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Scelte strategiche IVECO Group

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13 ore fa, ercole98 scrive:

Vorrei entrare con piccole quote su CNH, ovviamente a multipli di 5, credo che queste società saliranno parecchio in futuro!

Anche io ci sto facendo un pensiero, devo sentire la mia banca.

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  • 3 mesi fa...

Hyundai e Iveco, aria di collaborazione

Le due società hanno firmato un memorandum di intesa per esplorare future cooperazioni su tecnologia e piattaforme



Tecnologia condivisa dei veicoli, approvvigionamento congiunto e reciproche forniture: sono questi i tre capisaldi del memorandum di intesa che Hyundai e il gruppo Iveco hanno firmato con l’obiettivo di ampliare gli orizzonti da esplorare in termini di collaborazione. Ad annunciarlo è stata la multinazionale olandese, che attraverso una nota ufficiale ha parlato di un “ulteriore passo nelle rispettive strategie delle due società per creare soluzioni innovative che siano leader nell’odierno contesto in rapida evoluzione, attraverso la costruzione di un ecosistema di partnership reciprocamente vantaggiose”.



Iveco Group and Hyundai Motor Company sign Memorandum of Understanding to explore future collaboration

Iveco Group (MI: IVG) and Hyundai Motor Company (HYMTF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the 4th of March to explore possible collaborations on shared vehicle technology, joint sourcing, and mutual supply.

The signing took place at Hyundai Motor Company and the major participants include Gerrit Marx, CEO of Iveco Group; Marco Liccardo, Chief Technology & Digital Officer of Iveco Group; Jaehoon Chang, President and CEO, Hyundai Motor Company; and Martin Zeilinger, Executive Vice President and Head of Commercial Vehicle Development Tech Unit of Hyundai Motor Company.

The MoU is a preliminary step in assessing the potential for the two groups to cooperate in the domains of technology and platforms, encompassing components and systems. Areas of possible mutual interest pertain to electric powertrains and platforms including fuel-cell systems, vehicle automation and connectivity for commercial vehicles.

This agreement is a further step in Iveco Group’s and Hyundai Motor Company’s independent strategies to create leading innovative solutions in today’s fast-changing environment by building an ecosystem of mutually beneficial partnerships.


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  • 7 mesi fa...
  • 2 mesi fa...
Inviato (modificato)

Ci siamo persi che questa estate Iveco Defence è stata ribattezzata IDV Group




IDV che tra l'altro si è alleta con AM General per partecipare a un bando USA per fornire un truck tattico su licenza 







SOUTH BEND, Ind., October 10, 2022 – Global leader for military mobility solutions, AM General, has teamed with IDV, a leading international defense contractor with over 85 years of experience in the development and the manufacturing of a wide range of logistic, protected, and armored vehicles for military use. In collaboration with IDV, AM General formally submitted a Request for Prototype Proposal (RPP) to compete for the U.S. Army’s Common Tactical Truck (CTT) Program, which aims to develop a flexible and secure architecture to replace their Heavy and Medium Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Fleet (TWV).

“I’m excited about our collaboration with IDV because it marries international business with our deep experience in supporting the US Military. Together, we are a formidable force ready to provide the best solution for CTT,” said Jim Cannon, AM General President and CEO. “IDV is building this capability for our allies and partners today!”

AM General is proud of its long-standing partnership with the U.S. Army, having delivered world-class and combat proven solutions with a wide range of vehicles including the iconic 5-ton trucks, 2.5-ton trucks, and the HUMVEE family of vehicles. The company’s extensive manufacturing expertise coupled with its IATF 16949 certification (the premier standard for automotive production) makes them an elite automotive manufacturer in the world.

IDV is currently partnered to provide the United States Marine Corps with the new generation of Amphibious Combat Vehicles and has delivered innovative automotive and protection solutions to meet the needs of military customers worldwide. AM General is leveraging IDV’s well-established, commercially available vehicles that incorporate leading automotive enhancements and advanced technologies such as drive by wire and fuel efficiency capabilities to meet CTT requirements, which provide ample opportunity for continuous innovation.

The team’s High Mobility Range Vehicle architecture for CTT will be based on a newly launched highly modular range of trucks, specifically designed for military use. When designing this new range of trucks, IDV benefitted from the company’s significant experience acquired over the years by constantly responding to the needs expressed by the customers in over 100 countries. The vehicles guarantee their users state-of-the-art safety through high-level ballistic and anti-mine protection wherever required. They span from 4×4 to 10×10 with different types of cabins and the ability to fulfil a variety of roles. This ensures a high level of commonality to reduce the logistical footprint envisioned for the CTT program.

“We are glad to join AM General on the CTT program, and we are looking forward to uniting forces and to contributing to this partnership with our experience in designing and building multi-purpose, protected, and armored military solutions. Together with AM General, we will be able to deliver innovative automotive and protection solutions to meet the requirements and needs of the U.S. Army”, said Claudio Catalano, CEO of IDV. “The solutions developed are a concrete proof of the commitment and the proactive approach that IDV and AM General have developed thanks to this strategic partnership”.

The competition for the CTT program is a consequential, “once-in-a-generation” opportunity to overhaul how Medium and Heavy Tactical Trucks are utilized on the battlefield. The U.S. Army has long relied on four different legacy platforms to perform key critical functions that apply to everyday mission roles. From load handling systems to fuel delivery, towing, and hauling of critical parts and supplies, these platforms must be upgraded to provide better support to the Warfighter to create a safer, more effective, and interoperable environment. As proven partners to the US Government and Allied forces, AM General and IDV are proud of the quality military vehicles they have delivered and sustained, including AM General’s 400,000 light tactical vehicles in over 70 countries – more than any other manufacturer in the world. The team’s CTT prototypes aim at providing the most capable and reliable platform to meet the Army’s requirements of enhanced safety, increased efficiency for sustainability, and interoperability.

About AM General

At AM General, we engineer, manufacture, and support specialized vehicles for military and commercial customers. Our global presence of diverse product offerings in over 70 countries uniquely positions us to enhance interoperability across our Allies and build on our long-standing defense industry and automotive partnerships. Our innovative spirit delivers advanced, rugged, resilient, and dependable mobility solutions that will move you. From the iconic HUMVEE vehicles to the next-generation HUMVEE Saber light tactical truck that offers MRAP levels of protection, and the revolutionary soft recoil technology for mobile platforms, AM General strives to offer continuous improvement that is ready now. AM General has extensive experience meeting the changing needs of the defense and automotive industries, supported by its employees at major facilities in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, and a strong supplier base that stretches across 43 states. Please see more information about AM General at

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6 minuti fa, j scrive:

Ci siamo persi che questa estate Iveco Defence è stata ribattezzata IDV Group



A guardare il sito però non tutti i veicoli di IDV hanno il nuovo badge, vedi in particolar modo le versioni "defence" di Daily e Eurocargo. Solita Fiat che non sa gestire i cambi di badge. :lol: :lol:  

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2 minuti fa, nucarote scrive:

A guardare il sito però non tutti i veicoli di IDV hanno il nuovo badge, vedi in particolar modo le versioni "defence" di Daily e Eurocargo. Solita Fiat che non sa gestire i cambi di badge. :lol: :lol:  


Penso che la sezione "Tactical and Logistic Vehicles" si ponga come obbiettivo la customizzazione anche di veicoli prodotti da terzi....


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1 minuto fa, AndreaB scrive:


Penso che la sezione "Tactical and Logistic Vehicles" si ponga come obbiettivo la customizzazione anche di veicoli prodotti da terzi....

Questo lo avevo compreso, però visto che ne hanno fatto un brand a parte lo si poteva "appiccicare" in qualche modo anche sui modelli customizzati.

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