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F1 2021 - Presentazioni monoposto


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  • 1 mese fa...

BWT Want Aston Martin Back In A Full Pink Livery

We were all super excited for the green Aston Martin F1 car this year, and in the studio lights at their all singing and dancing launch event it looked pretty magnificent! But on track it hasn’t really had the same effect, it’s very easy to mix it up with the Mercedes and if we’re honest, the dark green looks pretty plain. BWT think the same.

BWT are the reason the car used to be entirely pink, and I think we all agree that it looked brilliant. But they’re not the title sponsor anymore so don’t have any control over the livery like they used to. Andreas Weissenbacher, BWT’s CEO, wants the pink back!

“Lawrence Stroll understands that my heart bleeds,” Andreas said to Speedweek about the car’s 2021 looks. “Historically, the British racing green is certainly understandable for many, but not for me. The Aston Martin doesn’t stand out on TV.”



  • Ahah! 1
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  • 3 mesi fa...
  • 1 mese fa...

Piccole modifiche alla livree in casa Williams e Alpine al GP Saudita


Per la Williams c'è sulle fisnchsre un omaggio a Frank




mentre in Apline compare un po' di verde per commemorare i 100 gp con Castrol




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3 ore fa, j scrive:

Piccole modifiche alla livree in casa Williams e Alpine al GP Saudita


Per la Williams c'è sulle fisnchsre un omaggio a Frank




mentre in Apline compare un po' di verde per commemorare i 100 gp con Castrol



Sarà che non l'ho mai notato prima ma... 

la scritta GENII sull'Alpine è riferita ad uno sponsor oppure è un richiamo ad una famosa frase di Alonso rivolta al muretto Ferrari qualche anno fa? 🤔

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