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Messaggio aggiunto da __P,


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Do you believe we will see any test mules on the road before the launch?

Since it will be a partnership between AR and Zagato, they should test it before to get a better setup of the driving dynamics (ESP, ABS, etc.) to put up a fight agains the M4 CSL.

19 hours ago, S4LV4T0R3 said:

Provando ad indovinare …


I think you are EXTREMELY close to the final product. But even if you're not, it's still a brilliant sketch

  • Mi Piace 1
14 minuti fa, savio.79 scrive:

Sembrerebbe che il padiglione sia in alluminio; oppure che l’auto sia verniciata bicolore verde argento.

Più probabile che sia verde col padiglione nero e che i riflessi ingannino

4 ore fa, TobiasAluz scrive:

Do you believe we will see any test mules on the road before the launch?

Since it will be a partnership between AR and Zagato, they should test it before to get a better setup of the driving dynamics (ESP, ABS, etc.) to put up a fight agains the M4 CSL.

There's the need to test the new platform with all the systems. 

Probably, later on the road.

  • Mi Piace 1
On 12/9/2022 at 6:22 PM, fedegta said:

Teaser su IG

Queste Immagini mi fanno pensare che all’acquisto dell’auto è prevista una fornitura di allucinogeni…

  • Ahah! 5
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