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13 ore fa, 4200blu scrive:

Another example is steering wheel heating: If a customer is driving in sub-zero temperatures, our voice assistant will invite them to try out the steering wheel heating

In pratica sta dicendo che l'assistente vocale Hey BMW farà gli annunci pubblicitari tipo quelli della stazione, mentre stai guidando? Spero non gli implementino il riconoscimento delle parolacce in tal caso.


N.B. giusto per correttezza, è chiaramente specificato che questa funzionalità si attiverà solo col consenso del cliente

Modificato da GL91
Inviato (modificato)

Il tizio che scrive, ossia Peter De Lorenzo, è notoriamente (almeno in USA....) un "pazzo scatenato", un tipo alla Sgarbi per intenderci ma della materia automobilistica e del marketing in particolare (per trascorsi professionali) se ne intende non poco:







MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2021 AT 10:29AM


By Peter M. DeLorenzo


Detroit. Readers of this column know that I have been documenting BMW’s excruciating slide to oblivion for many years now. Once the little German auto company that could – defined by its crisp sports sedans that were unlike anything else on the road – BMW has transformed itself into a purveyor of bloated, overwrought SUVs, porky sedans and some of the most hideous looking vehicles on the road.

What the hell happened?

Was it the pressure of trying to compete with its traditional rival, Mercedes-Benz? After all, these two manufacturers egged each other on to chase new segments – both real and imagined – to their everlasting detriment. Was it the fear of trying to remain an independent car company? This led to insane volume targets and the absurd notion that they could actually place a BMW in every garage in America. Or, was it a measure of hubris and delusional thinking that was exponentially more virulent than any found in the Motor City? The first two points I mentioned had a bit to do with BMW’s fall, but it is my last point that is directly responsible for most of it.

How else can you explain the abject stupidity polluting the social media landscape BMW has been responsible for of late? BMW operatives have decided to take the brilliant marketing approach of insulting their older buyers – you know, the ones who put and have kept BMW on the map – by suggesting they are out of touch and not worth keeping around anyway. And when those buyers registered their unhappiness with BMW’s marketing approach, company marketers responded with the now comical “Ok, Boomer.” Which, naturally, unleashed a furious torrent of derision aimed at BMW, and deservedly so.

But that monumentally misguided waste of time brought to life by BMW marketers was only setting the table for an even more egregious mistake: a remarkably insulting and flat-out stupid video that BMW operatives had the temerity to unveil at the recently completed CES. You can watch it here, but I warn you that you won’t get through it without a few well-placed "WTFs?" and "OMGs!"



Citando l'asturiano di ferrarista memoria:

1) Geni o

2) Scemi ?


Personalmente sono assai combattuto e, vista la reazione in USA, propenderei per la seconda.....


P.S.1: che sia colpa di Van Hooydonk anche qui ? :mrgreen:


P.S.2: il video incriminato:



P.S.3: date un'occhiata ai commenti lasciati sul tubo ed ai like dislike...

Modificato da pennellotref

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

11 ore fa, pennellotref scrive:


P.S.2: il video incriminato:



P.S.3: date un'occhiata ai commenti lasciati sul tubo ed ai like dislike...


Ho dovuto guardarlo due volte perchè non ci credevo......... nauseante..............


Inviato (modificato)

Tra i commenti:

"So BMW just admited that their new "cars" are just marketing bullshit while the old ones are the "Sheer Driving Pleasure". Sad but true."


"I drive fast, I have 12 cylinders"
"And I, ....can change interior ambient colors"

Great progress for us petrolheads... a facepalm follows


"BMW marketing has lost the plot. If you can’t sell your new model without talking about how “bad” your older flagship model is, then there’s no hope really"



Beh, raga, non commento: potrei passare per estremista :P


Modificato da Cole_90

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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Ci deve essere qualche morbo sconosciuto (e non parlo del covid....) che bazzica dalle parti di Monaco. Auguro all'elica che non sia letale.....

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

3 minuti fa, Beckervdo scrive:

Ma vaffanculo va...

una 760Li Individual con quel panetto senz'anima.


Che dici ? Il video sarà piaciuto a Chris Bangle ? 🤣

Madò ! :( Qualcuno fermi il consiglio d'amministrazione .....:(r

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

Inviato (modificato)

Questo è un marketing inverso; invece che nobilitare il nuovo prodotto, lo mette in ridicolo rispetto a ciò che andrebbe a sostituire. Senza contare, come detto da qualcuno nei commenti, che BMW preferisce chi "flexa" il badge rispetto a chi vuole godersi la guida, deridendo quest'ultimi. Hanno perso totalmente la bussola...

Modificato da Auditore
  • Mi Piace 1

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