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Scelte strategiche Hyundai Motor Company

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Hyundai Motor Company ha deciso di presentare un nuovo brand per le vetture EV; il nome scelto sarà IONIQ.

Tutti i concepts recenti confluiranno in questo nuovo marchio; pertanto la Hyundai 45 Concept di serie diventerà IONIQ 5, la Prophecy Concept evolverà in IONIQ 6 ed infine avremo un SUV dalle grandi dimensioni chiamato IONIQ 7.

Saranno quindi 3 modelli in 4 anni.



Press Release:



Hyundai Motor Company today opened a new chapter as a leader in the era of electrified mobility by launching the Ioniq brand for battery electric vehicles. Under the IONIQ brand, Hyundai Motor Company will provide a customer-oriented EV experience centered on connected lifestyle solutions in line with Hyundai Motor’s vision of’advancing for humanity’.

Under the IONIQ brand, Hyundai Motor Company plans to launch three new exclusive models over the next four years, leveraging the industry’s best EV manufacturing know-how, with more innovative models. The creation of the IONIQ brand is responding to the rapidly increasing market demand and is accelerating Hyundai’s plan to lead the global EV market.

To fulfill IONIQ’s brand mission, Hyundai Motor Company is a future innovation that combines design, technology and services for smooth travel by integrating current EV features such as ultra-fast charging, large interior space, and battery-supplied power into the in- and out-of-car environment. Will be combined with.  

“The Ioniq brand will change the paradigm of EV customer experience,” said Won-Hong Cho, Vice President of Marketing at Hyundai Motor Company. “With a new emphasis on connected living, we will provide an electrified experience that is essential for an eco-friendly lifestyle.”

IONIC’s rebirth

Hyundai Motor Company first introduced the term Ioniq, a fusion of’Ion’ and’Unique,’ while announcing the long-term R&D project Ioniq focusing on eco-friendly mobility. In 2016, Hyundai Motor Company introduced a vehicle named IONIQ, the world’s first and only model based on this project, offering three electrified powertrain options: Hybrid Electric, Plug-In Hybrid, and Battery Electric, as a single body type. Made it possible. Today, Ioniq represents today’s growing commitment to sustainability and innovation, and will play an important role in meeting the company’s clean mobility goals.

The IONIQ brand was designed to combine life-changing mobility with environmental performance, and has played an important role in delivering advanced electrification to date. IONIQ will continue to create a new balance in clean mobility that synchronizes ecological products within an ecosystem of lifestyle solutions that lead lives connected with new generations.  

Existing IONIQ vehicles (Hybrid, PHEV, EV) are not included in the new IONIQ brand.

Ioniq 5 / Ioniq 6 / Ioniq 7

Hyundai is planning to launch a variety of EVs, numerically named even numbers for sedans and odd numbers for SUVs. 

The first model of the IONIQ brand is the IONIQ 5 mid-size CUV, which is expected to be released in early 2021. The Ionic 5 is a concept EV ’45’ that Hyundai Motor Company unveiled to pay tribute to its first concept car at the International Motor Show (IAA) 2019 held in Frankfurt. The designers of Ioniq 5 took inspiration from the past and integrated them with state-of-the-art parametric pixels, a unique design element that modern designers will continue to incorporate into future Ionic models.

Hyundai Motor Company plans to introduce the Ioniq 6 Sedan based on the latest concept EV ‘Propechy’ launched in March, and the Ionic 6 Sedan in 2022 following the large SUV Ioniq 7 in early 2024. Percent’s iconic exterior design is characterized by a perfectly proportioned aerodynamic silhouette.

Likewise, the design of IONIQ vehicles has a common theme of’value without time’. This vehicle will draw inspiration from past models, but it will be a bridge to the future

E-GMP platform

The IONIQ brand model sits on the Electric Global Modular Platform known as E-GMP and offers fast charging and a rich driving range.

The dedicated EV platform will enable Hyundai to reimagine the vehicle interior as a “smart living space”, with unique features such as highly adjustable seats, wireless connectivity and drawers. The platform paradigm shift will be extended to the user interface. The user interface is simple, intuitive and ergonomically designed to help passengers feel comfortable. 

Strategy 2025

Hyundai Motor Group recently announced that the group aims to become a leader in the global electric vehicle sector by selling 1 million battery electric vehicles and occupying a 10% share by 2025.

According to the strategy 2025, Hyundai Motor Company aims to become the world’s third-largest eco-friendly car manufacturer by recording 560,000 BEV sales in addition to FCEV sales by 2025.

The launch of the exclusive Ioniq brand for EV models reinforced the company’s commitment to clean mobility, reflecting the continued transition to a smart mobility solution provider with a zero-emission solution. 

London Eye Event: Ionic Campaign

Just before the official reopening of this famous attraction, Hyundai Motor Company celebrated the launch of Ioniq by turning the London Eye into a giant letter “Q” using a light fixture.

This is the first event of the’I Am Responsible’ brand campaign, which aims to strengthen the capabilities of the environment and various lifestyles through Ionic.

London is a city bustling with the COVID-19 pandemic, and Hyundai is once again providing new energy to the city by creating one of the most iconic tourist attractions.

Announcing the advent of IONIQ, Hyundai’s light installation is foreshadowing a new era of electrified mobility that puts customers at the center.

You can watch a video of Hyundai Motor Company transforming the world famous London Eye into a giant’Q’ here.



Modificato da AleMcGir
  • Wow! 1

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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Rimanendo nell’ottica dei nuovi brands si segnala un cambio manageriale in Genesis dopo gli ultimi disastri, tra cui:


- Lancio G80 e GV80 negli States posticipato;

- principi di incendio su G80 (e Hyundai Grandeur);

- posticipo del lancio del brand in Europa;

- softwares infotainment lacunosi;

- moltissimi problemi su GV80 Diesel (rumori e rotture).


Il nuvoo Global Head è Jaehoon (Jay) Chang, al posto di William Lee.

  • Grazie! 2

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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Incrocio le dita per Genesis, bravi che hanno reagito subito con un cambio di management.
Non sono d'accordo con la creazione di un brand EV, considerando che tra una decade buona parte delle opzioni di ciascun brand dovrà essere EV, ma a Hyundai-Kia servono brand e quindi comprendo la necessità di crearne uno. Voglio essere fiducioso, dai!

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17 minuti fa, Motron scrive:

Ioniq potrebbe benissimo essere un brand di televisori...



Non e' tanto il nome che conta, quanto il marketing che lo sostiene e i valori (o presunti tali) che ci stanno dietro.

E poi tutto sommato Ioniq e' un nome che gia' adesso e' associato a Hyundai green, in pratica da modello diventera' gamma e brand.

Preferisco nomi senza storia ma che sfornano modelli, a marchi di 100 e passa anni onusti di storia lasciati morire.

Modificato da Dodicicilindri
  • Mi Piace 2

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 

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Seguono un po' quanto fatto anche da altri brand, alcuni però non creano un marchio nuovo ma una gamma parallela a quella ICE; vedi VW con iD, BMW con i, Mercedes con EQ, ecc... 


Come idea non è male in quanto a livello maketing (se fatto bene) attira l'attenzione ed in caso di insuccesso e/o chiusura non si va ad intaccare l'immagine del brand padre.  Poi può avere senso anche in ottica futura perché non è ancora ben chiaro quanto futuro avrà il total elettrico. 

  • Mi Piace 3


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Ma non è un po' rischioso formare mille brands che possano calpestarsi i piedi?
Già Hyundai e Kia si occupano della stessa clientela.

Genesis può forse sire la sua in America, ma in Europa sarà alquanto complicato imporsi vista la triade + altri marchi Premium non della triade (Alfa Romeo, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover...) e quelli nati dal nulla (Lexus, DS, Cupra...). Il mercato è già più che affollato.

Ora pensano al marchio Ioniq, probabilmente per competere con Tesla e Polestar.


Come qualcuno ha già saggiamente scritto, tutti i marchi sono destinati ad orientarsi all'elettrico, quindi perchè non proporre il marchio Genesis con questo tipo di alimentazione, senza spendere soldi in un marchio dal nulla.


Ora, non so in quali acque finanziarie naviga il gruppo coreano, ma in questo periodo c'è da prestare attenzione su dove e su cosa investire (persino marchi blasonati stanno seguendo questa precauzione).

- Volkswagen Polo 3 porte 1.0 50 cv "X", del 1998 (tenuta dal 2003 al 2007)

- Fiat Grande Punto 5 porte 1.3 Multijet 90 cv "Emotion", nuova (dal 2007 al 2019)

- Fiat 500X 1.6 Multijet 120 cv "Citycross", nuova (in possesso dal 2019)

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  • 2 settimane fa...

- Il nuovo logo Kia, già visto sui concepts Imagine e Futuron, verrà presentato ufficialmente entro la fine del 2020. La prima vettura a disporne dovrebbe essere il crossover elettrico, codice progetto CV, di cui abbiamo parlato in questi giorni;


- anche Genesis ha svelato una variante 2D del suo già noto logo, senza però stravolgerne il  design.

- benché non fossero stati chiarissimi all’inizio, è arrivata la conferma del fatto che IONIQ non sia uno stand-alone brand, bensì un sub-brand in stile ID di Volkswagen o e-tron di Audi.

Il badge Hyundai sarà comunque sempre presente sulle vetture EV.




  • Mi Piace 1

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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  • 3 settimane fa...

Kia presenterà 7 modelli BEV entro il 2027




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12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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