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10 hours ago, 4200blu said:

Finalmente, meglio tardi come mai. 


Assolutamente, Diess è stata una catastrofe.

Ha messo al mondo la piattaforma MEB che è costata un fottio di soldi, ma che se le prende dai coreani (tecnologia 800V), tant che la devono già cestinare. Parliamo non solo di milliardi buttati al vento, ma parliamo di leadership tecnologico perso.


Poi aggiungiamoci che Diess non era affatto un car guy, ha tagliato le pochissime VW un po' più "fun" (Maggiolino, Scirocco, ecc.) e ha fatto uscire delle VW con problemi di qualità evidenti (T-Roc, in cui hanno dovuto rifare l'interno per il facelift)...


Che vada via dall'automotive e vada a vendere lavatrici.

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"But before the most charismatic car maker of them all finally went, they left us with a final reminder of what they can do, when they try" (Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear)

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Oliver Blume follows Herbert Diess as Chairman of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Group

  • Oliver Blume takes over as Chairman of the Group Board of Management and remains at the same time Chairman of the Board of Management of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
  • Supervisory Board introduces generation change and thanks Herbert Diess for his great accomplishments in connection with the Group’s transformation
  • Volkswagen CFO Arno Antlitz assumes additional role as COO on the Group Board of Management

In its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG appointed Oliver Blume as the new Chairman of the Group Board of Management. He will take over this position with effect as of 1 September 2022, combining this with his role as Chairman of the Board of Management of Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG and continuing in the latter capacity also after a possible IPO. Herbert Diess will at the same time resign as Chairman of the Board of Management by mutual agreement.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hans Dieter Pötsch, thanked Herbert Diess on behalf of the entire board: “During his tenure as Chairman of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars Brand and as Chairman of the Group Board of Management, Herbert Diess played a key role in advancing the transformation of the company. The Group and its brands are viable for the future; its innovative capabilities and earning power are strengthened. Mr. Diess impressively demonstrated the speed at which and consistency with which he was able to carry out far-reaching transformation processes. Not only did he steer the company through extremely turbulent waters, but he also implemented a fundamentally new strategy.”


From the Supervisory Board’s point of view, Herbert Diess in particular came up with a number of innovative product ideas, redesigned product portfolios and established the clear focus on electromobility. Groundbreaking platform-based approaches have been initiated such as, recently, in the case of battery cells as well as mobility services. He can be credited with the new organisational orientation of the group with more independent regions, the introduction of brand groups and series just as the new personnel orientation of top management and the members of the Brand Board of Management. In addition, the Group’s capital market focus has been advanced and the viability of key Group sites safeguarded.

In today’s meeting, the Supervisory Board also resolved that Group CFO Arno Antlitz will additionally assume the position of COO and thus assist Blume with day-to-day operations.

Born in Braunschweig, Oliver Blume joined the Volkswagen Group in 1994 and, since then, has held management positions for the brands AUDI, SEAT, Volkswagen and Porsche. He has been the Chairman of the Board of Management at Porsche since 2015 and a member of the Group Board of Management since 2018. “Oliver Blume has proven his operational and strategic skills in various positions within the Group and in several brands and has managed Porsche AG from a financial, technological and cultural standpoint with great success for seven years running. From the Supervisory Board’s point of view, he is now the right person to lead the Group and to further enhance its customer focus and the positioning of its brands and products”, said the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hans Dieter Pötsch. In addition, Oliver Blume, together with the entire Board of Management, is to continue to press ahead with the transformation – with a leadership culture that makes teamwork a top priority.




Wall boxes from Elli can now also be ordered in Italy, Sweden and Spain

  • Uncomplicated, independent and economical: three user-friendly wall box models for electric vehicles of all manufacturers 
  • Three transparent charging tariffs, each with fixed prices per kilowatt hour

The Volkswagen subsidiary Elli, which has Group-wide responsibility for all activities relating to the topic of charging and energy, is expanding its offer. The three brand-neutral wall box models are now also available in Italy, Sweden and Spain, following on from Germany. All chargers allow charging at home with a maximum charging capacity of 11 kW and are therefore up to eight times faster than a household socket. Three flexible and transparent charging tariffs are offered. The “Drive Highway” tariff for long-distance drivers has already been hailed in Germany as “the cheapest charging tariff from an independent provider” by the Europe-wide market analysis “E-Mobility Excellence Comparison 2022”.


The three wall box models from Elli are called “Standard”, “Connect” and “Pro”. They are compatible with current and future electric vehicles of the Volkswagen brands as well as all cars from other manufacturers with a Type-2 connector. Other common features include a charging capacity of up to 11 kW and an integrated 4.5 or 7.5 metre long charging cable. The Connect and Pro charger models connect to the Internet via WiFi – optionally also via LTE. This means that users can also control the wall box when on the move. What’s more, these two models can also be activated via app or charging card for particular users. In the case of the Pro charger, the app also shows all charging processes in an overview and allows a corresponding PDF file to be exported

Customers in Germany can conveniently order the Elli wall charging stations on the internet: Elli Wallbox online bestellen | Elli Shop | Elli – Empowering electric life. The wall boxes are now also offered in Italy, Sweden and Spain, which is a logical step for Simon Löffler, CCO of Elli: "Elli sees itself as an

independent full-service provider of charging and energy solutions that customers of all brands can use. We are therefore expanding the distribution of our wall box offer and taking this service to other European countries."

Customers who need assistance to install the wall box can request this on an individual basis from Elli. For example, if additional modifications (such as to masonry or fuse boxes) or cables are necessary, Elli can provide a portfolio of installation partners designated for this purpose.

Next to Elli wall boxes customers can also choose between one of the three charging tariffs from Elli whenever they don’t charge at home but on the road. The transparent tariff model provides affordable access to more than 330,000 charging points throughout Europe, including 10,000 fast chargers at over 3,000 locations. Cost transparency is assured thanks to fixed prices per kilowatt hour, independently of the respective charging station operator. The price structure is based on user charging habits: “Drive Free”, “Drive City” and “Drive Highway” are geared towards drivers who need to charge their vehicles rarely, frequently or quickly. Changing to a higher tariff is possible at any time. The “Drive Highway” tariff has already been hailed as the “cheapest charging tariff from an independent provider in 2022”. Based on the model calculation of the Europe-wide market analysis “E-Mobility Excellence Comparison 2022”, it offers the best price-performance ratio.

The charging models for the individual Volkswagen Group charging services – SEAT and CUPRA Easy Charging, Powerpass and Volkswagen We Charge – were standardised in spring this year as part of the NEW AUTO strategy and can be accessed via this link:


About Elli
Elli is a brand of the Volkswagen Group and a provider of energy and charging solutions. With a workforce of some 200 employees, the company takes care of the things that matter to customers at the touchpoints between energy and mobility. Elli’s aim is to make the benefits of the shift to green energy accessible to everyone – easy and hassle-free. The company intends to offer a seamless and holistic energy and charging experience for all electric car drivers and fleet managers. Elli was founded in 2018 and has offices in Berlin, Wolfsburg and Munich.


Qui il link alla pagina ufficiale di Elli, il fornitore di energia di Volkswagen Group, in cui ci sono tutti i dettagli sul numero di punti di ricarica diponibli in ogni stato europeo e con le relative tariffe.


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Appare quindi Quattroruote a indicare il lobbismo portato avanti da Blume verso gli e-fuel:




Neanche il tempo di venire designato come erede di Diess al timone del gruppo Volkswagen e già sugli organi d’informazione tedeschi, a partire dalla tv pubblica ZDF, circolano i primi veleni nei suoi confronti: Oliver Blume, nella sua veste di ceo della Porsche, avrebbe infatti esercitato delle influenze nei negoziati relativi agli e-fuel. Blume, in una riunione del 29 giugno, avrebbe detto di aver avuto un ruolo rilevante “nel fatto che gli e-fuel siano stati inclusi nell’accordo della coalizione”, aggiungendo di aver avuto “contatti molto stretti con i partiti della coalizione” e di essere stato “aggiornato quasi ogni ora negli ultimi giorni da Christian Lindner”, il ministro federale delle Finanze.

Le conferme. La Zdf ha ribadito in un secondo tempo la veridicità delle informazioni divulgate, che hanno suscitato immediate proteste su Twitter nei confronti di Lindner da parte dei suoi oppositori; dal canto suo, il ministro ha dichiarato di “non aver avuto alcun contatto con il signor Blume”, smentendo con forza di essere stato in qualche modo influenzato e aggiungendo che la sua posizione sul tema degli e-fuel è nota ormai da anni. Anche il gruppo Volkswagen, pur esprimendo soddisfazione per il fatto che Lindner sia notoriamente un fan della Porsche, ha sottolineato come il brand di Stoccarda non abbia avuto alcuna influenza sull’accordo di coalizione.


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VW Group CEO Blume's challenges: Porsche IPO, Tesla chase, software fix

VW's new CEO Oliver Blume faces challenges including a Porsche IPO, catching Tesla and fixing software problems.

Volkswagen Group's new CEO, Oliver Blume will be staring down an extensive to-do list. A diverse set of pressing issues await the 53-year-old ascending to the job Herbert Diess has been ousted from.

The top issue will be listing of the Porsche brand -- VW Group's most prized asset -- amid the worst climate for initial public offerings in years, and fixing protracted problems at the Cariad software division that have caused the postponement of new electric Porsches and Audis.

Diess's aggressive strategies for EVs, software and new-mobility offerings set VW on a path the company's billionaire owners, the Porsche-Piech family, praised even as they pushed him out of the CEO role. It's now up to Blume to follow through in transforming the automaker to better contend with up-and-coming Tesla and incumbents Toyota and Stellantis.

Here are some of the challenges awaiting Blume:

Taking Porsche public
The industrial logic behind listing a minority stake in VW Group's most profitable major brand is sound. The IPO, which could be Europe's largest ever, must succeed to finally boost VW's languishing valuation. But in addition to governance concerns, there is growing fear that recession risks, surging energy costs and geopolitical tension ultimately will drag on Porsche's valuation. In 2019, VW’s listing of its truck unit Traton was a disappointment.

Harnessing software
VW’s efforts to build its own software operation under its Cariad division has been a bruising experience of strategy shifts, executive purges and product delays. Tesla is way ahead in regularly deploying over-the-air updates that add capabilities and improve the performance of its EVs after they leave the showroom, and attempts by traditional rivals like Toyota to replicate this have been less messy. Seizing the opportunities software brings, including new forms of revenue, will be the industry’s next frontier.

Keeping U.S. growth going
VW has finally stopped losing money in America, but the company remains a long way from closing the gap to Toyota, General Motors or Ford Motor.


To better compete with those market leaders and upstarts like Rivian Automotive, the automaker is reviving the off-road brand Scout that will offer an electric pickup and rugged SUV.

As for the luxury segment, Audi has long sought to take on Mercedes-Benz and BMW on a global scale, but has no production footprint in the U.S.

Turning China around
VW has been losing share in its biggest market due to poor handling of the chip shortage and a dearth of digital features that China’s tech-savvy drivers have increasingly come to expect. Tesla’s new Shanghai factory is not the only thorn in VW's side, as local manufacturers' products also are catching on. VW cannot afford dwindling profits from the Chinese ventures it is counting on to finance its EV ambitions.

Challenging Tesla
Whereas VW has flailed during the chip crisis and struggled to keep production lines running, Tesla has maintained steady growth through the supply-chain turmoil. After quickly turning the Shanghai plant into its most productive globally, CEO Elon Musk has added factories in Austin, Texas, and near Berlin this year. Tesla's aggressive expansion is making VW’s electric-car project Trinity, which includes a 2 billion-euro ($2 billion) German factory, look all the more critical.

Containing controversy
Within days of being named the new CEO, Blume apologized for comments he made during an internal event last month about Christian Lindner, Germany’s finance minister. Blume boasted that he had been constantly exchanging messages with Lindner months ago when the government was negotiating a coalition agreement allowing for new vehicles in the coming years to be powered by synthetic fuels, which are not as clean as EVs. Blume apologized over the weekend, saying he oversimplified the exchange and had not sought to influence Lindner.

Automotive News


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Via the guardian


Why Herbert Diess has left Volkswagen

VW chairman pays the price for failing to convince stakeholders in his radical push for electrification..
Diess was incorrigible. He significantly changed Volkswagen for the better. But his communication was miserable,” one source said, asking not to be named.


Perché Herbert Diess ha lasciato la Volkswagen

Il presidente di VW paga il prezzo per non essere riuscito a convincere gli stakeholder nella sua spinta radicale verso l'elettrificazione...

Diess era incorreggibile. Ha cambiato significativamente la Volkswagen in meglio. Ma la sua comunicazione è stata pessima", ha dichiarato una fonte che ha chiesto di non essere citata.

Diess lascerà il suo ruolo il 1° settembre, tre anni prima della scadenza del suo contratto nel 2025.

Blume, in forza al Gruppo VW dal 1994 e presidente del consiglio di amministrazione di Porsche dal 2015, manterrà la sua posizione in Porsche insieme alle sue nuove responsabilità "anche nel caso di un'eventuale [quotazione in borsa]", si legge in un comunicato.

Il futuro di Diess alla Volkswagen è stato messo in dubbio dopo passi falsi di comunicazione che hanno irritato il consiglio dei lavoratori, l'ultimo dei quali nell'autunno dello scorso anno, quando ha dichiarato che una transizione mal gestita verso l'elettrificazione avrebbe potuto costare alla casa automobilistica più di 30.000 posti di lavoro. È stato anche criticato per i suoi frequenti avvertimenti pubblici sul fatto che Volkswagen stava rimanendo indietro rispetto a Tesla.


L'instabilità ha pesato sul valore di mercato di Volkswagen, che è in una spirale discendente dall'inizio del 2021.

Daniela Cavallo, presidente del consiglio dei lavoratori, aveva avvertito che il sostegno alla proroga del contratto di Diess sarebbe dipeso dalla sua capacità di mantenere la Volkswagen all'avanguardia dell'industria automobilistica europea.

In quello che potrebbe essere interpretato come un avvertimento al successore di Diess, Cavallo ha affermato in una dichiarazione di venerdì che "la sicurezza del posto di lavoro e la redditività" sono "ugualmente importanti".

In Europa, Volkswagen è in testa alle vendite di veicoli elettrici (EV), con circa il 25% della quota di mercato rispetto al 13% di Tesla.

Ma non è chiaro se riuscirà a mantenere il primo posto, visto che i tempi di produzione di un EV sono attualmente tre volte più lunghi di quelli di Tesla e che l'apertura di un nuovo stabilimento esclusivamente elettrico non è prevista prima del 2026.

La casa automobilistica tedesca ha faticato in particolare a progredire sul fronte del software, con la sua unità di due anni, Cariad - di cui Diess ha assunto la responsabilità nel consiglio di amministrazione a dicembre - che ha superato di gran lunga il suo budget ed è in ritardo di anni rispetto all'obiettivo di una piattaforma software più sviluppata.

I dirigenti hanno ipotizzato una possibile quotazione in borsa di Porsche nel quarto trimestre come mezzo per finanziare la trasformazione di Volkswagen in una casa automobilistica orientata all'elettrificazione che comprende software, batterie e automobili, anche se le cattive condizioni di mercato significano che una quotazione potrebbe fruttare miliardi in meno di quanto inizialmente sperato.

Diess, in un post su LinkedIn prima dell'annuncio della sua partenza di venerdì, ha dichiarato: "Dopo una prima metà del 2022 davvero stressante, molti di noi non vedono l'ora di fare una meritata pausa estiva.

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La felicità è quando ciò che pensi, ciò che dici e ciò che fai sono in armonia.

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VW Group CEO Blume's challenges: Porsche IPO, Tesla chase, software fix
VW's new CEO Oliver Blume faces challenges including a Porsche IPO, catching Tesla and fixing software problems.

Volkswagen Group's new CEO, Oliver Blume will be staring down an extensive to-do list. A diverse set of pressing issues await the 53-year-old ascending to the job Herbert Diess has been ousted from.

The top issue will be listing of the Porsche brand -- VW Group's most prized asset -- amid the worst climate for initial public offerings in years, and fixing protracted problems at the Cariad software division that have caused the postponement of new electric Porsches and Audis.

Diess's aggressive strategies for EVs, software and new-mobility offerings set VW on a path the company's billionaire owners, the Porsche-Piech family, praised even as they pushed him out of the CEO role. It's now up to Blume to follow through in transforming the automaker to better contend with up-and-coming Tesla and incumbents Toyota and Stellantis.

Here are some of the challenges awaiting Blume:

Taking Porsche public
The industrial logic behind listing a minority stake in VW Group's most profitable major brand is sound. The IPO, which could be Europe's largest ever, must succeed to finally boost VW's languishing valuation. But in addition to governance concerns, there is growing fear that recession risks, surging energy costs and geopolitical tension ultimately will drag on Porsche's valuation. In 2019, VW’s listing of its truck unit Traton was a disappointment.

Harnessing software
VW’s efforts to build its own software operation under its Cariad division has been a bruising experience of strategy shifts, executive purges and product delays. Tesla is way ahead in regularly deploying over-the-air updates that add capabilities and improve the performance of its EVs after they leave the showroom, and attempts by traditional rivals like Toyota to replicate this have been less messy. Seizing the opportunities software brings, including new forms of revenue, will be the industry’s next frontier.

Keeping U.S. growth going
VW has finally stopped losing money in America, but the company remains a long way from closing the gap to Toyota, General Motors or Ford Motor.

To better compete with those market leaders and upstarts like Rivian Automotive, the automaker is reviving the off-road brand Scout that will offer an electric pickup and rugged SUV.

As for the luxury segment, Audi has long sought to take on Mercedes-Benz and BMW on a global scale, but has no production footprint in the U.S.

Turning China around
VW has been losing share in its biggest market due to poor handling of the chip shortage and a dearth of digital features that China’s tech-savvy drivers have increasingly come to expect. Tesla’s new Shanghai factory is not the only thorn in VW's side, as local manufacturers' products also are catching on. VW cannot afford dwindling profits from the Chinese ventures it is counting on to finance its EV ambitions.

Challenging Tesla
Whereas VW has flailed during the chip crisis and struggled to keep production lines running, Tesla has maintained steady growth through the supply-chain turmoil. After quickly turning the Shanghai plant into its most productive globally, CEO Elon Musk has added factories in Austin, Texas, and near Berlin this year. Tesla's aggressive expansion is making VW’s electric-car project Trinity, which includes a 2 billion-euro ($2 billion) German factory, look all the more critical.

Containing controversy
Within days of being named the new CEO, Blume apologized for comments he made during an internal event last month about Christian Lindner, Germany’s finance minister. Blume boasted that he had been constantly exchanging messages with Lindner months ago when the government was negotiating a coalition agreement allowing for new vehicles in the coming years to be powered by synthetic fuels, which are not as clean as EVs. Blume apologized over the weekend, saying he oversimplified the exchange and had not sought to influence Lindner.





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  • 2 settimane fa...
Inviato (modificato)

VW Golf 9 in doubt due to rising costs with development of ICE cars


In March 2021, Volkswagen was eager to announce that the Golf, T-Roc, Tiguan, and Passat would all get next-generation models. That statement might have been a bit premature in the case of the compact hatchback/estate duo as the company's newly appointed CEO remains cautious about the Golf's future. In an interview with the German paper Welt, Thomas Schäfer said a decision about developing a ninth-generation model has not been taken yet.

Skoda's former head honcho took the reins of the VW core brand on April 1 this year and is questioning the Golf's future because of increasing costs with the development of cars equipped with combustion engines. Euro 7 regulations are expected to arrive in the coming years, and these will drive up the prices of an ICE-powered car by €3,000 to €5,000, according to Schäfer. He went on to say the end is nigh for €10,000 cars in Europe because making combustion engines comply with the stricter legislation regarding emissions will increase development costs.

VW's top brass announced a mid-cycle facelift is being worked on for the current Golf, but an Mk9 is uncertain at this point. He pointed out that engineering a new ICE car that is unlikely to have the traditional life cycle of 7-8 years might not be worth it, adding it's "extremely expensive" to develop Euro 7-compliant vehicles.

Reading between the lines, his statement about the Golf 9 not being sold for the full seven to eight years is related to the sales ban on new cars equipped with petrol or diesel engines that will come into effect in the European Union in 2035. The current-generation model has been around since 2019 and is likely to receive a facelift in 2023/2024 that would be sold for another three to four years.

A potential Golf Mk9 would therefore arrive in 2027 or so, meaning its demise could coincide with the death of the ICE in the EU. Some Euro markets could decide to switch to EVs sooner than that, consequently impacting sales of the Golf by limiting its availability.

Thomas Schäfer said a final decision regarding whether there will be a ninth Golf will be taken in the next 12 months. He said that with small cars, it's tricky to offset the higher development costs that come with Euro 7, so we can deduce the future is not looking great for the ICE-powered Polo supermini either. In fact, Audi has already said it will bid adieu to the mechanically related A1 after this generation, with the Q2 subcompact crossover also going the way of the dodo.


(Motor1 UK)





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