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Update 03.05.2024


• 12Cilindri ➡️ PRESENTATA!

• 12Cilindri Spider ➡️ PRESENTATA!

• F250 ~ Hypercar ➡️ SPY TOPIC



• F173 M ~ SF90 MCA ➡️ SPY TOPIC 

• F171 VS ~ 296 VS ➡️ SPY TOPIC

• F244 ~ Crossover BEV ➡️ SPY TOPIC


Modelli in presentazione fino al 2030

• F175 VS ~ Purosangue VS

• F169 M ~ Roma MCA 

• F245 ~ Sportcar BEV ➡️ RUMORS TOPIC

• F246 ~ Sportcar BEV Cabrio

• Icona V8

• Icona V12




Modelli presentati nel corso del 2021


• Daytona SP3 ➡️ PRESENTATA!

Modelli presentati nel corso del 2022


• Purosangue ➡️ PRESENTATA!


Modelli presentati nel corso del 2023

• Roma Spider ➡️ PRESENTATA!

• SF90 XX Stradale & Spider ➡️ PRESENTATA!

Messaggi Raccomandati:

Da quello che ho capito in Ferrari dicono che la parte ibrida su un V12 non riduce in modo significativo i consumi. Che l'ibrido ha senso solo se si riducono i cilindri e quindi gli ingombri e il peso del motore. 

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40 minuti fa, mydog scrive:

Da quello che ho capito in Ferrari dicono che la parte ibrida su un V12 non riduce in modo significativo i consumi. Che l'ibrido ha senso solo se si riducono i cilindri e quindi gli ingombri e il peso del motore. 


Potrebbero aggiungere un ibrido leggero al V12.

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  • 1 mese fa...
27 minuti fa, Unperdedor scrive:


Quello è un mulo della LaFerrari che un collezionista ha comprato e si è fatto adattare all’uso stradale, per quello che ne so. 


“Lei” in quanto protagonista del thread in cui si parla di F173... ?

  • Mi Piace 1
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Conference call Ferrari.



John Murphy

Good afternoon everybody. Just a first question on the timing of product unveils as we go through the course of the year. It sounds like we'll have a new product in the end of the month in addition to the Tributo. It sounds like there's three more coming. Just wondering what the timing of those other three unveils will be?

And then also if we should think about the Tributo and the new product coming at the end of May as combined the replacement for the 488? Or will we see something else, a replacement of 488? I'm just trying to understand there what that actual replacement will be and when we'll see it

Louis Camilleri

Hi, John. The Tributo is a successor of the 488. The model that's coming in three weeks' time will be at the high end and it will have a supercar performance. When I say it's a high end, it will be above the 812 Superfast. So it's not a 488 replacement per se.

With regard to the other three models, two will probably be presented in September and the last one towards the end of the year. Does that answer your question?


Adam Jonas

Okay. And since you mentioned the Purosangue, it seems to me at least that your 2022 targets should be achievable without any help from the Purosangue. I say that, because I know that in the details of the presentation that there was this – the launch or ramp could be at the very end of the 2022 horizon. But I just want to make sure the messaging is right that to achieve your 2022 targets it's – the Purosangue can help but it doesn't appear to be make or break based on that model. That models benefits are more beyond 2022. Have I thought about that right Louis?


Louis Camilleri

Well, it's clearly in the numbers. So, it obviously more than helped. I think its part of the whole mix in terms of meeting those targets. So I wouldn't venture to say that without it we would absolutely certainly make the target, but I think we're confident that we can make the target and we can make it with the Purosangue.

Adam Jonas

Okay. And then just finally Louis on EVs. Can you tell us how you and the management team are looking at make-or-buy decisions with respect to key battery components, cells, software pack in terms of your room to collaborate with partners that have huge scale and a part of the product that maybe the consumer doesn't see? Or does this have to be done within the house of Ferrari as you leverage your Formula one expertise in design and thermal and everything else? I just – I know I'm throwing a lot at you there but just – can you give us a sense of what you buy in versus do in-house on those critical components going forward?

Louis Camilleri

Well, clearly we work with our privileged suppliers but – and it's something we'll study. But ultimately I think we're leaning towards make rather than buy to assure a competitive advantage in terms of the battery the cells et cetera.

Thomas Besson

Thank you very much. I'll have just two quick questions please. Can you talk about the evolution of your industrial organization as you ramp up volumes substantially with the increase of the Portofino? I think 10 years ago, there was a decline in other volumes when the California was ramped up this time around. Everything else is still going fine. So it looks like you're going to cross 10,000 units this year. Can you explain how you manage that within the plant?

Are you moving to the two-shift organization already? Or are you managing to do that with the existing pattern? And then the second question, I would just like you to remind us of the potential consequence for the company if you cross 10,000 units this year in terms of various – due to constraints or potential cost constraints? Thank you very much.

Louis Camilleri

Thank you. As we've said in terms of the assets, whilst we had a few investments that we already disclosed, the main focus has been on the labor force and training it. And as I mentioned earlier, the reduction in the Maserati volumes the engine volumes has allowed us to shift some talented employees to the car side. So net-net, we haven't increased dramatically. And clearly, because of the assets we have we will eventually move to full second shift. With regard to the implications of crossing the 10,000 barrier initially the costs associated with that are really frankly not material.

Stephen Reitman

Yes. Good afternoon. I have two questions please. The first is on R&D capitalization. The second is on personalization. On R&D capitalization, it was quite notable that you've had a substantial reduction sequentially in your R&D capitalization rate from the sort of 44% level we've seen in the third and the fourth quarters down to 30%. So I'd say that, the quality of your EBIT result was better measured that way. Can we expect a seasonal pattern that there'll be any increase as we go in the – towards the – or further into this year that we could see this capitalization ratio increase again?

My second question is about personalization. And the question to what extent does the personalization. And the question to what extent does the personalization rate so align with your product launch cadence? I would suspect that as with your newer products, your ability to demand a higher degree of personalization has a way of securing -- your place in the queue is greater. Is that a factor? Thank you.


Louis Camilleri

Your assumption regarding R&D capitalization is correct. It will increase as the year unfolds. With regard to personalization, we're at about 18% in the first quarter, and we assume that the 18% will probably be the number for the full year. We don't actually give people a higher slot, because they've got higher personalization. That's not the way it works.

Philippe Houchois

2%, right. Okay. I get the difference there. Right. And then, I have one last question, it's kind of a -- just a novice question on Ferrari, but I'm looking at, historically, it took Ferrari about three years if I remember to deliver all the Apertas that were ordered. And I'm just wondering if you sold about 500 Monzas right away, but some of the deliveries will only happen in four years or so. And I'm just wondering how do you choose the sequence of deliveries to customers?

And is basically the customer getting a car in year four is getting the same car? Or are you constantly improving the Monza? Or will you constantly be improving the Monza? So that is -- I wouldn't say -- it's kind of a bad choice of word but a fresh product as opposed to a rather old product? I'm just wondering how you manage that, if you can help me understand.

Louis Camilleri

I think the premise of your question is it would take four years. In fact, it won't take four years. By the end of 2021, the Monza SP1 and SP2 will have been delivered.

Philippe Houchois

Right. But will it be technically the same car? Or will it be improved?

Louis Camilleri


Philippe Houchois

Or it will be technically the same car?

Louis Camilleri

Exactly the same car.

Philippe Houchois

And so -- and how do you manage disappointment when your customers to be - getting a car in year three as opposed to getting a car in year one?


Louis Camilleri

Well, that's been somewhat the issue that Ferrari has lived with for years.

Philippe Houchois


Louis Camilleri

It's something we're very mindful of in terms of balancing the order book, which I have to admit, is incredibly strong at the moment, and drives some of the volume that you see. Because we want to ensure that the waiting lists are not too long. The biggest complaint we get come from customers is that the waiting list is too long on certain specific models. And that's a very delicate balance that we try to achieve. So we certainly don't want to increase the waiting list, but we have to retain the exclusivity of our brand as well. And that's the balance we are very mindful of and that we try to ensure that we have right all along as the year unfolds.

Philippe Houchois

Yes. Okay. Thank you very much.

Louis Camilleri

Thank you.

Ryan Brinkman

Hi. Thanks for taking my question. I just wanted to check in. You mentioned the tariffs briefly, but if you could comment on the regulatory environment how you think that's going to unfold and the potential ability for Ferrari to obtain any exceptions from any tariffs that are imposed?

Louis Camilleri

I'm not sure we can get exemptions on tariffs. But clearly as we move to hybridization relative to combustible engines in certain markets we do get tax benefits. So we intend to clearly use those opportunities.

Ryan Brinkman

Okay. Great. And then with Ferrari being recognized as the world's strongest brand it mentions in the slide deck. What is your latest thought with regards to sponsorship commercial and brand opportunity? In some of the past calls you've talked about wanting to move slowly and deliberately in order to get that right. Are there any examples during the quarter of opportunities that were right for you or something that you're leaning toward?


Louis Camilleri

As I think, I mentioned in my earlier remarks we're in the process of really cleaning up the portfolio. So we're exiting some categories. We've selected some categories that we want to exit, but we have contracts and license agreements. So we have to wait for those to expire. And we have selected the categories that we wish to exploit going forward. But I'll tell you a lot more about that when we announce our third quarter, if that's fair.

Ryan Brinkman

Sure thing. And then just lastly are there any other brands automobiles or otherwise beyond Maserati that Ferrari would be potentially interested in selling engines to?

Louis Camilleri

The answer is a categoric, no.

Ryan Brinkman

Great. Thank you very much.


Giulio Pescatore

Okay. Just maybe one last one, you mentioned that in the Capital Markets Day that you started investing in a new HMI system. When will we see the first fruit of this investment? Will we have to wait until the Purosangue gets unveiled or can we see something earlier on?

Louis Camilleri

You will see something in three weeks' time.




  • Mi Piace 2

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