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Per gli amanti del motore Hemi

Chrysler planning to boost production of Hemi engine

By MARY CONNELLY | Automotive News

CHELSEA, Mich. -- The Chrysler group is working to build more Hemi V8 engines at its Saltillo, Mexico, plant.

But the company is moving carefully, fearful of saturating the market and undermining demand.

"We are aware of the risk of dilution," CEO Dieter Zetsche said at a press event here.

The company said last week that the popular 345-hp engine will power two more vehicles.

The 2006 Dodge Charger full-sized rear-wheel-drive sedan will be Hemi-powered, Zetsche said. Also last week, the company unveiled the Hemi-equipped 2005 Dodge Ram Power Wagon, which goes on sale in the fourth quarter.

Currently, the Hemi is available in the Dodge Durango, Magnum and Ram and Chrysler 300C. The redesigned 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee will offer the Hemi.

Chrysler will not say how many Hemi engines it builds annually. But production is running 10 percent higher than planned, the company said last week.

The Hemi engine is a marketing hit for Chrysler. It also delivers high vehicle margins, Zetsche said, because Hemi-equipped vehicles are upscale models with many features.

For example, the Hemi-equipped 300C carries a sticker of $32,995, including the destination charge. The base 300 model has a $23,595 sticker price.

The Hemi name will be not be applied to an engine with a smaller displacement for use in cars smaller than the 300C, said Frank Klegon, vice president of product development process and components.

He said additional production will be achieved with overtime and weekend work, not a third shift.

"A three-shift operation is not a typical work pattern in Mexico," Klegon said.


si ma adesso gli hemi non saranno + i veri V8 visto che funzioneranno a 4 cilindri e solo nel caso il guidatore affondi il pedale andranno a funzionare tutti e 8



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