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2022 Maserati MC20 Review: An Everyday Supercar Crown for the New Maserati Era


BY Ronan Glon


Maserati’s days of living in Ferrari's shadow are over. Unveiled in 2020 and 16 years after the track-bred MC12 made its debut, the mid-engine Maserati MC20 is one of the quickest Maserati models to date and the car that will spearhead the firm’s return to racing. 

Both of these points are noteworthy, especially after a generation of sedans and SUVs chiefly focused on luxury, but the MC20’s importance transcends performance. It’s the first fruit of a far-reaching overhaul that sets the course Maserati’s future models will follow.




2021 Maserati MC20 First Drive Review: Passion Project


By: Brandon Turkus


“Pride” is an annoying buzzword in the auto industry. Automakers routinely talk about how proud they are of X or how Y is so great because their employees take pride in the product. Call me a cynic, but 99 percent of the time, this is nonsense conjured up by a marketing person to attach human sentiment to an unsentimental product. With the 2021 Maserati MC20, though, the company's pride is palpable and well-warranted.

Throughout a tour of Maserati's four production buildings at Viale Ciro Menotti in Modena, I saw people in crisp white and blue uniforms laboring to bring the MC20 to life on a modern assembly line that churns out just five cars per day. Maserati's first on-site paint shop coats the cars in a dazzling array of colors, while just 12 people produce the first engines built in-house in decades. And of the parts that go onto this car, Maserati relied on Italian suppliers wherever practical. Dallara supplies the carbon-fiber monocoque, Sabelt the seats, Brembo the carbon-ceramic brakes, and Sonus Faber the surround audio system.



  • Mi Piace 2

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:




Maserati MC20 2021 review


A triumphant return to the supercar ranks: it's fast, thrilling and engaging yet also wonderfully approachable and easy to drive


by Greg Kable


Maserati knows it can’t mess this one up. There’s just too much at stake. The MC20 is described as the start of a whole new era for the fabled Italian car maker, the performance figurehead for a new generation of models intended to cement its standing among some very creditable competition and lead it into the future.

The importance attached to the new car, the first in-house developed mid-engined Maserati in a generation, is reflected in the way it has been developed.

This is not a Maserati in the traditional sense. Rather, it has been engineered using new digital processes that have enabled the new two-seater to go from conception to production in just two years. They’re borrowed largely from motorsport, ensuring rapid prototyping through a combination of computer-aided simulation and conventional road testing.

“When we started the project, we decided to go a different way to that used in the past," says Federico Landini, MC20 vehicle line executive. "A lot of the development has been carried out digitally with new partners, many from motorsport. It didn’t just involve the car, but a new engine as well. The processes involved have been key to allowing us to deliver the car on time in a period that has otherwise been very challenging.” 

A fresh new start for Maserati, then. The MC20 name, however, adheres to convention first established by Maserati early last century: MC stands for Maserati Corsa (Racing), with the numeral designating the year the new model was revealed. 



  • Grazie! 1

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

Adesso, poliziottesco scrive:

🙌 wow 🤩 


Era dai tempi della Giulia Q che non leggevo prime impressioni così favorevoli. 


Sara un caso che il team che le ha sviluppate ha molto in comune?

Chi ha i maroni quadrati ha i maroni quadrati...

  • Mi Piace 5
  • Grazie! 1
1 ora fa, AlexMi scrive:

Sara un caso che il team che le ha sviluppate ha molto in comune?

Chi ha i maroni quadrati ha i maroni quadrati...

E Federico Landini (un grande) è ovunque....

1 ora fa, poliziottesco scrive:

🙌 wow 🤩 


Era dai tempi della Giulia Q che non leggevo prime impressioni così favorevoli. 



1 ora fa, AlexMi scrive:

Sara un caso che il team che le ha sviluppate ha molto in comune?

Chi ha i maroni quadrati ha i maroni quadrati...

speriamo venda quanto la giulia allora :D

PETIZIONE 125 in Superstrada e Autostrada

La Desmosedici è una moto difficile, quando dai gas vibra e si muove, ma è una sua prerogativa perchè se non ti fai spaventare vedi che tutto funziona. [Casey Stoner]

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