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Alfa Romeo

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STLA Medium

STLA Large

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12 ore fa, 4200blu scrive:



Stellantis to engineer new STLA Small, Medium EV platforms in Europe

Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares said the group's coming STLA Small and Medium architectures would be developed in Europe.

TURIN – Stellantis will engineer its coming STLA Small and Medium electric-vehicle platforms in Europe, CEO Carlos Tavares said. 

The new platforms are defined by Stellantis as "BEV by design," meaning that they are being developed mainly for battery-powered vehicles but could also support internal combustion variants where there is a demand for them.
Tavares, speaking at a news conference Thursday here, did not give specifics about the development of the STLA Small and Medium platforms. 
Asked by Automotive News Europe if the group’s other two future EV platforms, STLA Large and STLA Frame (for body-on-frame vehicles), would be developed in North America, Tavares smiled but did not give a direct answer. 

Tavares confirmed that Stellantis would build a total of four models for three of its brands on STLA Medium in its factory in Melfi, southern Italy. ANE previously reported that the models will include two for DS and one each for Lancia and Opel/Vauxhall.
Cars underpinned by the four platforms will be capable driving 500 to 800 km (300 to 500 miles) on a single charge.

2 million units per platform
The four new architectures are expected to each underpin the production of up to 2 million vehicles annually, Stellantis said in 2021.

"The four platforms are designed with a high level of flexibility and parts sharing, to create scale economies," Stellantis' head of Italy, Santo Ficili, said last October. "In this way, each platform will be able to support [the production of] up to 2 million units every year."

With conflict in Ukraine comes more reminders of the fragility of the world's automotive supply chains. The March light vehicle production update from S&P Global Mobility (formerly the automotive team at IHS Markit) is likely to downgrade its 2022 forecast by 2.6mn units (i.e. to 81.6 million).

The STLA platforms are notable for their longer range compared with most current electric cars. Their specifications and intended purposes include:

STLA Small: Vehicles on this platform will be 3500 to 4300 mm long, and have battery packs of 37 to 82 kilowatt-hours with a range up to 500 km (300 miles), the company said last year in its EV Day presentation. They will include small and “entry compact” vehicles mainly from Citroen, DS, Fiat, Lancia, Opel/Vauxhall and Peugeot. They are set to debut in early 2026, with the Jeep Renegade small SUV successor.
STLA Medium: Vehicles will be 4350 to 5000 mm long, and have battery packs of 87 to 104 kWh and a range up to 700 km (440 miles). They will include compact and midsize models for many of Stellantis’ 14 brands. The first models would launch in early 2024, possibly with a new flagship crossover for the DS brand.
STLA Large: Vehicles will be 4650 to 5400 mm long, have battery packs of 101 to 118 kWh and a range up to 800 km (500 miles). It is intended for high-performance midsize and large vehicles, for the Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep brands. The first launch is planned for 2024, with a model identified as a “performance muscle car” for Dodge, according to Stellantis’ “Dare Forward 2030" plan announced on March 1.
STLA Frame: Models will be 5400 to 5900 mm long, and have battery packs of 159 to over 200 kWh and a range up to 800 km (500 miles). It will be used for body-on-frame vehicles for the Ram and Jeep brands. Debut is planned to begin in 2024, possibly on a full electric version of the Ram light-duty pickup. 




Great job pal, now give us the new article about Alfa Romeo's flagship 😅

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TURIN – Alfa Romeo's next flagship model will be a full-electric SUV larger than the current midsize Stelvio and will be launched by 2027, CEO Jean-Philippe Imparato told journalists.

Speaking last week during a visit to Stellantis’ Pomigliano factory in southern Italy, which builds the Tonale compact SUV, Imparato said the new flagship model would be crucial to increasing Alfa Romeo’s sales in Europe, the U.S. and China, according to Italian media reports.

It will compete with the X5 from BMW, the brand that Alfa Romeo has set as its benchmark, Imparato told Automotive News Europe in an interview in February. There were 46,238 BMW X5s sold in Europe in 2021, according to Dataforce.

The model will be Alfa Romeo’s fourth SUV, following the Stelvio, which was launched in 2017, the Tonale that went on sale this year and a small SUV set to debut in 2024 that likely will be called Brennero.

Alfa Romeo will not become an SUV-only brand like Jeep, Imparato said. "We are not abandoning the Giulia" midsize sedan, he said. "There will be a future Giulia, and it will be an electric-only model."

Alfa Romeo has decided not to launch a successor to the Giulietta compact hatchback, which ceased production in late 2020.

“For the [compact segment] we have the Tonale, which is a global product,“ Imparato said. “The Giulietta was only a European model, and we want Alfa to be global.“

Imparato said in the Automotive News Europe interview in February that a large model was the most likely addition to the range, while a Giulietta replacement was not among the top priorities.

The new Alfa Romeo model would compete with leading large SUVs such as the BMW X5, shown in plug-in hybrid form. 

Return to 100,000 global sales
After becoming a part of Stellantis in the merger of PSA Group and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Alfa Romeo was profitable in 2021 under Imparato after decades of red ink.

The brand hopes to return to 100,000 global sales, possibly by 2023 and helped by the Tonale.

Last year, Alfa Romeo sold 56,000 units globally, mainly Giulias and Stelvios. Europe accounted for 28,000 units (18,334 Stelvios, 6,479 Giulias and 3,037 Giuliettas, according to figures from Dataforce), and the US for 18,250 (10,539 Stelvios and 7,634 Giulias, according to figures from the Automotive News Data Center).

The Tonale went into production in March, with a capacity of 23 units per hour, pointing to potential output of 40,000 to 80,000 units a year. Imparato said in February that global sales of the Tonale could be in the range of 70,000 to 80,000 units. Europe could account for 45,000 to 60,000 units, with 10,000 to 15,000 possible in the U.S.

Alfa plans to ramp up Tonale production to about 20,000 units this year. The model will go in sale in Europe in June and reach the U.S. by the end of the year.



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26 minuti fa, Davialfa scrive:

provo a risolverla io


Per prima cosa sappiamo che "La somma delle età di 500 e punto è pari a 44 anni", perciò:
A=età di 500 nel presente
M=età di punto nel presente

Tempo libero oggi, eh? :mrgreen:

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14 ore fa, GFab scrive:

Non sono abbonato, ma in questo articolo si parla delle piattaforme Small e Medium e del fatto che sono in sviluppo in Europa (grazie al cavolo..). Non so se viene detto di più, in primis sul coinvolgimento di Stellantis Italia rispetto al ruolo che necessariamente avrà Stellantis Francia.

Qui invece si continua la tradizione degli articoli criptici, con informazioni che non tornano mai del tutto e citazioni del sibillino Olivier François. Riassumo qualche punto. Sembra tipo un quiz:


-la gamma Fiat del futuro, a livello globale sarà composta da 10 modelli, di cui 4 veicoli commerciali (includono i pickup brasiliani? Boh), una supermini South America-only (che chiamano Strada. Ma Strada è un pickup, non una supermini. La supermini brasiliana si chiama Argo…) e 5 auto globali


-se capisco bene, sembrerebbe quindi che si voglia andare verso una quasi convergenza tra la gamma europea e quella sudamericana del marchio 


-delle 5 auto globali, 1 è la 500 e 4 sono nuove. Tutte e 4 hanno design già approvato e 2 di esse saranno derivate concettualmente dalla Centoventi. 3 delle 4 saranno crossover. 2 di questi 3 crossover sostituiranno più o meno direttamente la Panda e la 500x


-la non crossover dei 4 nuovi modelli viene descritta come una supermini (l’erede della Punto) e sarà il primo modello ad arrivare, nel 2023 (sarà la 500+/600 polacca? Non tornerebbe la descrizione di supermini invece che crossover)


-i veicoli andranno dai 3.6 m ai 4.5 m


-si conferma il “gemellaggio” con Citroen specificando che si divideranno un po’ i segmenti, con Fiat più concentrata sui modelli piccoli e Citroen su quelli più grandi, ma con ampia area di sovrapposizione al centro. Non ci sarà quindi nessuna C5x a marchio Fiat (per fortuna direi..)


-si sottolinea l’ovvio passaggio all’elettrico e la mission di diventare la Tesla del popolo


-si parla di uso delle sole piattaforme ex-PSA e successive piattaforme Stellantis. La sola piattaforma eMini di 500 viene citata per eventuali citycar di altri marchi 


-la gamma 500 avrà 3 modelli 








chissa se avere modelli comuni brasile-europa avra senso. dato il successo di brasile con i suoi modelli specifici di design ( e ricordiamo anche che brasile avra requirements tecnici sempre molto diversi: dalla sicurezza, ai motori a etanolo, alle auto impostate per andare su bad roads).


mi sembra strana sta cosa

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8 minuti fa, tenore scrive:

chissa se avere modelli comuni brasile-europa avra senso. dato il successo di brasile con i suoi modelli specifici di design ( e ricordiamo anche che brasile avra requirements tecnici sempre molto diversi: dalla sicurezza, ai motori a etanolo, alle auto impostate per andare su bad roads).


mi sembra strana sta cosa

Il motore si cambia presto.

Le bad roads le abbiamo pure qua (anzi se pubblicizzassero le auto come resistenti alle buche ne venderebbero parecchie dalle mie parti).

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1 ora fa, stev66 scrive:

Ora le auto brasiliane non sono i portabili, per motivi di crash test, omologazione ed ADAS. 

Domani vedremo. 


no infatti, ma potrebbe diventare prossimamente conveniente produrre là su piattaforme native europee.

che costano di più, di certo, ma con le nuove economie di scala date dal mega-gruppozzo potrebbe essere una via percorribile.

e questo renderebbe più facile - nel caso - anche percorrere la via inversa (portando qua modelli nati là).

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3 hours ago, LucioFire said:

a 9000 euro te la sogni di notte :D

Appunto. Non mi stupisce che vogliano tenersi un'uscita di sicurezza visto che ci vorranno almeno 10 anni prima che le BEV costino come le ICE oggi.

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