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So che è poco, ma il codice progetto di Astra VI è OV51

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12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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  • Cole_90 ha modificato il titolo in Opel Astra VI 2021 - Prj. OV51 (Notizie)
  • 4 settimane fa...
Inviato (modificato)

Qualche dichiarazione da Mark Adams ad Autocar su Opel Astra VI (OV51): “What [the new Mokka] is to this segment, that car [the Astra] will be to its segment. [...] The boldness and the key elements [of the Mokka] will be coming through. We’re not going to take the same design and morph it into a different shape. We’ll take the same ingredients and develop it around them. [...] As soon as we became part of the PSA Group, I had the opportunity to just think about what we want the brand to be. That was the brief Carlos [Tavares] gave to me: ‘Right, you can do what you want to do for the brand.’ We had the freedom to take it to where we wanted to go.”



Ho aspettative alte per questo modello.


Modificato da Cole_90

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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