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Ipotizzo che possa essere il Renegade col muso del nuovo ComPatriot. Stando ai si dice, dovrebbe essere esteticamente ed a grandi linee un GC in miniatura e mi sembra che quel muso lo ricordi parzialmente:D.

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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Oggi a Modena ho incrociato, insieme, una Quattroporte ed una Ghibli: la Ghibli era totalmente camuffata con adesivi neri e bianchi tipici dei muletti, mentre la Quattroporte era senza targa ed aveva solo qualche scotch nero qua e là (tra l'altro un rattoppo quadrato di scotch di 10cm di lato al centro del paraurti posteriore... come mai?). Si sa qualcosa? Muletti per dispositivi elettronici da inserire nel prossimo MY?

Purtroppo le ho viste di sfuggita (e solo da dietro) e non sono riuscito a fotografarle!

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ralphgillesCentro Stile ?? Just like my team in Auburn Hills ?? the passion is real and I Love it!

malosozacatecanoAre they throwing dice? ???

ralphgilles@malosozacatecano LoL

angelbracerolandscapephotoSo cool!

amir_kantarevicYea i got bank @malosozacatecano

rshafferjrThank you for your insightful postings @ralphgilles. So great to see passionate human endeavors.

94elijah94Can you give us a hint at what car this is?

ralphgilles@94elijah94 of course Not! ; )

hemi_chally#new_dart perhaps?

mrwakeboarder@94elijah94 looks like the Fiat version of the Miata.

94elijah94@ralphgilles had to try lol

94elijah94@mrwakeboarder ehhh I'm not so sure, I see Maserati in this car.

kuhmilI went to Weber in Auburn Hills 3 times. I work in the casting plant and was there for Maserati block quality. And my hotel was right across the street from SRT. I would drive through the parking lot every say in awe of the cars there. I wanted to go in so bad and see if you guys sold shirts or had a show room or anything but I didn't want to look stupid lol. I have so much respect for the SRT brand and all of your work. Thank you for continuing to bring amazing cars to the Dodge brand. :)


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