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[RAGE ROOM] Alfa Romeo

Messaggio aggiunto da AleMcGir,


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Volevo far notare il triangolo cromato storto, poi mi sono reso conto che è come guardare un incidente stradale: vorresti non guardarlo ma non puoi staccare gli occhi da lì... è raccapricciante.

Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma

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These Are The 10 Most Discounted New Cars And SUVs On The Market Now

Shopping for a new vehicle has been tough over the last few years. Parts shortages, dealer markups, production slowdowns, and more have left many shoppers unsatisfied. According to a new report though, there are a handful of deals still out there. Here are the most discounted new cars you can find on sale right now.

A list compiled by Consumer Reports highlights data on how much people have actually paid for vehicles. The timeline from which this data comes was not disclosed. What we do know is that CR found 10 different vehicles that are selling for below sticker on average.


The top two spots really shoot off of the page though because they’re both taken up by Alfa Romeos and they offer steep discounts. The second-largest discount on the market is on the Stelvio SUV. On average, buyers are paying about four percent less than MSRP for one right now.

The top spot goes to the Giulia which is going for a whopping 10 percent off MSRP right now. That’s a huge discount on an excellent driver-focused sports sedan. It’s even more attractive in the light of how pricey some new models are after “market adjustments.” Regardless, it’s nice to know that for the buyer willing to look at one of these models, they should be able to buy one for MSRP or maybe less.





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