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Scelte strategiche Hyundai Motor Company

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Hyundai to expand hybrid lineup after posting record profit
Hyundai profit was also helped by favorable exchange rates and demand for higher-end vehicles.

SEOUL -- Hyundai reported record quarterly profit and revenue on strong sales of high-margin cars and said it would expand hybrid line ups to brace for possible changes in U.S. electric vehicle policies following the election.

Hyundai, which together with its affiliate Kia is the world's No. 3 automaker by sales, reported a net profit of 4 trillion won ($2.89 billion) for the April-June period, up from 3.2 trillion won in profit a year earlier.

The net profit was its highest quarterly since the previous record high set in the second quarter of 2022.

Favorable exchange rates and strong sales of high-margin SUVs boosted earnings.

Hyundai warned of an uncertain outlook due to intensifying price competition as inflation and high interest rates squeeze consumers.

"As consumer demand for autos is weakening, we expect there will be more competition and the amount of incentives is also likely to increase ... creating a tougher business outlook," the automaker said in a July 25 earnings release.

Hyundai outperformed some of its rivals including EV leader Tesla and other legacy auto makers such as Ford, by boosting sales of premium SUV models and hybrid vehicles in the U.S., a move that also helped it offset a prolonged sales weakness in the domestic market.

Domestic vehicle sales in South Korea, Hyundai's second-biggest market, slumped 10 percent the second quarter, extending from a 16 percent drop in the previous quarter, as consumers continue to grapple with surging inflation and a weak economy.

Its vehicle sales in the U.S. edged up 2.2 percent in the quarter. High-margin SUV sales accounted for about 80 percent of the total while hybrid vehicle sales jumped 42 percent from the same period a year ago, Hyundai said.

Analysts also said the favorable exchange rate in the quarter had helped Hyundai's profit growth. The won slumped 4.3 percent against the dollar in the quarter from a year earlier, boosting Hyundai's repatriated overseas sales and profit.

U.S. uncertainty

Hyundai said it would expand hybrid lineups as demand for EVs eases globally and uncertainty mounts over U.S. EV policies.

Former President Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, is critical of the EV policies of Democrat President Joe Biden and has said he will "end the electric vehicle mandate" if he wins.

"Even if Trump wins the election, we don't expect the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to be scrapped," Hyundai Chief Financial Officer Lee Seung Jo told analysts on an earnings call, referring to Biden's signature clean energy policy.

Lee said the company continues to monitor possibilities and plans to increase hybrid lineups "to prepare for possible shrinking of the IRA package."

Hyundai said profitability of its hybrid models was similar to that of gasoline cars, highlighting the segment's growing contribution to the bottom line, as sales of pure EVs dropped almost by a quarter.





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La gamma ibrida raddoppia

Il rallentamento della domanda per le elettriche dietro l'annuncio al Ceo Investor Day: arrivano due nuovi powertrain che porteranno a 14 il totale dei modelli a doppia alimentazione


Da 7 a 14 modelli ibridi. Nell'evento di Seul rivolto agli investitori, la Hyundai in particolare ha annunciato lo sviluppo di due nuove linee di ibrido benzina-elettrico che porteranno il totale dei modelli dotati di questa alimentazione da 7 a 14 e che equipaggeranno anche i prodotti del marchio di lusso Genesis. Il "rollout" partirà da gennaio 2025 e coinvolgerà tutti i segmenti di mercato, anche quelli più abbordabili.


Obiettivi ambiziosi (anche in Europa). 

L'obiettivo è quello di vendere 1,33 milioni di ibride l'anno entro il 2028, un incremento del 40% rispetto alle previsioni presentate soltanto un anno fa e un valore più che doppio rispetto alle 510 mila unità previste per quest'anno. Focus in particolare sul Nordamerica, dove i volumi delle ibride dovrebbero raggiungere le 690 mila unità entro il 2030 (contro le 170 mila di quest'anno), ma anche in Europa i valori sono in crescita (220 mila unità l'anno entro il 2028).


Un "Erev" da 900 chilometri a trazione integrale. E per quello che riguarda la tecnologia range extender? Avrà caratteristiche tecniche molto peculiari, con il generatore che potrà trovare posto anche in architetture elettriche dual motor e dunque a trazione integrale. L'autonomia di sistema, secondo quanto anticipato oggi dalla Casa, raggiungerà i 900 chilometri: produzione prevista a partire dal 2026 in Nordamerica e Cina, con commercializzazione globale a seguire dall'anno successivo.


Sul lungo termine l'orizzonte è a batteria. 

"L'azienda" si legge nella nota "punta ad accrescere gradualmente la sua gamma Bev con l’orizzonte del 2030, quando ci aspettiamo una ripresa della domanda. La Hyundai intende dare vita a una gamma completa a batteria con il lancio di 21 modelli entro la fine del decennio e l’obiettivo di vendere due milioni di unità l’anno entro la stessa scadenza".


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Hyundai and GM Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Explore Collaboration on Vehicles, Supply Chain and Clean-Energy Technologies

  • Hyundai Motor and GM to investigate joint product development, manufacturing and future clean energy technologies
  • Both companies to target improved efficiencies and increased competitiveness through collaboration

NEW YORK, Sept. 12, 2024 – General Motors (NYSE: GM) and Hyundai Motor Company (KRX: 005380 KS) have signed an agreement to explore future collaboration across key strategic areas.

GM and Hyundai will look for ways to leverage their complementary scale and strengths to reduce costs and bring a wider range of vehicles and technologies to customers faster.


Potential collaboration projects center on co-development and production of passenger and commercial vehicles, internal combustion engines and clean-energy, electric and hydrogen technologies.


The two leading global OEMs also will review opportunities for combined sourcing in areas such as battery raw materials, steel and other areas.


The framework agreement was signed by Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung and GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra.


Barra said a partnership between the two companies has the potential to make vehicle development more efficient by driving greater scale and supporting disciplined capital allocation.


“GM and Hyundai have complementary strengths and talented teams. Our goal is to unlock the scale and creativity of both companies to deliver even more competitive vehicles to customers faster and more efficiently,” said Barra.


Hyundai and GM’s flexibility and agility will allow both companies to explore the development of their shared capabilities.


“This partnership will enable Hyundai Motor and GM to evaluate opportunities to enhance competitiveness in key markets and vehicle segments, as well as drive cost efficiencies and provide stronger customer value through our combined expertise and innovative technologies,” said Chung.


Following the signing of the non-binding Memorandum of Understanding, assessment of opportunities and progression towards binding agreements will begin immediately.



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