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The 2021 Ram 1500 TRX Will Be Exported To Europe

There is a lot of areas throughout Europe, that Ram pickup trucks are popular.  Government regulations, high-gas prices, and the size of pickup trucks limit the sale of full-size pickups for certain parts of Europe, however, AEC Europe which is the official importer of Dodge and Ram vehicles to the European Union (EU), has confirmed its plans to sell the recently unveiled 2021 Ram 1500 TRX to the region.

According to a press release from AEC Europe, the company says that they are working on tests and adaptations for EU standards, as well as on the subsequent distribution via the official dealer network of over 125 partners throughout Europe.

“We are very optimistic about the start of the Ram 1500 TRX. This is due to the steadily growing demand for high-performance pickups in Europe and the expected popularity of this unique model of the RAM series. The Ram 1500 TRX is being tested to ensure it complies with EU regulations and is expected to be available for delivery in December 2020. “said John RF Muratori, Chief Operating Officer of AEC Europe

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2 ore fa, vince-991 scrive:

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The 2021 Ram 1500 TRX Will Be Exported To Europe



There is a lot of areas throughout Europe, that Ram pickup trucks are popular.  Government regulations, high-gas prices, and the size of pickup trucks limit the sale of full-size pickups for certain parts of Europe, however, AEC Europe which is the official importer of Dodge and Ram vehicles to the European Union (EU), has confirmed its plans to sell the recently unveiled 2021 Ram 1500 TRX to the region.

According to a press release from AEC Europe, the company says that they are working on tests and adaptations for EU standards, as well as on the subsequent distribution via the official dealer network of over 125 partners throughout Europe.

“We are very optimistic about the start of the Ram 1500 TRX. This is due to the steadily growing demand for high-performance pickups in Europe and the expected popularity of this unique model of the RAM series. The Ram 1500 TRX is being tested to ensure it complies with EU regulations and is expected to be available for delivery in December 2020. “said John RF Muratori, Chief Operating Officer of AEC Europe

Ho un garage 12x5m...dovrebbe problema è l'apertura di 210cm :D


Comunque non amo il genere ...MA ...è il pick up più fico che io abbia mai visto

Modificato da LucioFire

PETIZIONE 125 in Superstrada e Autostrada

La Desmosedici è una moto difficile, quando dai gas vibra e si muove, ma è una sua prerogativa perchè se non ti fai spaventare vedi che tutto funziona. [Casey Stoner]


Ram TRX Airbox Cover Features a Tyrannosaurus Rex Eating a Velociraptor

Ram 1500 TRX Easter Egg

Honestly, this leaves no question that the 2021 Ram 1500 TRX is engineered to chew up the Ford F-150 Raptor.

The engineers from the Ram Truck brand have taken to hiding “Easter eggs” throughout the truck and the 2021 Ram 1500 TRX might have the coolest hidden image ever. When you lift the TRX-branded air intake system cover, there is an etching in the plastic below it. That artwork, first showcased by Car and Driver shows the head of a Tyrannosaurus Rex chewing on the body of a Velociraptor.

  • Mi Piace 1
  • Ahah! 6

Io sinceramente la versione "normale" se non fosse per i 400cv e il relativo bollo e le dimensioni quasi proibitive per rientrarlo nel cancello di casa un pensierino ce lo farei.

Invece di un Range Rover Sport o un GLE o un Q8 che sto valutando mi prenderei un bel RAM 1500 che nella versione europea lo propongono anche a gpl se non sbaglio...

Meno sciccoso, ma più macho 😀



  • 2 settimane fa...

Tanto è una Fiat ricarrozzata .cit

È già in vendita(EAU)? Perché mi sembra di averne visto uno nel garage del residence dove abito

P.s. Ma quella specie di pentola da mensa è il servofreno? È enorme

  • 2 settimane fa...

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