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Disputa legale fra Citroen e Polestar per somiglianza logo.

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Polestar will be able to sell its cars in France!

The conflict between Polestar and Citroën has been going on for more than three years, preventing the Sino-Swedish firm from entering the French market.

As confirmed by “Le Monde” yesterday, the two brands have reached an agreement which finally marks the end of the legal battle they have been fighting for more than three years. A decision whose details remain confidential.

It all dates back to 2017, when Polestar changed its logo, opting for two mirrored chevrons drawing a North Star (Polestar in VO).

A new logo that does not pass with Citroën, the French brand seeing a new visual identity too close to its own emblem, but also that of its subsidiary brand, DS.

If in 2020 the Paris court refused to condemn Polestar for infringement, the firm was nevertheless forced to pay damages to the French brands, and prohibited from selling its vehicles on the French market for having: “ damaged reputation from Citroën and DS.

The end of the legal battle between the two entities therefore marks the end of this ban. If nothing has leaked concerning the agreement, Polestar now intends to waste no more time in marketing its models on French soil.



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