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1 hour ago, STEVEC said:

Ferrari 12 Cilindri

Ferrari 12 Cilindri Spider

Yes. This is the name

Edit: Waiting for the EV name to be 0 Cilindri

I want to clarify that I learned this info through the Instagram photographer iliasabawi who uploaded the following story. I have absolutely no insight to Ferrari or whatever. Just saying, because the Supercars Blog mentioned me on an article, like I'm a source


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4 minuti fa, STEVEC scrive:

I want to clarify that I learned this info through the Instagram photographer iliasabawi who uploaded the following story. I have absolutely no insight to Ferrari or whatever. Just saying, because the Supercars Blog mentioned me on an article, like I'm a source


Welcome to the new Day355 🤝

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29 minuti fa, Gengis26 scrive:

Da fonti interne non ho ricevuto smentite sul nome 12 cilindri. Quindi....

se davvero sarà l'ultima vettura ad avere questo frazionamento, ha un senso (poi no, bello non è..)

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