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1 minuto fa, ale75 scrive:

Quindi accelerazione sull elettrico da parte di bmw?

Si - e decisione finale che la Neue Klasse sara electric only con partenza con due modelli della classe piccola a Debrecin da 2025.





7 minuti fa, __P scrive:

Per classe piccola cosa intendi?


L'articolo cita serie 3 e X3.


1 ora fa, 4200blu scrive:

Si - e decisione finale che la Neue Klasse sara electric only con partenza con due modelli della classe piccola a Debrecin da 2025.


Quindi la 3er sarà solo EV dal 2025? O manterranno per un po' anche il modello su CLAR?

11 minuti fa, __P scrive:

Per classe piccola cosa intendi?

Ser3 / X3, 5er e classe media, 7er classe grande. 


5 minuti fa, Johnny- scrive:

Quindi la 3er sarà solo EV dal 2025? O manterranno per un po' anche il modello su CLAR?

Futiri modelli ice rimangono su CLAR II, ma quale modelli ice e per quali mercati non e deciso finale. 


  • Grazie! 3

Se addirittura un costruttore grande e grosso come BMW decide che dal 2025 la Serie 3 sarà solo elettrica non mi sembra proprio una strategia campata per aria come la si voleva far passare qui quella di fare Giulia e Stelvio solo EV


Leggevo in rete di una possibile collaborazione tra BMW e McLaren per una super/hyper car EV, dove l’inglese andrebbe a progettare la parte telaistica, mentre powertrain e pacco batteria in carico ai tedeschi.

@4200blu sai qualcosa tu? Speculazione o c’è qualcosa che si sta realmente muovendo? 

6 ore fa, __P scrive:

Leggevo in rete di una possibile collaborazione tra BMW e McLaren per una super/hyper car EV, dove l’inglese andrebbe a progettare la parte telaistica, mentre powertrain e pacco batteria in carico ai tedeschi.

@4200blu sai qualcosa tu? Speculazione o c’è qualcosa che si sta realmente muovendo? 


...non si deve mai dire mai, ma al momento (anche per ll tendenza delle vendite del segmento macchine sportive globale) e piu speculazione, ci sono al momnto sicuramente altri e piu importanti compiti da fare.






Munich. The BMW Group is launching a unique project that will see cars manoeuvre around production without requiring a driver. The Automated Driving In-Plant project (‘Automatisiertes Fahren im Werk’, AFW) is being realised in collaboration with two startups and will enhance the efficiency of new-vehicle logistics in plants and distribution centres.

The aim of the AFW pilot project is for vehicles to move autonomously around logistics areas and assembly – safely, efficiently and without requiring a driver. To make this happen, the BMW Group has been collaborating with Seoul Robotics from South Korea and Embotech from Switzerland. Launching in July 2022 at BMW Group Plant Dingolfing, the new system will first be trialled on two cars incorporating breakthrough technologies: the new BMW 7 Series and the fully electric BMW i7.


Automated manoeuvres from first ignition to onward transportation

“Automated driving within the plant is fundamentally different from autonomous driving for customers. It doesn’t use sensors in the vehicle. In fact, the car itself is more or less blind and the sensors for manoeuvring them are integrated along the route through the plant,” explains BMW Group project manager Sascha Andree. AFW builds on two key technologies: a sensor infrastructure to support vehicle localisation and detect obstacles in the plant environment, and a drive-planning software that transmits controlled commands to the driverless vehicles via mobile communications.

Initially, the vehicles will only move through the assembly area and then to logistics. Fresh off the production line, they will drive themselves to a parking area, ready for their onward journey by train or truck. Essentially, the technology can be used from the moment the cars are capable of driving independently in production – just after the first ignition of the engine, in other words.


BMW Startup Garage recruits young companies for the project

Seoul Robotics’s lidar detection software uses static monitoring sensors to create a digital twin of the environment, including object classification and vehicle localisation, while Embotech’s drive-planning software steers, brakes, accelerates and parks the driverless vehicles. Routes are calculated in real-time, and rather than needing to be trained or programmed for the current situation, each car is able to respond independently to its surroundings.

“This collaboration, with two young startups and an OEM like the BMW Group working together on a single project, is probably the first of its kind,” says HanBin Lee, CEO of Seoul Robotics. It was made possible by the BMW Group’s venture client unit, the BMW Startup Garage. Having discovered Seoul Robotics as a potentially interesting supplier of technologies, the BMW Startup Garage initiated the first proof of concept project, with Sasche Andree and team. After a product demonstration, Embotech was welcomed on board as well. “Without the BMW Startup Garage, we would never have been able to evaluate and test our solution,” says Alexander Domahidi, co-founder and CTO of Embotech.

The pilot project will run for several months. Later it will be rolled out further, initially on additional models at Plant Dingolfing and later in other plants as well.


Venture client approach nurtures innovativeness at the BMW Group

Automated Driving In-Plant is a ground-breaking project in the automotive industry and just one of many success stories by the BMW Startup Garage. The venture client model has been in operation since 2015, working with the startups to evaluate their potential projects. It is a leading instrument for corporate venturing and seeks to purchase their products early on rather than taking over the startups themselves.

The BMW Startup Garage has successfully carried out more than 150 pilot projects with leading startups with this approach, with a cumulative investment volume of more than US$ 4.5 billion.


(BMW Group)







BMW i3 ha un sacco di caratteristiche interessanti


- compatta, ma con un buon passo

- leggera

- elettrica con range extender

- trazione posteriore


É un peccato che non riceva un'erede


New European Head of the MINI Brand

Munich. Ulrike von Mirbach has taken over as Head of the MINI brand for Europe on 1 July 2022. Previously, Ulrike von Mirbach was responsible for the BMW & MINI retail business as part of the "new sales model Europe" project as well as for the overall development of the new sales structures for MINI. In addition to her new role as Head of Brand MINI for Europe, she will also continue working in this role.

Her predecessor Pierre Jalady has taken over the responsibility for the MINI brand in the Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa region.

Ulrike von Mirbach has been working for the BMW Group for around 17 years. At the beginning of her career, she was responsible, among other things, for the marketing strategy of the BMW brand in the German market. From October 2015 until the end of 2020, she headed the marketing division of the MINI brand in Germany. On 1 January 2021, she took over the management of the MINI brand in Germany and moved to the European level just one year later.

Ulrike von Mirbach has played a key role in developing the MINI brand in Germany and has successfully driven forward the electrification of the brand. For Ulrike von Mirbach the concerns of the dealer network are of central importance. The good level of cooperation between dealerships and manufacturer as well as strategic brand management and digitalising the brand were decisive success factors advancing the brand on the German market.

Stefanie Wurst, Head of the MINI brand: "I am convinced that Ulrike von Mirbach will successfully lead the MINI brand into the electric future on a European level thanks to her high level of brand and sales expertise. She will set the right strategic framework to ensure successful sales for the brand within the new sales model."

via Bmwgroup

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