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Update 17.10.2024


• F171 VS ~ 296 VS ➡️ SPY TOPIC

• F173 M ~ SF90 MCA ➡️ SPY TOPIC 

• F169 M ~ Roma MCA ➡️ SPY TOPIC

• F244 ~ Crossover BEV ➡️ SPY TOPIC


Modelli in presentazione fino al 2030

• F175 VS ~ Purosangue VS

• F245 ~ Sportcar BEV ➡️ RUMORS TOPIC

• F246 ~ Sportcar BEV Cabrio

• Icona V8

• Icona V12




Modelli presentati nel corso del 2021


• Daytona SP3 ➡️ PRESENTATA!

Modelli presentati nel corso del 2022


• Purosangue ➡️ PRESENTATA!


Modelli presentati nel corso del 2023

• Roma Spider ➡️ PRESENTATA!

• SF90 XX Stradale & Spider ➡️ PRESENTATA!


Modelli presentati nel corso del 2024

• 12Cilindri ➡️ PRESENTATA!

• 12Cilindri Spider ➡️ PRESENTATA!


Messaggi Raccomandati:

3 ore fa, YouDude scrive:

La roadmap dovrebbe essere questa: far entrare Maserati in Ferrari nel 2025, con Alfa che segue nel 26, nel 27 Lancia, poi Abarth, Fiat e così via fino al 2040, quando il gruppo sarà completo e cambierà nome in FCA (Ferrari Corporate Automobiles). A quel punto si deciderà di scorporare Ferrari, che diventerà una società autonoma quotata, e il resto del gruppo continuerà cambiando nome e fondendosi con Renault finché una decina di anni dopo non decideranno di cedere Maserati a Ferrari e ricomincerà il valzer.

Time is a flat circle...

Maledetto hahaha, le prime righe ci stavo credendo

  • Ahah! 5

Comunque forse arriveranno a produrre ventimila Ferrari all’anno ma io in giro vedo sempre le stesse, poche, e anche d’epoca ormai. Per ora non vedo il pericolo di diluizione del prestigio del marchio anche perché non le regalano.

  • Mi Piace 1

Corsi e ricorsi storici. Non sanno più cosa farne di Maserati. Già alla fine degli anni '90 Maserati fu accorpata a Ferrar, con grande disappunto di Montezemolo, che vedeva Maserati una palla al piede per Ferrari, una zavorra che penalizzava i conti del cavallino. Ora ci riprovano per la seconda volta. Speriamo che finisca meglio dalla volta scorsa

  • Mi Piace 1



Ferrari says new plant will boost flexibility, shorten car development times

By Reuters

June 21, 20244:07 PM GMT+2Updated 20 hours ago


MARANELLO, Italy June 21 (Reuters) - Ferrari (RACE.MI), opens new tab will use its new production site to boost manufacturing flexibility and shorten the time needed to develop and roll out new models, rather than to increase output, the CEO of the Italian luxury sports carmaker said on Friday.

Ferrari's so called e-building in its home town of Maranello, northern Italy, for which it has invested around 200 million euros ($214 million), will also produce its first fully electric (EV) car, expected to be launched at the end of next year.

"This building will allow us to shorten time to market or product development time," CEO Benedetto Vigna said at the plant's inauguration, adding these two activities sometimes currently overlap on existing assembly lines.

Vigna said Ferrari was not pushing for volume but for value.

"So, more money per car basically. We want to grow the company but not because we increase volumes," he said, adding a key tool to expand revenues from car sales was personalisations.

Personalisations are the touches that a customer requests to make the model more suited to their tastes, both inside and out.

"We want to have more tools, technology tools ... more flexibility to accommodate the need of more personalisation of our clients," Vigna said.

Ferrari's first EV will cost no less than half a million euros, Reuters reported earlier this week, and a second EV model is already under development.

The 42,500 square metre (457,466 sq. ft) new facility, which adds to the existing one in Maranello, gives Ferrari an additional car assembly line. It increases the company's overall theoretical output capacity to around 20,000 cars per year, versus less than 14,000 it delivered in 2023, Reuters has reported.

The company will also make key in-house components for EVs at the new plant, including axles, motors and battery assembly.

However, it will also use it to produce hybrid and traditional combustion-engine models, as it has plans to offer in the future a mix of the three engine types, to serve different kind of clients.

"The plant ... reflects the principle of technological

neutrality," Ferrari said in a statement.

It "will allow Ferrari to reorganise and reallocate all production activities more efficiently among its existing facilities in Maranello, increasing its ability to adapt quickly to production needs," it added.

The new plant will roll out its first cars in January of next year, while series production of Ferrari's first EV will start in January 2026, Vigna said.


. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

  • 4 settimane fa...
17 ore fa, STEVEC scrive:

In my humble opinion, it is a new 296 VS mulotipo



Very strange the air side intakes are quite huge compared to 296 and there are two holes on the front bonnet as this mule:



  • Mi Piace 1
On 16/07/2024 at 13:15, Tifoso30 scrive:

Very strange the air side intakes are quite huge compared to 296 and there are two holes on the front bonnet as this mule:



Qualcuno sa qualcosa su questo muletto? potrebbe essere la F40 Icona o tipo un nuovo modello nella gamma?🤔

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