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On 22/4/2022 at 08:17, Aymaro scrive:

sono le vetture FIA addobbate con i colori delle vetture 22, evidentemente i team non hanno volto rilasciare i 3D per non scoprire le carte

ancora c'è tempo...pure motogp 22 uscito da pochi giorni non ha le livree e altre cose aggiornate...

ogni anno è sempr e peggio riguardo le tempistiche

PETIZIONE 125 in Superstrada e Autostrada

La Desmosedici è una moto difficile, quando dai gas vibra e si muove, ma è una sua prerogativa perchè se non ti fai spaventare vedi che tutto funziona. [Casey Stoner]

  • 4 settimane fa...
  • AleMcGir ha modificato il titolo in F1® 22 - F1 Manager 2022





F1 MANAGER 2022: Pre-order information, release date and gameplay trailer revealed

Frontier Developments' Formula 1 management sim, F1 Manager 2022, will launch in late August – with pre-orders available now.

Set for release on August 30, F1 Manager 2022 puts you in the team principal's shoes for whichever squad you fancy on the current grid – with players aiming to lead their team to championship glory from the 2022 season and beyond.

Managers will control every aspect of their team, from their headquarters to scouting, sponsors and staff. Drivers from across F1, F2 and F3 are available to choose from, giving players the chance to create their dream team.

Then comes the race weekend, with a multitude of decisions to make during practice, qualifying, and the all-important Grand Prix. Watch the latest trailer in the player above, and check out some gameplay screenshots below.

F1 Manager 2022 launches August 30 on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Players who pre-order digitally will get to experience the game five days early and receive a discount.








La prima copia di F1 Manager pare sia stata ordinata da una certo M.B., Maranello.

  • Ahah! 2


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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