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Il futuro dell'auto (elettrica)

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32 minuti fa, Cosimo dice:

bella roba.. ci si ammazza già adesso per il contatore in più per la luce scale, voglio vedere mettere 6 prese industriali in più (perché 500 mq son 6 alloggi e se ne metti una si saccano ancora di più) prevedo molto lavoro per gli amministratori :mrgreen: 



Dove ho il garage io ci siamo messi d'accordo solo adesso per metterci la luce normale ?


Qualcuno aveva proposto quello maggiorato per la non essendoci ancora uno standard nè di prese nè di ricarica cosa fai? Le metti tutte o una a caso sperando che sia quella giusta?


E poi voglio vedere condomini dove sono i miei...150 garage...tutti magari con la trifase per avere una carica decente. Di notte si apre uno stargate...

  • Mi Piace 1


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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4 minuti fa, Alce_NeroWRC dice:

Fanno più danni che cose buone ste elettriche...energia pulita poi...bah...quante fuffaggini che tra qualche anno si scoprirà di aver fatto ancora più danni di quelli fatti fin'ora... -_-



tu peraltro ce l'hai ben vicina la centrale elettrica "pulita" :mrgreen: 


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18 minuti fa, Cosimo dice:


tu peraltro ce l'hai ben vicina la centrale elettrica "pulita" :mrgreen: 


Bah...lasciamo perdere questo vergognoso capitolo...centinaia e centinaia di famiglie in cassa integrazione...a distanza di anni dalla chiusura dei generatori a carbone la qualità dell'aria è rimasta la stessa (ovviamente)...un bel giochino politico camuffato da ecologismo...

  • Mi Piace 1
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44 minuti fa, Alce_NeroWRC dice:


Bah...lasciamo perdere questo vergognoso capitolo...centinaia e centinaia di famiglie in cassa integrazione...a distanza di anni dalla chiusura dei generatori a carbone la qualità dell'aria è rimasta la stessa (ovviamente)...un bel giochino politico camuffato da ecologismo...


non so esattamente di cosa state parlando, però le centrali a carbone sono oggettivamente da chiudere. che poi le alternative non siano vere soluzioni per varie ragioni (intrinseche, cattiva gestione, corruzione e inciuci vari), sono pure d'accordo.

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Diciamo che a vado c'era anche il problema della vita utile della centrale finita. Trasformarlo in un problema ecologico ( esistente, ma non fondamentale ) ha salvato il posteriore a parecchia gente

  • Mi Piace 2

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

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Autopilot Supplier Ends Relationship With Tesla Over Safety Concerns



Mobileye is breaking up with Tesla. The Israel-based company helps Tesla build its Autopilot driver assistance systems, but on Thursday, the company’s chairman said Tesla was “pushing the envelope in terms of safety” and discontinued its relationship with the automaker.


In an interview with Reuters, Mobileye chairman and CTO Amnon Shashua said, “[Autopilot] is not designed to cover all possible crash situations in a safe manner... No matter how you spin it, [Autopilot] is not designed for that. It is a driver assistance system and not a driverless system.”


Mobileye’s decision to end its relationship with Tesla comes after several fatal crashes have raised questions about the safety of Tesla’s Autopilot technology. In June, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced the first fatal crash while a driver was using autopilot mode.


This week, reports from China have surfaced that the first fatality involving the car’s Autopilot mode allegedly happened in January of this year, months before US regulators reported the first autopilot death. According to Chinese government news channel CCTV, a 23-year-old borrowed his father’s Tesla and slammed into a road sweeper on a highway about 300 miles south of Beijing. The TV report shows a dashcam of the driver cruising into a huge orange truck, and shows no signs of the driver jolting or hitting the brakes before impact—leaving many to believe he was using Autopilot mode.


Former employees have also voiced their concerns about the feature. In July, former Tesla Autopilot engineer Eric Meadows told CNN Money a story about testing the feature in Los Angeles in mid-2015 just before it launched to the public. He said he was pulled over by police on the suspicion that he was driving drunk while using Autopilot mode. He said the car was struggling to make sharp turns on its own.


The engineer said he was “pushing the limit” of Autopilot mode and assumed customers would do the same thing. “I came in with this mentality that Elon had: I want to go from on-ramp to off-ramp, and the driver doesn’t have to do anything... The last two months I was scared someone was going to die,” he said. Meadows was fired for “poor performance” shortly after raising concerns.


Despite months of public outcry, Tesla is standing its ground. In a statement to Reuters, the company said that it never described Autopilot as a self-driving or autonomous feature despite the fact that the name implies it. “Since the release of Autopilot, we’ve continuously educated customers on the use of the features, reminding them that they’re responsible to keep their hands on the wheel and remain alert and present when using Autopilot,” Tesla said. “Drivers must be prepared to take control at all times.”


Earlier this week, Tesla released a software update for the Autopilot feature. The update will allow the system to use existing radar sensors to gather more information about the terrain around the vehicle. As Jalopnik reported, the big change will rely more on Tesla’s integrated radar system as opposed to its camera-based setup. Musk went so far as to say it was “very likely” that the new version would have prevented the first fatal wreck in May.


Now, it appears that Musk has a whole new problem to deal with.


  • Mi Piace 2
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la cvera notizia è che io fino a questo momenot pensavo fosse tecnologia loro.





le batterie non sono loro,

il sistema di guida non è loro


a confronto FCA è piena di brevetti

  • Mi Piace 1

7:32 : Segni i punti coglionazzo !

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FCA È piena di brevetti ;)

circa 8000


Gli manca un Elon Musk, ma stanno già assumendo lui al marketing:




(il Mullet lo farà amare negli iuessei)



  • Mi Piace 2


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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