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Rumor from FChat: the F167 GTS will be soft-top. Take it with a pinch of salt, I don't remember this user, I don't think he's reported anything significant in the past. And many people have reported in the past that it'll be hard-top


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Just been told by my dealer, that from the start, customers can order a Coupe of cabriolet from the offset. In order to stop prices of coupes taking a bashing, when the cabriolets come out !. 

This is going to be interest )

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On 3/16/2024 at 5:37 PM, STEVEC said:

Somewhere along the way, Ferrari lost the plot


After Massini, now Varryx also confirms that this is the GTS. To be unveiled on May 2, together with the Coupe.


PS  Kudos, chapeau, whatever to @ale75, I just realised that if I remember correctly he is the first person who talked about a simultaneous 167 GTB-GTS unveil, many months ago

Modificato da STEVEC
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It'a not April fools, he said this for the first time a few days ago

Edit for context: this is 2 tenths faster than the LaFerrari laptime, and equal to the SF90 Spider laptime


Modificato da STEVEC
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2 minuti fa, abracat scrive:

Un mio conoscente mi ha detto che a breve partiranno con la produzione di nuove turbine per una nuova ferrari...

Non ricordo..questa sarà turbo o aspirata?


Questa sarà V12 aspirata. 🥰😍

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