormai, ci sono troppi indizi. Mi conforta (poco) il fatto che non si parli di un vero e proprio carrarmato tipo Levante, Cayenne o il futuro Urus, ma di una sportiva rialzata.


Comunque che tempi che ci aspettano, auto che si guidano da sole, col rumore di un frullatore e Ferrari sui tacchi :wall:

Speriamo davvero che qualcosa di guidabile per gli appassionati ci sia sempre.

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