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Hozon Auto (Neta)


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Da non dimenticare che ci sarà anche una versione EREV! E qui dicono che a fine 2022 entra nel mercato EU (mmm, bah):


In 2022, Hozon Auto will focus on building the NETA S, the first model developed on the Shanhai Platform.


NETA S will offer two versions: EREV and BEV.  Huawei’s MDC computing platform, which can realize 200T high computing power, will be applied to the vehicle.


Two laser radars, five millimeter wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars, 13 cameras, high-precision positioning units, a high-HD map and other sensing units will be adopted, which can realize pilot assisted driving on high-speed and urban roads, and L4 intelligent driving in some scenarios such as parking and remote calling.


In addition, regarding the firm’s global development, Hozon Auto has released the right-hand version of NETA V for overseas markets, which is expected to officially open expansion and layout in Southeast Asian markets during the first half of 2022.


Meanwhile, the NETA S will also fully enter the European market after its completion at the end of 2022.


Storia di come è nata NETA, ovvero "come il sistema Cina fa le scarpe all'Occidente".



Modificato da Maxwell61
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