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On his arrival at DS Automobiles, Olivier François has somewhat upset the established order. A concept car planned for 2024 has been carefully tucked away behind the scenes, and the new boss is adamant that ‘ there is a real place in the market for a premium brand in France’. And when it comes to designing them, Olivier François would not be against injecting a small dose of retro-design into the lines of future DSs, considering that this would even be an asset. Speaking to Auto Infos Distribution on 30 May, he was quick to say that ‘ we need to rediscover the soul and spirit of what made the DS what it was’.


In pratica dovrebbe esistere un concept DS che sarebbe dovuto uscire nel 2024 a cui Olivier ha fatto mettere un telo sopra e rinchiudere in uno scantinato per poi far realizzare in fretta e furia la SM Tribute, io adesso molto curioso 👀


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