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Ma l'ultima Micra come va come vendite ? A me pare brutta e ne vedo pure poche... che senso ha avuto non farla su un pianale renault a Flins in una fabbrica renault assieme a Clio ?


On 28/1/2022 at 12:58, Tempra Veloce scrive:

solo quando stanno in fiat elementi del genere non emergono...

In Realtà lui essendo, stato il "figlioccio" del boss, è andato in Orbita con l'ottimo lancio del Marchio Abarth, ancora oggi vendono a peso d'oro delle 500 abarth alle quale cambiano il colore, i cerchi e mantengono il climatronic della panda della panda 2003, De Meo un genio un martello, poi ha proseguito nel gruppo vag, dove il Marchio Cupra, ora sta quasi per superare altri marchi del gruppo.

Mai avuto dubbi sulle sue capacità

  • Mi Piace 1



Le domande se le dovevano fare gia' quando hanno fatto uscire quel cesso di Primera p12 su base laguna...l inizio della fine.

Toyota Corolla Hybrid HB

Fiat panda 4x4 twinair 

10 ore fa, alfagtv scrive:

Le domande se le dovevano fare gia' quando hanno fatto uscire quel cesso di Primera p12 su base laguna...l inizio della fine.

Qui queste bestemmie non sono accettate.

Nissan Primera P12: recensioni dei clienti e parere dei professionisti

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Nissan e Infiniti anticipano due modelli EV da prodursi in America dal 2025 nello stabilimento sito in Missisippi

Sono due sedan fastback e non SUV. 








Press Release:


  • Nissan to invest $500 million to transform Canton assembly plant to build all-new Nissan and Infiniti EV models starting in 2025; the company has now invested $13.5 billion in its U.S. manufacturing operations
  • Investment supports retraining and upskilling nearly 2,000 jobs, transforming the Canton plant into a center for EV manufacturing and technology
  • EV investment one of several in the U.S. over the next five years; by 2030, targeting 40% of US vehicle sales to be fully electric, with even more to be electrified
  • New vehicles are part of Nissan Ambition 2030, calling for 23 electrified models for the Nissan and INFINITI brands globally, including 15 all-electric vehicles, by 2030


Canton, Miss. – Nissan today shared details on how its Canton Vehicle Assembly Plant will become a center for U.S. EV production. The company is transforming Nissan Canton with the latest in EV manufacturing technology to support production of two all-new, all-electric vehicles.

The investment for EV production will total $500 million, preserving and upskilling nearly 2,000 jobs, with production expected to begin in 2025.

“Today’s announcement is the first of several new investments that will drive the EV revolution in the United States,” said Ashwani Gupta, chief operating officer, Nissan Motor Corporation, Ltd. “Nissan is making a strong investment in Canton’s future, bringing the latest technology, training and process to create a truly best-in-class EV manufacturing team.”

Nissan’s investment is supported by strong partnerships with state, county and local governments.

“For nearly two decades, Mississippians have kept our state at the forefront of the world’s automotive industry,” said Governor Tate Reeves. “The announcement that Nissan Canton is shifting some production to EVs further positions Mississippi as a leader in this crucial economic sector. We are a top state for automotive leaders, and this significant investment by Nissan in the Canton facility lets the world know that we are open for business and our workforce is ready to take on these in-demand jobs of the future.”

Ambition 2030

Today’s announcement supports Nissan Ambition 2030, calling for 23 electrified models for the Nissan and Infiniti brands globally, including 15 all-electric vehicles, by 2030.

Ambition 2030 will deliver exciting, electrified vehicles and technological innovations. Taking account of critical environmental, societal and customer needs, Ambition 2030 underpins the company’s aim to empower mobility and beyond for a cleaner, safer and more inclusive world.

Nissan has set the goal to achieve carbon neutrality across the company’s global operations and the life cycle of its products by 20501 by pursuing further innovations in electrification and manufacturing technology. As part of this effort, Nissan is targeting 40 percent of its U.S. vehicle sales volume to be fully electric by 2030, with even more to be electrified.

Canton Vehicle Assembly Plant

Canton Vehicle Assembly Plant is celebrating 19 years of manufacturing operations in 2022. The plant employs approximately 5,000 people and has built nearly 5 million vehicles since opening in 2003. The plant currently builds four models: Altima, Frontier, TITAN and TITAN XD.

With this announcement, Nissan now has invested $4 billion in the facility. The company has invested more than $13 billion in its U.S. manufacturing operations collectively.

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Nissan USA

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12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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  • 1 mese fa...

Renault industrial activities in Russia are suspended

Boulogne-Billancourt, March 23rd, 2022 – The Board of Directors of Renault Group met today and approved the following items:

  • Renault Group activities in its manufacturing plant in Moscow are suspended as of today.
  • Regarding its stake in AVTOVAZ, Renault Group is assessing the available options, taking into account the current environment, while acting responsibly towards its 45,000 employees in Russia.

Renault Group reminds that it already implements the necessary measures to comply with international sanctions.


Consequently, Renault Group has to revise its 2022 financial outlook with:

  • A Group operating margin of around 3% (vs ≥ 4% previously);
  • A positive automotive operating free cash flow (vs ≥ €1Bn previously).


A non-cash adjustment charge amounting to the accounting value of the consolidated intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and goodwill should be recorded at the time of the 2022 first half results. As of December 31, 2021, this value amounted to 2,195 million euros.


Renault Group remains focused on implementing its Renaulution strategic plan. The Group will pursue its commercial policy focused on value, strengthen its competitiveness, and accelerate its cost reduction program.

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  • 2 settimane fa...
Inviato (modificato)

Possibile IPO a 2023 della parte Renault elettrica come compensazione per la perdita di Lada, decisione finale secondo DeMeo per la "capital days" in autonno.







Modificato da 4200blu
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