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Apro questo topic per parlare dell'IAA MOBILITY che si terrà a Monaco dal 7 al 12 Settembre 2021.

Questo salone dell'auto di Monaco è l'erede dell'IAA di Francoforte e si presenta sotto una veste completamente diversa e diversa è infatti anche la denominazione.

L'evento si terrà presso il padiglione fieristico di Monaco dove si terranno anche i vari convegni sul tema della mobilità, oltre al "classico" salone l'IAA sarà diffuso nelle principali piazze della città di Monaco ed inoltre vi sarà la possibilità di guidare diverse tipologie di mezzi a zero emissioni sfruttando una linea di strade dedicata denominata Blue Lane.


L'evento potrà essere seguito anche virtualmente sul sito ufficiale e tramite l'APP dedicata.


Qui di seguito vi lascio tutte le informazioni ufficiali.




Premiere in Munich: IAA MOBILITY presents
the mobility of the future to the world

EMBARGO, 30.08.2021, 12:30 hrs CEST

Largest live and online event of the year More than 1,000 exhibitors and
speakers Mobility’s path to climate neutrality More than 100 world
premieres Dialog and interaction are central components

Munich The IAA MOBILITY 2021 will be held in Munich from September 7 to
12. This makes the IAA MOBILITY the first major international event in Germany
after the lockdown restrictions. Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel will open
the IAA MOBILITY on September 7.

“Mobility is one of society’s foremost topics. The IAA MOBILITY is taking place
because people all over the world are seeking better solutions to their mobility
needs and the companies have developed many new solutions to meet them,
which they wish to present on an international stage. The main focus will be
solutions on the path to climate neutrality. The fact that the IAA MOBILITY is
being held under the current coronavirus rules is itself a great success for the
event,” explains VDA President Hildegard Müller.

The IAA MOBILITY showcases the future of mobility so that it can be experienced
hands-on and discussed live on-site. More than 1,000 exhibitors and speakers
will present their latest innovations and concepts. In total, almost 700 exhibitors
will be represented, including automobile brands, bicycle brands, important
players in the tech sector and all the major companies in the supply industry.
The IAA will host over 100 world premieres. The new concept for the IAA
MOBILITY is so attractive that in its first year, over 70 brands from the bicycle
sector have already registered to participate.

Transformation to climate-neutral mobility

The IAA MOBILITY 2021 is focusing on the transformation to climate -neutral
mobility as one of the most important global challenges. VDA President Müller
explains, “We’re committed to climate-neutral mobility. Our goal is to make the
transformation a success story for the German automotive industry, and
thereby for Germany itself.”

No other event anywhere in the world brings the various forms of mobility
together at such close quarters. And no other event in the world invites people
to join on such a scale the debate on the right path to take toward climate-
neutral mobility. That is worldwide unique and represents a huge opportunity.”

The IAA MOBILITY 2021 gives the mobility of the future a new home in Munich.
“We are showing what tomorrow will bring. The IAA MOBILITY 2021 therefore
quite rightly has the slogan: ‘What will move us next’,” according to Müller.

Klaus Dittrich, Chairman and CEO of Messe München and co-organizer of the
IAA MOBILITY, adds, “Our aim is that the IAA MOBILITY should turn Munich into
a global center for the mobility of the future by means of an attractive new
concept. We are involving the entire city in this event. And enabling everybody
with an interest to share in experiencing the “future of mobility.” This is unique
in this form not only in Germany but also worldwide.”

Dittrich continues, “The dialog with everyone, including the critics, and the
search for a good, common solution, are the principles of our democracy and
the foundation of a transformation that is accepted by society. The frank,
controversial and in particular the peaceful debate is therefore a central
component of the IAA MOBILITY in Munich.”

“Every dialog about the future of mobility has to take the real lives and desires
of people in both urban and rural areas into consideration. We are looking
forward to the debate, particularly because we expect people with vastly
different opinions and standpoints. Those who call for new ways of thinking
must also be open to new developments,” says Müller.

The basic rule for admission to the IAA MOBILITY is that visitors and exhibitors
must be recovered, vaccinated or tested (in relation to corona) which is a tried-
and-tested measure. Müller adds, “We are certain that with a well-designed and
coordinated hygiene and safety strategy, the IAA MOBILITY will be successful
and safe.”

Formats and offers at the IAA MOBILITY

The “IAA MOBILITY Summit” in Munich’s exhibition halls is where trade visitors
and experts from all around the world will meet to discuss innovative mobility
solutions and world firsts. Alongside renowned vehicle manufacturers, there will
be presentations by supply firms, over 75 startups, and leading companies from
the tech and IT industries.
A complete list of exhibitors is available here. A
detailed site plan showing all the locations and offers is available here.

The IAA MOBILITY Open Space is the location for presentations of innovations
by leading auto and bicycle makers right in the heart of the city. A platform for
meetings of the mobility sector.
An overview of the presentations in the city is
available here

For the first time, the IAA MOBILITY offers visitors the chance to try out over 250
new and sustainable vehicles for themselves on site: more than 38 models from
over 15 international brands that visitors can test on the Blue Lane, a special
environmental lane set up jointly with the city of Munich and the Free State of
Bavaria for the duration of the IAA.
You can see the Blue Lane route here.

The “IAA MOBILITY Conference” has four stages where we will welcome over
500 international speakers from the field of mobility and the digital industry,
scientists, political representatives and NGOs. All the contributions will highlight
the sustainable transformation of mobility.
The Conference program is available

In addition, the “IAA MOBILITY Citizen Lab” will host public discussions and
workshops on topics surrounding the mobility of the future, live and in the open
air on Munich’s Marienplatz.
The Citizen Lab program is available here.

And of course the IAA Mobility is also a hybrid event, with the “IAA MOBILITY
Virtual” offering all the main program items in digital form and giving everyone
worldwide access to the exciting topics of mobility. The demand for this offer
is very high.
The streaming program is available here.

Implementing the current pandemic rules

Right from the outset, the concept for the IAA MOBILITY was developed jointly
with the city of Munich and the Free State of Bavaria to enable the show to be
held during the pandemic.

During the planning of the IAA Mobility, the most varied scenarios were
elaborated for visitors to experience the Summit, the Conference and the Open
Space responsibly and safely.

The basic rule for admission to the IAA MOBILITY is that visitors and exhibitors
must be recovered, vaccinated or tested (in relation to corona) which is a tried-
and-tested measure.

During the IAA MOBILITY, the current regulations to prevent infection will
always be available here.








La discussione verrà aggiornata nei prossimi giorni con maggiori informazioni e reportage.
Il giorno 06/09/2021 sarà dedicato alla stampa quindi già da tale giorno si cominceranno ad avere tutte le novità e cominicati stampa da parte dalle aziende che parteciperanno all'evento.


Trattandosi appunto di IAA MOBILITY non vi saranno solo aziende del settore automotive ma anche aziende del settore informatico, sturup, convegni sulla mobilità del futoro su come si dovrà operare dal punto di vista automotive, economico e polito.


Modificato da MotorPassion
  • Grazie! 1


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


Follow me on Instagram

13 ore fa, MotorPassion scrive:

Trattandosi appunto di IAA MOBILITY non vi saranno solo aziende del settore automotive ma anche aziende del settore informatico, sono beffeggiatori che dicono "ci sono piu espositore e-bike che espositore automobile alla IAA di quest' anno... 😁


12 minuti fa, 4200blu scrive: sono beffeggiatori che dicono "ci sono piu espositore e-bike che espositore automobile alla IAA di quest' anno... 😁



Quando arrivo a Monaco vi aggiorno, presumo pure io che non sarà il classico salone dell'auto, già vedendo la programmazione e i brand presenti.


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


Follow me on Instagram

Inviato (modificato)
49 minuti fa, 4200blu scrive:

Con le cifre Covid gia adesso abbastanza alte nella citta sara il migliore di mancare della fiera....



Dove posso trovare questi dati?


Tramite Google ho questi dati:




facendo un confronto veloce con alcune regioni italiane, in effetti i casi sembrano più elevati in Germania.


In fiera è comunque obbligatorio l'uso della mascherina FFP2.


Modificato da MotorPassion


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


Follow me on Instagram

19 minuti fa, MotorPassion scrive:


Dove posso trovare questi dati?


Tramite Google ho questi dati:




facendo un confronto veloce con alcune regioni italiane, in effetti i casi sembrano più elevati in Germania.


In fiera è comunque obbligatorio l'uso della mascherina FFP2.


In effetti +55% nell'ultima settimana e +150% nelle ultime due non è malaccio...

9 minuti fa, parish scrive:

In effetti +55% nell'ultima settimana e +150% nelle ultime due non è malaccio...


Però la percentuale su 1 milione di abitandi risulta più bassa rispetto all'Italia.


P.S. Mi state mettendo ansia. 😑


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


Follow me on Instagram


Stasera si è tenuta la Mercedes-Benz night in cui sono state presentate tutte le novità che il brand porta all'IAA di Monaco, qui di seguito il video della serata:




Volkswagen domani 06/09/2021 terrà il proprio evento, che potrà essere seguito anche online, in cui presenterà anche un concept per la gamma ID del segmento "small".


Volkswagen sarà presente all'IAA di Monaco solamente con tutta la gamma ID.



Note for editors:
Volkswagen live and interactive at

Starting on September 6, Volkswagen will also be presenting the highlights from IAA MOBILITY 2021 in a digital format. The live shows will start with a world premiere from the ID. family.


Our long-term goal is to fully electrify the Volkswagen brand: we will enable people to experience this fundamental transition with our trade fair presence at IAA MOBILITY 2021. For the first time ever, we will only be exhibiting electric cars on site. Online and via satellite you will also be able to take part in not only a real world premiere, but in our “Volkswagen live” magazine as well.

The new ID. family concept car will make its world premiere during the

Volkswagen press conference on Monday, 06.09.2021 at 10:05 CEST.

The new concept car gives an initial insight into future ID. models in the small car segment.

In three exciting live shows, we will take you to the digital IAA. The programme will be rounded off with two “deep dives”. All this and more awaits:



09:55–10:35 (CEST)

Volkswagen live – What’s up?

World premiere, talk on the digital IAA, talk with CEO Ralf Brandstätter, talk on the new ID. concept car of the ID. family with experts


11:30–12:00 (CEST)

Design talk

Volkswagen Design | For the people – with head of design Jozef Kabaň


13:30–14:00 (CEST)

Volkswagen live – What’s new?

Talk with tech influencer Nicole Scott, “Ask me anything” on the concept car of the ID. family, talk with head of design Jozef Kabaň, talk with singer Wincent Weiss


10:00–10:30 (CEST)

Volkswagen live – What’s next?

Talk with board member for marketing Klaus Zellmer and president of the VdK Verena Bentele on “Affordable electric mobility for everyone” and “Ask me anything” on the ID. family


10:30–11:00 (CEST)

Way to ZERO Talk

Talk with Murat Aksel, Group board member for purchasing, on the long-term strategy of becoming a net-zero carbon-neutral corporation by 2050


All livestreams will be available on our Shaping Mobility Hub – and can also be downloaded:

We will also be streaming the world premiere and Volkswagen live via satellite:

Europa / Middle East - live HD Feed
Live Feed starts at 09:50 am CEST / 07:50 am GMT




"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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