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On 13/7/2022 at 11:27, Gabri Magnussen scrive:

Continuo a pensare che il post dieselgate sia un totale all in sull'eletrico.
Peccato perché stanno affossando VW con sto lavaggio del cervello della gamma ID.
Spero di no perché i vari Brand di VAG mi sono sempre piaciuti, ma si passa il tempo a perculare Stellantis ma questi li vedo messi peggio.

Stellantis intanto vende a nastro 500e ed e-208 fatte con un budget di 2 noccioline e 4 patatine, vag arranca dopo aver fatto un investimento gargantuesco promettendo di spaccare il mondo. Ora nonostante la valanga di miliardi spesa ricominciano da capo

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Porsche aims for growth in the luxury segment


From a position of strength, Porsche continues to thrive: The Stuttgart based sports car manufacturer is benefiting from global demand trends for exclusive and electrified luxury vehicles.


For the full year 2022, the company targets revenues in the range of approximately 38 to 39 billion euros. At the same time, Porsche continues to focus on high-quality and exclusive products, electromobility and sustainability by combining its rich history and motorsport DNA with the future, redefining the concept of modern luxury.

"Porsche is a global and iconic luxury brand. We are 100 percent sports car and 100 percent luxury," says Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche AG, on Monday at its Capital Markets Day at the company's Research and Development Centre in Weissach. "As an exclusive sports car manufacturer with the benefit of the economies of scale from our cooperation with Volkswagen Group, we are in the sweet spot of the luxury automotive industry. This results in structural growth opportunities for us."

With a passion for design, performance and the highest quality, Porsche is fulfilling the dreams of sports car fans around the world more than ever, he says. Blume announced that the product range would be expanded: "We plan to add a new luxury, all-electric SUV model to our attractive portfolio, which will roll off the production line in Leipzig. This will further expand our position in the luxury automotive segment. We are targeting the higher margin segments in particular and aim to tap into new sales opportunities in this way.”

Ambitious outlook

For the current fiscal year 2022, Lutz Meschke, Deputy Chairman and Member of the Executive Board responsible for Finance and IT, gives an ambitious outlook: Porsche is targeting revenues in the range of approximately 38 to 39 billion euros and a return on sales of approximately 17 to 18 percent. This is based on the expectation of continued positive currency tailwinds. Furthermore, the outlook is subject to assumptions including no deterioration in economic conditions or further disruptions in supply chains.

Porsche has further set itself the long-term ambition of achieving a return on sales of more than 20 percent. In this way, the company would like to consolidate its position as one of the most profitable car manufacturers in the world. "Beyond our mid-term targets, we are aiming for further upside potential, especially when it comes to our profitability levels. Porsche can look to the future with optimism from an impressive luxury position," emphasizes Meschke.


Porsche, like its peers, has experienced supply chain issues over the past three years due to, for example, the Covid-19 pandemic, semiconductor shortage and the war in Ukraine. However, during this period Porsche benefited significantly from its strong relationship with the Volkswagen Group, its long-term relationships with its suppliers and, most importantly, its high degree of flexibility and ability to adapt to challenging situations. Meschke: “We carefully monitor developments so that we are prepared to react and adapt as required.”

Porsche is redefining modern luxury

The term modern luxury applies not only to the products, but to the entire company. Meschke: "We see sustainability holistically: economically, ecologically and socially. It is important to us to assume responsibility and to be socially involved." A comprehensive understanding of sustainability is an integral part of Porsche’s strategy. In this regard, Porsche sets itself particularly ambitious goals, including its ambition that more than 80% of its delivered vehicles in 2030 will be BEVs. The next milestone on this path is to be the market launch of the all-electric Macan. In addition, Porsche’s ambition is to work towards a net carbon neutral value chain in 2030, including a net carbon neutral use phase for future BEV models. To this end, Porsche is systematically driving forward projects for the future.

The launch of a new Porsche model family always takes courage: stellar examples are the Cayenne (2002), Panamera (2009), Macan (2013), and most recently the first all-electric sports car, the Taycan (2019). Oliver Blume: "The Taycan is 100 percent electric and 100 percent Porsche. This combination excites people. We are pushing ahead with our electric offensive: by the middle of the decade, we want to offer our 718 mid-engine sports car exclusively in all-electric form."

Structural growth opportunities 

In executing its strategy, Porsche was able to achieve new milestones in 2021 - despite a very challenging environment characterized by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and semiconductor bottlenecks: delivering more than 300,000 vehicles and generating revenues of 33.1 billion euros. Both are historic highs for Porsche. Taycan deliveries alone more than doubled to 41,296 units in 2021. At the same time, Porsche has achieved high profitability: Porsche AG's group operating profit rose by 27 percent year-on-year to 5.3 billion euros (2020: 4.1 billion euros). This corresponded to a return on sales of 16 percent. The automotive EBITDA margin was 24.5 percent, and automotive net cash flow improved to almost 3.7 billion euros (2020: 2.2 billion euros).


According to expert studies, the luxury car market is expected to experience robust growth in the coming years, with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) in particular being the main growth drivers. Porsche is thus active in market segments that point towards a significant growth potential for the future.

"We are very well positioned to benefit from these trends. Porsche is a leading player in the market for sporty SUVs and in the all-electric luxury car segment," says CFO Meschke. "Although we are clearly positioned in the luxury automotive segment, we benefit from significant economies of scale," adds CEO Blume.

New customer groups in sight

Porsche's portfolio is operating in a highly attractive environment: "Demand for our vehicles is robust and the number of potential customers continues to grow," says Meschke. Across the globe, the company is well positioned: Europe, North America and China contribute roughly equally to total deliveries. For the future, Porsche anticipates that its clientele will include younger and more heterogeneous customers from the next generation. At the same time, the proportion of women in this customer group is likely to increase. In addition to Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, the sports car manufacturer is focusing primarily on the USA and emerging markets for its geographical expansion.

via Porsche 

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VW Group's affordable brands will become more similar, new boss says

To differentiate between the VW, Seat and Skoda brands, VW Group will emphasize individual design, said the head of the group's volume brands, Thomas Schaefer.


Volkswagen Group's main volume nameplates will share more parts and factories to boost efficiencies as the automaker seeks to lift profitability in the more affordable range of its portfolio.

To differentiate between its namesake VW, Seat and Skoda brands, VW Group will emphasize individual design, the new head of VW's main car brand Thomas Schaefer said in an interview.

The company has long struggled to rein in complexity of multiple engine and trim variants across its sprawling offering that includes the upscale VW Touareg SUV and the Skoda Fabia.

"In the past, we wasted too much time being preoccupied with each other," Schaefer said. "The competition is outside, it's not within the company."

Volume models make up about 80 percent of VW’s global deliveries, making them the "the core of the company," according to Schaefer. VW is aiming for an efficiency gain of 20 percent, he said.

Schaefer became head of VW brand on July 1 when he also took overall charge of VW Group's volume brands.

As part of the push, production of the VW Passat midsize sedan in Germany and its platform sister model, the Skoda Superb, in Czech Republic will shift to Slovakia to help reduce internal overlaps.

VW Group must become more competitive in the face of rivals ranging from Tesla to incumbent manufacturers like Stellantis, Schaefer said.

The group's mass-market brands sharing more factories and improving cooperation on production and development will help deliver on the efficiency goal, he said.

While Volkswagen group generates bumper profit and operating cash flow, the luxury Audi and Porsche nameplates have long padded the carmaker's results. Attempts to lift returns at the main VW brand by streamlining processes have so far yielded modest results.

VW is set to add more popular crossover and SUV models to its mass-market lineup to stay competitive, Schaefer said.

The segment -- which also covers VW brand's new electric model range code-named Trinity -- "offers the biggest growth potential for the brand," he said.

VW plans to break ground on a new 2 billion-euro ($2 billion) electric-car factory that will make the Trinity marque in 2023. The first Trinity car will roll off the production line in 2026.

Looking toward the third and fourth quarters, Schaefer said he was cautiously optimistic that the chip crunch would ease and that the industry would see fewer supply constraints.

"The prospects for the second half of the year are good, but overall, the situation remains volatile," he said.

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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Un estratto da Automitive News Europe:


"BERLIN -- Porsche CEO Oliver Blume confirmed the automaker's plans to launch a range-topping full-electric SUV positioned above the Cayenne and Macan."


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Volkswagen, Diess licenziato. Il capo di Porsche, Blume, nuovo ceo del gruppo


Il Consiglio di Sorveglianza del gruppo Volkswagen ha deciso che il ceo, da diversi mesi sotto esame, dovrà lasciare il suo posto dal capo del gioiello della casa. 

Nel pomeriggio aveva postato su LinkedIn i ringraziamenti a tutto il gruppo per il lavoro svolto nei primi sei mesi dell’anno, in vista della presentazione dei conti, la prossima settimana. Nella foto lui sorridente vicino a un van lanciato da pochi mesi l’ID.Buzz. Evidentemente la situazione non era poi così serena se poco dopo una nota ha comunicato che il Consiglio di Sorveglianza del gruppo Volkswagen ha deciso che il ceo Herbert Diess, da diversi mesi sotto esame, dovrà lasciare il suo posto dal capo del gioiello della casa, Porsche. Oliver Blume subentrerà a Diess molto presto, dal 1 settembre. E resterà al comando del marchio premium anche dopo la prevista Ipo. 

Insomma, un terremoto al vertice del secondo produttore automobilistico mondiale e primo europeo. Diess, il cui contratto sarebbe scaduto nel 2025, era sotto osservazione in realtà da diversi mesi. A novembre era già stato in bilico sia per gli attacchi del sindacato sull’ipotesi di licenziamenti di massa (si era parlato di 30mila posti) per aumentare la redditività e sostenere il processo di elettrificazione del gruppo sia per una serie di scelte strategiche che non erano del tutto condivise anche dalle famiglie Piëch e Porsche, gli azionisti che controllano Volkswagen e dei quali Diess infine ha perso il pieno appoggio.


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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Vedo che in Volkswagen c’è un bel merdone per usare un eufemismo… prima i ritardi sui progetti (senza contare i vari problemi software sulle elettriche) ora Diess che salta… ho paura si siano tirati la zappa sui piedi con questa strategia per ripulirsi dal dieselgate 

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9 ore fa, hot500abarth scrive:

Vedo che in Volkswagen c’è un bel merdone per usare un eufemismo… prima i ritardi sui progetti (senza contare i vari problemi software sulle elettriche) ora Diess che salta… ho paura si siano tirati la zappa sui piedi con questa strategia per ripulirsi dal dieselgate 


Più che altro diciamo che dopo la "dipartita" di Winterkorn hanno avuto qualche problema nella ristrutturazione dirigenziale il che ha portato a problemi a livello di scelte strategiche il tutto combinato con un periodo storico difficile. 

Si spera che riescano a rimettere im riga tutta la struttura. 


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Io credo che puntare solo ed esclusivamente sulle BEV  sia un errore imperdonabile  ... mentre altre case automobilistiche lanciano PHEV , HEV  + le BEV.... 


Europa giugno 2022


Volkswagen -28%

Audi -28%

Skoda -24%

Seat -52% 


Porsche +19% 

Modificato da Pawel72

La felicità è quando ciò che pensi, ciò che dici e ciò che fai sono in armonia.

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2 ore fa, MotorPassion scrive:


Più che altro diciamo che dopo la "dipartita" di Winterkorn hanno avuto qualche problema nella ristrutturazione dirigenziale il che ha portato a problemi a livello di scelte strategiche il tutto combinato con un periodo storico difficile. 

Si spera che riescano a rimettere im riga tutta la struttura. 


Secondo me il problema principale di Diess era, che lui non ha mai riuscito di integrare tutto il managment, tutti i diversi facolte delle azienda complessa. Lui come carattere e un despota, in tempi come oggi e in un complesso cosi grande non il giusto. Anche la sua tendenza "cost killer" (con quale ha gia rovinato molto alla BMW) non era soccorevole per integrare tutti i frazioni, marchi e grandi progetti alla VW. Sembra molto piu adatta al compito la nuova scelta delle Porsche/Piech - Oliver Blume e noto come team player, come uomo con grande esperienza in integrare e mediare. Credo che con lui vedremmo fra qualche anni importanti passi avanti.





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