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Fonte Wieck Media Services / Auto


United States Postal Service Vice President Engineering Thomas Day (left) and General Motors Vice President Research, Development and Marketing Larry Burns unveil a GM fuel cell vehicle that will be used to deliver mail in and around the nation's capital during a press conference Tuesday, June 15, 2004 in Washington, DC. This is the first commercial application of a GM fuel cell vehicle in the U.S. The USPS will begin using the fuel cell vehicle in September, which will coincide with the opening of the nation's first hydrogen pump at a retail gas station. Last year, GM and Shell Hydrogen announced a partnership to provide hydrogen for a GM fleet of fuel cell vehicles operating around Washington, D.C. (General Motors/Tyler Mallory)


United States Postal Service Mail Carrier Rozier Wair delivers the mail using a General Motors fuel cell vehicle in the Washington D.C. area. GM and the USPS announced Tuesday, June 15, 2004 they have reached a two-year agreement for the USPS to deliver mail in and around the nation's capital, using leased GM fuel cell vehicles. This is the first commercial application of a GM fuel cell vehicle in the U.S. (General Motors/Tyler Mallory)

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