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Scelte strategiche BMW Group

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La batteria e sempre la stessa, incece ci sono diverse produttore per diversi paesi delle fabbriche BMW.



Intanto dovrebbe allo stesso tempo partire la fabbisca CATL in Ungheria, con accordi già presi, no? Se poi le useranno su NK non saprei, ma a questo punto i danni che ha provocato Samsung a BMW non credo vogliano prolungarli nel tempo. 

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  • 4 settimane fa...

BMW Group to invest more than 2 billion euros in Hungarian Plant Debrecen by 2025


+++ In addition to vehicle production, BMW Group builds high-voltage battery assembly at Plant Debrecen +++ More than 500 additional jobs to be created by 2025 +++ Production of NEUE KLASSE starts here +++


Debrecen, Hungary. TheBMW Group is building a high-voltage battery assembly for the vehicles of the NEUE KLASSE at its site in Hungary. The battery assembly will be located on the site of the Debrecen vehicle plant, which started construction about six months ago. The company will create more than 500 additional jobs and invest over two billion euros in the construction and launch of the entire plant by the end of 2025.


Milan Nedeljković, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Production, said: “In Debrecen, we are building the most advanced plant in the world. With our iFACTORY, we are setting new industry standards for vehicle production. Our investments underline our systematic approach to implementing e-mobility.”


The new announcements were also welcomed by the Hungarian government. Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, said: “The BMW Group plant in Debrecen is a symbol of the successful Hungarian economic policy of the past twelve years. The plant combines environmental protection and competitiveness, and that is much more than we have originally planned.”


BMW Group hiring and training in Debrecen.

“We are currently recruiting new colleagues locally and from all over Hungary, so we can build the future of BMW Group Plant Debrecen together,” explains Hans-Peter Kemser, President and CEO of BMW Manufacturing Hungary Kft. The plant, together with local partners in education, will launch a dual education programme in autumn 2023 at its in-house Training Centre.


László Papp, the Mayor of Debrecen, emphasised the role of the BMW Group for the city: „With its investment in Debrecen, in addition to creating new jobs, the BMW Group makes a long-term commitment to the community of our city. We are building a thriving future together.”


Short distances: high-voltage battery assembly at vehicle plant.

The assembly of high-voltage batteries will be located on the site of the Debrecen vehicle plant. Markus Fallböhmer, Senior Vice President of Battery Production at the BMW Group, explains: “The BMW iFACTORY is also about ensuring short distances for logistics. The close link between battery assembly and vehicle production is part of our strategy.”


In Debrecen, the next-generation round battery cells will be assembled into a battery housing – a metal frame, which is later integrated into the underbody of the car. The official start of production for the sixth generation high-voltage batteries will be in 2025 – in parallel with the start of vehicle production. All batteries for the vehicles from Plant Debrecen will be assembled on site. The new production facility will extend over an area of about 140,000 m². Construction work recently began.


Gen6 batteries: major steps in customer benefit and sustainability.

The battery is decisive for the competitiveness of electric vehicles. With the next generation of batteries for the NEUE KLASSE, range will improve by up to 30 percent, and the charging speed will be up to 30 percent faster.

The BMW Group is particularly focused on keeping the carbon footprint and consumption of resources for production as low as possible, starting in the supply chain. Cell manufacturers will use cobalt, lithium and nickel that include a percentage of secondary material, i.e. raw materials that are not newly mined, but already in the loop, in production of battery cells. Combined with the commitment to use only green power from renewable energies for production of battery cells, the BMW Group will reduce the carbon footprint of battery cell production by up to 60 percent.


(BMW Group)



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„Dee“: The Ultimate Companion




+++ Our vision of digital driving experience +++ World premiere at CES +++ Oliver Zipse to give keynote on 5 January 2023 (CET) +++ 

Over the next few hours, the BMW Group and the BMW brand social media channels will be given a new look. A special leading figure – “Dee” – will take over the channels. Dee is a unique “companion”, a personality full of character, a loyal sidekick. The name stands for “digital emotional experience” and describes a completely new kind of interaction between people and automobile. Over the next few weeks, Dee will take you into her world – a world that offers immersive experiences to appeal to all the senses. She has already left her mark here on the intranet too ... 

“Dee” at the Consumer Electronics Show 2023. 

Next year Dee will also be officially presented: she makes her grand entrance on 5 January (CET) at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Every year, CES inspires thousands of visitors with fascinating digital innovations – the perfect place to talk about the digital vision of the BMW Group. 

Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, will kick off CES 2023 with his keynote address at the Media Days. This keynote is part of a focus on mobility at CES. The automotive sector will be bigger than ever next year. Almost 300 exhibitors will be showing innovations from the fields of electromobility and digital applications. CES kicks off on 5 January 2023 in Las Vegas, with Media Days taking place on 3 and 4 January. 

 Matthias Schepke AK-24, Jennifer Wisskopp, AK-11



(BMW Group)

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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Munich/Las Vegas. The BMW Group is sharing its vision of the future digital experience, both inside and outside the vehicle, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2023 in Las Vegas. BMW i Vision Dee is the futuristic mid-size sedan with a new and pared-down design language. The name “Dee” stands for Digital Emotional Experience – and that is precisely its aim: to create an even stronger bond between people and their cars going forward. Future digital functions will go far beyond the level of voice control and driver assistance systems we are familiar with today. The BMW Head-Up-Display extends across the full width of the windscreen, providing a glimpse of the next vehicle generation. From 2025 onwards, this innovation will be available in the models of the NEUE KLASSE. The BMW Group has also refined its use of colour-change technology. Having unveiled the BMW iX Flow Featuring E Ink, with the ability to change from black to white, at the last CES, BMW i Vision Dee can now curate its exterior in up to 32 colours. 

“With the BMW i Vision Dee, we are showcasing what is possible when hardware and software merge. In this way, we are able to exploit the full potential of digitalisation to transform the car into an intelligent companion. That is the future for automotive manufacturers – and, also, for BMW: the fusion of the virtual experience with genuine driving pleasure,” said Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG. “At the same time, BMW i Vision Dee is another step on the road to the NEUE KLASSE. With this vision, we are looking far into the future and underlining the tremendous importance of digitalisation for our upcoming product generations.”

With its intelligent, almost human capabilities, BMW i Vision Dee accompanies drivers not only through real-life situations on the roads, but also in their digital environment.

“A BMW lives by its unparalleled digital performance. BMW i Vision Dee is about perfect integration of virtual and physical experiences,” said Frank Weber, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG responsible for Development. “Whoever excels at integrating the customer’s everyday digital worlds into the vehicle at all levels will succeed in mastering the future of car-building.”

BMW Mixed Reality Slider: into the virtual world in five steps
The BMW Mixed Reality Slider, in combination with the advanced Head-up Display, is the digital highlight and central operating control of BMW i Vision Dee. Using shy-tech sensors on the instrument panel, drivers can decide for themselves how much digital content they want to see on the advanced Head-Up Display. The five-step selection ranges from analogue, to driving-related information, to the contents of the communications system, to augmented-reality projection, right up to entry into virtual worlds. In parallel, dimmable windows can also be used to gradually fade out reality. Mixed reality can be experienced in BMW i Vision Dee in an immersive way that engages different senses without requiring any additional tools, creating a new dimension of driving pleasure for the user.

Advanced BMW Head-Up-Display: in NEUE KLASSE from 2025
The BMW Group is known in the automotive sector as a trailblazer for the Head-Up-Display and has systematically refined this technology over the past two decades. In BMW i Vision Dee, projection across the entire width of the windscreen allows information to be displayed on the largest possible surface – which only becomes recognisable as a display once it is activated. In this way, the BMW Group demonstrates the huge potential of projection technology and BMW i Vision Dee visualises how a advanced Head-Up-Display could also be utilised in the future for the display and operating concept. The standard-production version of the BMW Head-up-Display extending across the full width of the windscreen will be used in the models of the NEUE KLASSE from 2025 onwards.

Welcome scenario with voice and phygital icons
The digital experience already begins outside the vehicle, with a personalised welcome scenario that combines graphical elements, light and sound effects. Natural language serves as the simplest, most intuitive form of interaction, enabling perfect understanding between humans and their vehicles. The headlights and the closed BMW kidney grille also form a common phygital (fusion of physical and digital) icon on a uniform surface, allowing the vehicle to produce different facial expressions. This means BMW i Vision Dee can talk to people and, at the same time, express moods such as joy, astonishment or approval visually. BMW i Vision Dee can also project an image of the driver’s avatar onto the side window to further personalise the welcome scenario.

World premiere for full-colour E Ink technology
Following the spectacular debut of the BMW iX Flow Featuring E Ink at CES 2022, the BMW Group is now unveiling a full-colour version of the E Ink technology in BMW i Vision Dee that will be used as the outer skin of the vehicle for the first time worldwide.

BMW i Vision Dee, rather than simply alternating between black and white, now showcases a multi-coloured, fully variable and individually configurable exterior. An ePaper film from the BMW Group’s cooperation partner, E Ink, is applied to the body to create this magical display of colour. Up to 32 colours can be displayed.

The body surface of the BMW i Vision Dee is divided into 240 E Ink segments, each of which is controlled individually. This allows an almost infinite variety of patterns to be generated and varied within seconds. The laser cutting process used to trim the films and the electronic control design were developed in partnership with E Ink. The adaptation of this technology for curved surfaces and the programming of the animations, were developed by BMW Group’s in-house engineers – enabling a form enabling a form of customisation that is unique throughout the automotive sector worldwide.

Reductive design – inside and out
The design of BMW i Vision Dee has been deliberately pared down to focus attention on the digital experience and the DNA of the BMW brand. The exterior is defined by the classic three-box sedan design that forms the core of the BMW brand. Traditional design elements, like the BMW kidney grille, twin circular headlights and the Hofmeister kink, are reimagined, with phygital icons replacing analogue elements. This gives BMW i Vision Dee its own digital, but human, character.

Inside, digitalisation goes hand in hand with reductive use of materials, operating controls and displays to ensure nothing distracts from the digital experience and the new feeling of enhanced driving pleasure. The unconventional design of the steering wheel, with its central vertical spoke, creates touchpoints that come to life when approached or touched and can be operated by moving the thumb. These phygital touchpoints control selection of the content projected onto the windscreen and, together with the Head-Up Display, thus support the principle of “hands on the wheel, eyes on the road”.

“With BMW i Vision Dee, we are showing how the car can be seamlessly integrated into your digital life and become a trusty companion. The vehicle itself becomes your portal to the digital world – with the driver always in control,” said Adrian van Hooydonk, head of BMW Group Design. “Implemented the right way, technology will create worthwhile experiences, make you a better driver and simply bring humans and machines closer together.”

Another milestone on the road to the NEUE KLASSE
The future of the BMW Group is electric, circular and digital. BMW i Vision Dee represents the digital aspect of this trio and will be another milestone on the road to the next vehicle generation, the NEUE KLASSE. The BMW Group will provide further insights and glimpses of the revolutionary vehicle concept of the NEUE KLASSE over the course of 2023.








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Munich. Under an expanded Joint Development Agreement, BMW Group and Solid Power have added a research and development license as a basis for their common next steps. This license enables BMW to establish an ASSB prototype line in its Cell Manufacturing Competence Center (CMCC) in Parsdorf near Munich.

The broadened relationship provides significant benefits to both companies, including conducting complementary cell development and manufacturing activities at both Solid Power and the BMW Group to further advance all-solid-state cell design and manufacturing know-how.

“BMW remains committed to the pursuit of all-solid-state batteries, a technology which we believe has significant potential for the future,” said Frank Weber, Member of the Board of Management BMW AG, Development. “We look forward to working even more closely with Solid Power and adding the capability to produce solid-state cells based on Solid Power’s designs at our own pilot facility. We expect this agreement to accelerate the installation of our solid-state prototype line and our companies’ mutual goal of commercializing this promising cell technology.”

Prior to the installation of the BMW Group’s prototype line, the BMW Group’s personnel will work hand-in-hand with Solid Power to optimize cell manufacturing processes.

“Expanding our relationship with BMW is further evidence that both companies believe in Solid Power’s technology development and the value of solid-state batteries.  We look forward to working side-by-side with BMW’s world-class battery team,” said David Jansen, Interim CEO, President and Chair of Solid Power.

As next step in the long term industrialisation time line, Solid Power plans to deliver full scale automotive cells to BMW Group for testing purposes in 2023.

A first BMW demonstrator vehicle featuring ASSB technology is planned before 2025.

BMW Group announced next gen of Li-Ion technology already in 2022
Looking at the nearer future and beyond the relationship with Solid Power:
In September 2022 BMW Group has announced its Gen6 Li-Ion cell. For the sixth generation of BMW eDrive technology used in the NEUE KLASSE, the company has fundamentally refined the cell format and cell chemistry. With the new BMW round cell specially designed for the electric architecture of the NEUE KLASSE models, it will be possible to significantly increase the range of the highest-range model by up to 30 percent (according to WLTP). The new BMW round cells come with a diameter of 46 millimetres and two different heights of 95mm and 120mm. Compared to the prismatic cells of the fifth BMW battery cell generation, the cell’s volumetric energy density will improve by more than 20 percent.

NEUE KLASSE will make major contribution to sales volumes.
With a fast-growing product line-up and high demand, the BMW Group aims to have more than two million fully-electric vehicles on the roads by the end of 2025.The all-electric NEUE KLASSE will make a significant contribution to BMW Group sales volumes from mid-decade. The NEUE KLASSE has the potential to further accelerate the market penetration of e-mobility:

This means 50 percent of the BMW Group’s global sales could already come from fully-electric vehicles before 2030. The MINI brand will have an exclusively all-electric product range by the early 2030s, while Rolls-Royce will also be an all-electric brand from 2030. All future new models from BMW Motorrad in the field of urban mobility will likewise be fully electric.


(BMW Group)



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Investment of € 800 million in Mexican production site for integration of fully-electric models of NEUE KLASSE and construction of local high-voltage battery assembly

Around 1,000 new jobs for Plant San Luis Potosí

Head of Production Nedeljković: “We are systematically gearing our production network towards electromobility”


San Luis Potosí, Mexico. The BMW Group is accelerating its ramp-up of e-mobility and poised to gain even more momentum with its next vehicle generation, the NEUE KLASSE. The share of 50 percent of the company's worldwide sales of fully electric vehicles could be reached earlier than 2030. The company is investing in expansion of its international production network to achieve this. The plant in San Luis Potosí, Mexico will produce fully-electric models for the NEUE KLASSE in the future and is setting up its own high-voltage battery assembly for this purpose.


“We are systematically gearing our production network towards electromobility. In Mexico, we are investing 800 million euros in our plant and creating around 1,000 new jobs,” explained Milan Nedeljković, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG responsible for Production, in San Luis Potosí at an event attended by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Governor of San Luis Potosí Ricardo Gallardo Cardona.


Nedeljković continued: “The first cars of the NEUE KLASSE will come off the production line at our plant in Debrecen, Hungary, starting in 2025, followed by the main plant in Munich. We will achieve additional volumes by integrating the NEUE KLASSE at Plant San Luis Potosí from 2027 onwards.”


The company only recently announced an investment of 1.7 billion US dollars in the expansion of its Spartanburg production site in the US. This includes one billion US dollars for preparations for production of electric vehicles at the company’s US plant and 700 million US dollars for construction of a new assembly centre for high-voltage batteries in nearby Woodruff. By 2030, the BMW Group aims to build at least six fully-electric models in the US.


Fully-electric models complement production programme in Mexico

A further 800 million euros will be invested in Mexico. Of this amount, 500 million euros is earmarked for construction of a new assembly centre for high-voltage batteries, located on the plant grounds in San Luis Potosí. The new assembly centre spans an area of 85,000 m2. More than 500 additional employees will work there, producing next-generation batteries for fully-electric vehicles.


“With this new investment, our plant in San Luis Potosí will play a central role in BMW Group's transition to electromobility. The company is increasing its commitment to Mexico and its stake in our facility, not only due to its strategic location but, above all, to a solid work team, which, in less than four years after starting operations, already produces three models that supply 74 global markets and stand out for their quality,” said Harald Gottsche, President & CEO at BMW Group Plant San Luis Potosí.


At the plant, which went on-stream in 2019, around 3,000 employees already produce the BMW 3 Series, 2 Series Coupé and the new M2– in some cases, exclusively for the global market. The plant is designed to be highly flexible, ensuring only minor adjustments are needed in the body shop and assembly to incorporate the new vehicle architecture. A special feature of the NEUE KLASSE is that the high-voltage battery is directly integrated into the vehicle structure. The assembly in San Luis Potosí is therefore being expanded to integrate this new process into operations. A second shift will begin at the plant in April, adding another 500 new jobs. A total of about 1,000 additional employees will then be working at San Luis Potosí.


BMW iFACTORY as production masterplan

Head of Production Nedeljković: “Flexibility and efficient processes are hugely important elements of our BMW iFACTORY, which forms our strategic masterplan for production.”

Plant San Luis Potosí is characterised by its responsible resource management and measures to reduce CO2. In such a dry region, conserving water is particularly important. The plant is also home to the BMW Group’s first paint shop to operate without producing process wastewater. The water required for the painting process is treated and then reused. In addition, the plant sources only green power, which it generates itself at a more than 70,000 m2 solar power installation on the plant grounds, supplemented by electricity from an external solar farm.


Newly-developed BMW round cells for NEUE KLASSE vehicles

The models of the NEUE KLASSE will use new, round lithium-ion battery cells developed specifically for what will then be the sixth generation of BMW eDrive technology. The new battery format will increase energy density by more than 20 percent and improve charging speed and range by up to 30 percent. At the same time, CO2 emissions from cell production will be reduced by up to 60 percent, as a result of cell suppliers relying on energy from renewable resources and, in the case of the raw materials lithium, cobalt and nickel, using a certain percentage of secondary material, i.e. material already in the cycle.


(BMW Group)





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