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Big Rover In For A Stretch

Mean-looking limousines are rare, but that's exactly what MG Rover has produced with its latest car. The new long-wheelbase 75 gets the aggressive grille from the UK firm's V8 flagship.

Sadly for ministers, mayors and captains of industry, the luxury model won't get the eight-cylinder unit. Instead, there's a choice of either a petrol 2.5-litre V6 or a 2.0-litre CDTi common-rail diesel. Based on the 75 saloon, the limo has an extra 20cm between the wheels, giving rear passengers Rolls-Royce Phantom-rivalling legroom. Prices start at £27,295 for the manual oil-burner, rising to £29,995 for the flagship V6 auto. The car is on display at the British Motor Show.

Meanwhile, Longbridge is taking orders for the 75 V8. It's available in two trim levels, with the Connoisseur SE starting at £31,995 and the Contemporary SE from £32,395. Both feature an auto box as standard, and are also offered as Tourer estates, which command a £1,000 premium.


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