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possibile spin off di Maserati secondo Palmer....

Maserati could 'stand on its own' in the future, Stellantis CFO says
A number of the Italian brand's competitors have gone public in recent years, including Ferrari, Porsche and Aston Martin.

Maserati could be a stand-alone brand in the future if it can become sustainably profitable, Stellantis Chief Financial Officer Richard Palmer said, adding that no decision has been made.

In recent years, a number of Maserati’s high-end competitors have been spun off from their parent companies as separate listings, including Ferrari (from Fiat) at the end of 2015 and Porsche (from Volkswagen Group) at the end of September. Aston Martin went public in 2018. 

VW Group has also asked several of its separate brands to model what they would look like as public companies. Other recent market debuts include Geely and Volvo’s Polestar brand.

But the record is mixed for these new entrants. As of Thursday, Ferrari’s market capitalization nearly equalled that of Stellantis; Porsche’s share price has largely held value despite a larger market selloff. Aston Martin and Polestar, however, have struggled. 

Maserati’s performance as part of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles ahead of the merger with PSA Group that created Stellantis was uneven, with ever-shifting product plans and sales forecasts that failed to pan out.

The brand has fared better under Stellantis, which was formed at the end of January 2021. Global sales rose by 41 percent in 2021 to 24,300 units.

Maserati revenue was up 47 percent in 2021 to more than 2 billion euros. Adjusted operating profit was 103 million euros compared with a loss of 91 million euros in 2020. Operating margin was 5.1 percent – and 6.5 percent in the second half after the MC20 supercar entered the market.

Third quarter revenues this year were up 23 percent this year over 2021, Stellantis announced Thursday. Shipments rose by 14 percent.

Breaking the cycle
Palmer credited the launch of the Grecale midsize SUV, as well as higher sales of the MC20, for those gains. He said Maserati was well positioned to break what one analyst called the “boom and bust” cycle of previous years.

“I’m pretty confident we can break that pattern with the new team and product plan we have,” he told analysts Thursday on Stellantis’ third-quarter earnings call. “The frequency of launches is a big focus. In the past that has been our biggest issue, because we would launch a vehicle and leave an extended gap to the next one.”

“The important thing is to maintain enough novelty value in the lineup and continue to refresh it,” he added. 

Asked whether Stellantis was planning to list Maserati separately, Palmer said the answer is “no” at the moment, as the group focused on building out the luxury brand’s product plan, which emphasizes a shift to full-electric models in the coming years.

“I am very optimistic and confident that we can build a very interesting luxury car business, and eventually at some point in time that could be an asset that can stand on its own,” he said. “Clearly it has a very strong brand, its own network and a very independent type of business, even in the way we run it inside Stellantis.”

The MC20 Cielo roadster will be Maserati's most expensive car ever, at 260,000 euros.

Following the Grecale, Maserati will launch its most expensive model, the MC 20 Cielo, a roadster version of the sports car that will cost 260,000 euros. It will be followed by the lightweight GranTurismo coupe, on a new platform, as a serious competitor to Ferrari.

The GranTurismo will use the new Nettuno V-6 engine also found in the MC20 rather than the V-8 used in previous models. 

It will be followed by the Gran Cabrio convertible, as well as a full-electric Folgore variant that tops the Porsche Taycan in acceleration. 

By 2025, Maserati will launch full-electric versions of the MC20, as well as a new generation of the Quattroporte sports sedan and Levante large SUV, both as electric-only cars.

The Ghibli midsize sedan will not be replaced because of changing customer tastes, Maserati said earlier this year.







Qui parlano di una Maserati in crescita grazie a Grecale e MC20, scrivendo: <<la Maserati Grecale continua a conquistare una fetta di pubblico sempre più grande>>.


Per caso sapete quanto ha venduto sinora?

E' stata accolta bene?


In giro non ne vedo ancora su strada, come l'Alfa Romeo Tonale.

- Volkswagen Polo 3 porte 1.0 50 cv "X", del 1998 (tenuta dal 2003 al 2007)

- Fiat Grande Punto 5 porte 1.3 Multijet 90 cv "Emotion", nuova (dal 2007 al 2019)

- Fiat 500X 1.6 Multijet 120 cv "Citycross", nuova (in possesso dal 2019)

9 ore fa, Bertoz scrive:

Per caso sapete quanto ha venduto sinora?

fino settembre cosi



Per paragonare: nella stesso periodo 06 - 09 Macan solo in Europa ha venduta 6800 unite, globele in questi 4 mesi 25.500 unite.



19 ore fa, 4200blu scrive:

possibile spin off di Maserati secondo Palmer....

Maserati could 'stand on its own' in the future, Stellantis CFO says
A number of the Italian brand's competitors have gone public in recent years, including Ferrari, Porsche and Aston Martin.




Maserati’s performance as part of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles ahead of the merger with PSA Group that created Stellantis was uneven, with ever-shifting product plans and sales forecasts that failed to pan out.

The brand has fared better under Stellantis, which was formed at the end of January 2021. Global sales rose by 41 percent in 2021 to 24,300 units.



Palmer credited the launch of the Grecale midsize SUV, as well as higher sales of the MC20, for those gains. He said Maserati was well positioned to break what one analyst called the “boom and bust” cycle of previous years.

“I’m pretty confident we can break that pattern with the new team and product plan we have,” he told analysts Thursday on Stellantis’ third-quarter earnings call. “The frequency of launches is a big focus. In the past that has been our biggest issue, because we would launch a vehicle and leave an extended gap to the next one.”

“The important thing is to maintain enough novelty value in the lineup and continue to refresh it,” he added. 


Ora a sentire questo articolo pare che sia merito della fusione con PSA se Maserati ha tutti questi modelli in uscita, mah...

"Chi ti dà una serpe quando chiedi un pesce, può darsi abbia solo serpi da dare. La sua, dunque, è generosità."

29 minuti fa, Marco1975 scrive:

Grecale non è ancora negli USA che saranno forse il primo mercato, ma per ora i numeri sono proprio piccoli … a Cassino non dormiranno tranquilli 

Usa sicuramente diventera primo mercato, in Eu e troppo italcentrico, ma forse questa cambiera quando esce la versione folgore. Interessante da vedere se faranno davvero il Ipo come Ferrari e Porsche hanno gia fatto e molto probabile Lambo fara in futuro. 



Oddio non sono proprio di categorie comparabili … e per averla vista dal vivo, grecale sembra proprio uno Stelvio facelift … non so se il pubblico dei marchi di lusso sarà attirato 


500 è un prodotto eccellente e nel suo piccolo rivoluzionario. È per le utilitarie ciò che è stato Tesla per le ammiraglie: un prodotto desiderabile, esclusivo, che fa figo e non ha concorrenza. Grecale invece è un compitino che non porta nulla di nuovo sul tavolo, anzi sembra nascere con diversi anni sul groppone. Non ci scommetterei sul suo successo


Concordo … sarebbe stato almeno per gli interni un buon nuovo Stelvio con tanto di ibridi e versione elettrica. Gli hanno cambiato (in peggio) il frontale e gli han messo il tridente. Mah. Almeno l’entry price di 75k è poco sopra le versioni alte (non quadrifoglio 🍀) dello Stelvio 

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