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MINI All Electric JCW 2025 - Prj. J01 BEV (Leak)


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3 minuti fa, poliziottesco scrive:

Allora o aspetterò' al 2023 oppure, se dovrò' fare piu' in fretta, vorrà' dire che andrò  di 500E rinunciando a quel po' di spazio in piu' che volevo rispetto alla Mini 3 porte. 


Se prendi la 3+1 praticamente hai una station wagon... :mrgreen:

  • Ahah! 2

I'M IN LOVE!:pippa:

"La 6° marcia, K@zzo!"

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Il Mostro di Ghostbusters torna a testare sulle nevi











  • Tristezza! 1

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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  • 1 mese fa...

A distanza di 18 mesi dal debutto ufficiale, MINI fa provare alla stampa la futura ed inedita versione BEV.
























Press Release:



Munich. The new MINI family is doing its warm-up laps - and that works best on ice and snow in the bitter cold of the Arctic Circle. The new MINI is currently undergoing its driving dynamics tests at the BMW Group's winter test centre in Arjeplog, Sweden. The new edition of the MINI is fully electric and is now completing a major chapter in its series development process with the winter testing in Sweden. The electric drivetrain, high-voltage battery, power electronics and charging technology of the prototypes are already demonstrating their high degree of maturity at extreme temperatures below freezing. Snow-covered roads and specially prepared areas on frozen lakes also serve as ideal test tracks on which the characteristics of the drive, steering and chassis can be very sensitively tested, refined and harmonised with each other.

MINI is launching its fifth generation with the MINI 3-door as the first model of the new MINI family once again. With its vehicle concept geared to fully electric driving fun from the outset, the new edition of the original is ideally suited to deliver inspiring hallmark MINI agility and the creative use of space, which guarantees plenty of room inside and a small footprint.

The new MINI 3-door is supplemented in the new MINI family by the successor to the current MINI Countryman. The new edition of the top seller in the premium compact segment will be offered with both an internal combustion engine and a fully electric drive. Still this year, MINI will present the concept study of a crossover model for the premium small car segment.

“MINI is on a path of growth and heading towards a fully electric future. Our iconic MINI 3-door, maximises the experience for our customers through its electrified go-kart feeling combined with digitalised touchpoints - and a clear focus on sustainability with a minimal environmental footprint." says Stefanie Wurst, Head of the MINI brand.

The new MINI 3-door consistently continues the concept of urban driving fun that has been successful for more than 60 years. This will be implemented even more puristically and sustainably in the future. This becomes particularly clear in the design of the classic body variant. Electrification offers designers the opportunity to think fundamentally differently and creates new starting points for the hallmark MINI combination of individual style, attention to detail, a sense of tradition and a passion for innovation. The design of the new MINI harks back to its unique history, uses the latest technology and creates a maximum of emotions combined with a minimal footprint.

The inspiring driving characteristics of the new MINI 3-door can be optimally refined at the winter test centre in Arjeplog. With every lap it completes on packed snow and ice, the test engineers can precisely tune the spontaneous power development of the electric motor, the control systems for optimising traction, the cornering behaviour, the suspension and damping characteristics as well as the character of the steering and braking system. The integrated application of all drive and chassis systems enables a mature degree of overall harmony, which will help the later production model to deliver a coherent and hallmark MINI balance of go-kart feeling and driving comfort.




Stando alla review letta su Autocar, gli ingegneri hanno ovviamente ancora molto da lavorare su handling, powersteering, controllo della trazione e simili, ma è davvero normale considerato quanto tempo ancora ci voglia al debutto.




Modificato da Cole_90

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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Controllo danni dopo che gli hanno rivelato il design finale della macchina a quasi due anni dal debutto?

  • Mi Piace 1

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

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Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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