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Parole di Wortmann....

“The R8 is our brand icon. But icons of the past do not necessarily become icons of the future. The successor to the R8 will not be just the R8 with an electric motor. It should be an R8, but different, ”


..non credo che ci vediamo un futuro "2 posti motore centrale elettrico" come successore per la R8 attuale.


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6 minuti fa, 4200blu scrive:

Parole di Wortmann....

“The R8 is our brand icon. But icons of the past do not necessarily become icons of the future. The successor to the R8 will not be just the R8 with an electric motor. It should be an R8, but different, ”


..non credo che ci vediamo un futuro "2 posti motore centrale elettrico" come successore per la R8 attuale.


Bah, da quello che viene detto qui, sarà una R8 elettrica ma non per come la conosciamo. 


O vorrà dire: non sarà una R8 soltanto con un motore elettrico, ma con qualche sorpresa. 

1 minuto fa, Beckervdo scrive:

Se R sta per RennSport...non se ne potranno uscire con un SUV, che diamine!


Ma non credo. 

Hanno detto che sarà un SUV l'ultima Audi con un motore ICE, e da come parlano della R8, non sarà sicuramente un SUV. 


La Wortmann considera la futura R8 come 'halo car'. 

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credo le interesse di Diess sono altre..........


VW chairman sees higher transition costs from autonomous shift

Automaker plans to invest $178B by 2025


MUNICH -- Volkswagen may have to spend more to deliver its planned transformation, Hans Dieter Poetsch, the automaker's supervisory board chairman said, particularly a shift towards autonomous driving.

VW, which plans to invest 150 billion euros ($178 billion) in its business by 2025, has repeatedly said that it can fund the transition towards electric vehicles and autonomous driving based on current cash flows.

"We are in a phase where substantial free cash flows are being generated. That means we can pay out good dividends as well as comfortably fund our business going forward," Hans Dieter Poetsch told Reuters at the Munich auto show.

"But of course, we are in an environment in which we cannot rule out that larger sums, for example in the field of autonomous driving, have to be invested," Poetsch, who is also CEO of Porsche SE, which is VW's largest shareholder.

"It is therefore recommendable to think one or two steps ahead," Poetsch added, without specifying details.

Toyota said on Tuesday it expects to spend more than $13.5 billion by 2030 to develop batteries and a battery supply system as the automaker moves to deliver its first full-electric lineup next year.

Poetsch declined to comment on a potential initial public offering of luxury car division Porsche, which sources told Reuters in May is a scenario VW has contemplated should it require more money to pay for its strategy.

"From today's point of view our financial situation is relatively comfortable. And as part of our planning rounds, which we are holding each year, we are regularly reviewing where there is a need," Poetsch said.

Analysts say that a partial IPO of Porsche, speculation over which has regularly lifted VW's stock, could value the unit at 45 billion euros to 90 billion, a major lever VW could pull to fill its coffers.

"The clever finance executive will always have a list with options for how to provide extended financial flexibility for the company," Poetsch added.




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Quindi in Audi hanno cambiato idea? Meglio così, non me l'aspettavo. Io mi aspetto forti sinergie per entrambi i modelli, per la TT concordo con chi ipotizza parentele con la futura 718 EV, ma la R8 non è detto la facciano solo elettrica: l'unico modello del gruppo con cui poter condividere qualcosa dovrebbe essere la sostituta della Huracan, e quella dovrebbe essere ibrida, magari Audi userà lo stesso powertrain.

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4 minuti fa, xtom scrive:

Incredibile VW: attacca Angela Merkel di essere stata troppo timida nel facilitare il cambiamento, con una tassazione troppo generosa sul diesel.


..cosa e falso con questo che dice Diess?

Ancora oggi un litro diesel e tassata circa 20ct di meno come un litro benzina. Perche? Con quale giustificazione si spiega questo in Germania? Almeno una tassazione uguale come per la benzina si potrebbe attendere.


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4 minuti fa, davos scrive:

Sta cambiando l'aria in Germania e vag si butta dove le conviene. Ci sarà un governo rossoverde e potranno vendere le loro lavatrici più facilmente.

Non è affatto scontato un governo rosso verde... e comunque se VAG volesse "imporre" aumenti degli incentivi e i disincentivi per i carburanti fossili si troverebbero i gilet gialli al cubo a Berlino.

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Aggiornamenti OTA ora disponibili su tutta la gamma ID.

Metto qui l'informazione in quanto non ho trovato una discussione specifica più adatta.



Volkswagen introduces Over-the-Air Updates for all ID. models

  • Volkswagen continues process of transformation into software-oriented mobility provider
  • Free updates for ID.301, ID.402 and ID.4 GTX03 to be made available immediately
  • First update will see customers benefit from optimised surroundings recognition, more intuitive operability of the infotainment system, and other new features
  • Volkswagen CEO Brandstätter: “Our Over-the-Air Updates allow us to lay the foundation for new digital business models as we reach a key milestone in our ACCELERATE strategy.”

Volkswagen is taking the next big step towards becoming a software-oriented mobility provider with its ACCELERATE strategy. Effective immediately, all ID. models will receive regular software updates via mobile data transfer. The updates had previously only been available as part of a test phase for customers who had registered with the “ID. First Movers Club”. The “ID. Software 2.3” offers new functions and optimises existing ones. Networking the entire ID. fleet will allow Volkswagen to lay the foundation for new, customer-oriented business models. Thus far, Volkswagen remains the only high-volume manufacturer to provide this technology for its customers.


“Full availability of our Over-the-Air Updates underlines the innovative capacity of Volkswagen and forms the basis for a completely new, digital customer experience,” says Volkswagen CEO Ralf Brandstätter. “At the same time, we are laying the foundation for new digital business models and hitting a key milestone in our ACCELERATE strategy.”

Over-the-Air Updates as the basis for new business models and additional revenue

In future, the company plans to provide its customers with free software around every twelve weeks to keep the vehicles up to date and improve the customer experience. Volkswagen is also aiming to generate increased revenue during the usage phase with new, data-based business models – for services and functions that the customer can now order as required, whenever these are needed. For example, this could be Travel Assist or improved battery performance for long journeys, or even automated driving at a later point in time. Volkswagen sees the potential to generate hundreds of millions in additional revenue over the next few years.

Focus on the customer

The Over-the-Air Updates are being developed in close collaboration with CARIAD, the Volkswagen Group's software company. “The new updates are a central functionality of the digital, connected car. They will quickly become normal for our customers, in the same way as they have for their smartphones,” says Thomas Ulbrich, Member of the Board of Management for Technical Development. “Software development is iterative and fast. We work in short cycles, like a tech company, and provide updates to our customers at correspondingly short intervals.”

Volkswagen also wants to stay in touch with its customers after selling or leasing the car, to provide digital services. “Vehicles that always have the latest software on board can provide an excellent digital customer experience and are therefore of the utmost importance for our future success,” adds Ulbrich. “Thanks to regular updates, the car will not just remain up-to-date – it will become even better.”

Update optimises functions for security and comfort

Some of the new functions affect the ID. Light, a light strip at the bottom of the windscreen. It now gives the driver information that can provide intuitive support for energy-saving driving, and when driving with the automatic distance control system “Active Cruise Control” (ACC). Image processing has also been improved for the multifunction camera, allowing it to recognise motorcycles and other road users even more swiftly. The same applies when driving in the dark. If installed, dynamic main beam control allows even more precise headlight regulation. The graphics on the central infotainment display become calmer and clearer, with more intuitive operation – showing how Volkswagen reacts to feedback from the first ID. customers.

The digital customer experience is becoming a focal point for all development steps for products and services across the entire vehicle lifecycle. As part of the ACCELERATE strategy, Over-the-Air Updates lay the foundation for new business models and customer-centric product optimisation.

Fonte: Volkswagen


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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