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Highly doubt that Derek is right here. Multiple sources have confirmed that the GTS will be unveiled in Miami (varryx, Massini, @ale75 and more). Plus, I think the camera is just behind the roofline (don't forget it's a targa)


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12 hours ago, STEVEC said:

Highly doubt that Derek is right here. Multiple sources have confirmed that the GTS will be unveiled in Miami (varryx, Massini, @ale75 and more). Plus, I think the camera is just behind the roofline (don't forget it's a targa)


Also this


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11 minutes ago, Sascha87 said:

Si dice che la versione aperta sarà "interessante "


11 hours ago, STEVEC said:

Also this


That should be Derek. And these two are the photos he uploaded




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Rumors on FChat suggest that this is not the GTS, but Ferrari hiding active aero. The car will have 4 or 5 moving parts at the rear. In 12 days we'll know


GTS could be soft top


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