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Novità per Polestar 2 con il M.Y. 2023: la Standard Range Single Motor riceve una nuova batteria da 69 kWh in sostituzione della precedente da 64 kWh, il ché aumenta la percorrenza WLTP da 440 a 474 km a ricarica completa e i cavalli che adesso sono 231. Tra le altre novità troviamo i nuovi colori Space e Jupiter rispettivamente in sostituzione di Void e Moon, il Magnesio come tinta base senza sovrapprezzo, nuovi cerchioni da 19'' e 20'', nuova Pelle Nappa color Zinco e nuovi inserti per gli interni. Viene anche aggiornato il Performance Pack per il mercato europeo, adesso più prestante con 350 kW e 680 Nm, così come la pompa di calore che adesso funziona con temperature tra i -7 ed i + 25 gradi.


































Press Release:


  • CO2e footprint reduced thanks to implementation of renewable energy in aluminium component sourcing and production
  • Increased battery capacity and faster charging for Standard range Single motor version
  • Blockchain traceability now applied to mica in addition to cobalt
  • New colours, wheel designs and interior trim among design and spec updates

Polestar 2 is being updated with new solutions connected to climate impact and transparency, along with design detail and specification updates that allow for new visual expressions and improved efficiency.




Polestar CEO, Thomas Ingenlath, comments: “We have revisited materials and processes that go into making Polestar 2, introducing updates that reduce the climate impact and increase material traceability of this award-winning car. These are important additions to how we can improve cars over their lifetime – not just with functionality and design updates but addressing sustainability and carbon footprint as well.”




Polestar’s partnership with Circulor now includes blockchain traceability of mica, in addition to cobalt that is already traced in Polestar 2 batteries. The blockchain technology allows Polestar to trace risk minerals from material source to finished product.




The battery in the Polestar 2 Standard range Single motor sees improved cell chemistry that provides a higher capacity (now 69 kWh). This leads to increased range (now up to 474 km WLTP), faster charging (now up to 130 kW DC) and higher motor output (170 kW). The aluminium tray that carries the battery casing for all versions will see a CO2e reduction of 750 kg per car, thanks to the decision to only purchase aluminium for this component from smelters that use renewable energy.




Fredrika Klarén, Polestar’s Head of Sustainability, says: “In our programme updates we want to take action on improvements that can make a positive sustainability impact quickly, rather than traditional mid-cycle facelifts. Product optimisation programmes are common in the car industry, but we are taking an extended approach at Polestar, combining these with CO2e reduction programmes as well.




“A first pilot has been rolled out, replacing the aluminium in the wheels with low-carbon aluminium that is produced using renewable energy. We expect this to result in a 600 kg CO2e reduction per car for Polestar 2 in the second half of the year. Together with the improvements to aluminium in the battery tray, we’re expecting to see a total reduction of around 1,350 kg per car.”




Design detail updates bring new expressions to all Polestar 2 variants. Polestar's strategy on interior materials is to increase the use of renewable, recyclable and recycled materials, and to always include a vegan upholstery option. In Polestar 2, an improved optional Nappa leather upholstery with greater sustainability credentials is now available.




“We require that all leather used in Polestar products must live up to the strictest standards on animal welfare and the Five Freedoms*, alongside being fully traceable and chrome-free,” continues Fredrika Klarén. “A new leather supplier, Bridge of Weir, meets our requirements**.”




The complete scope of design and feature updates includes:

    New exterior colours: Space (replaces Void) and Jupiter (replaces Moon)
    Magnesium is now the default standard colour with no cost
    New designs for the standard 19-inch and optional 20-inch wheels
    New Zinc colour for ventilated Nappa leather upholstery (replaces Barley), available with new Light Ash deco (replaces Reconstructed Wood)
    Removable sunshade for the panoramic glass roof (also available in Polestar Extras web shop from mid-June 2022 for all Polestar 2 with glass roof)
    The performance software upgrade with maximum output of 350 kW and 680 Nm is now included in the Performance Pack in Europe
    The heat pump (included in Plus Pack) has an improved optimal temperature range, now between -7°C and 25°C
    Advanced cabin filter and upgraded interior particulate matter sensor with new in-car app that quantifies exterior air quality improvement in the cabin (Plus Pack)







*Freedom from hunger or thirst by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour. Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area. Freedom from pain, injury or disease by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment. Freedom to express (most) normal behaviour by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal's own kind. Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering.




** Bridge of Weir, a Scottish leather suppler, works with by-products from ethically responsible sources. Leather provided by Bridge of Weir is certified at the highest level by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, with 100% traceability. Their patented circular manufacturing process reduces carbon emissions, and is certified to Leather Working Group Gold level the world's leading environmental certification for the leather manufacturing industry. A chrome-free production method uses natural sources of probiotics, enzymes, plant polymers, and vegetable or synthetic tannins for the tanning and treatment. Grass-fed and regenerative farming practices are implemented by the entire supply chain.





Da un punto di vistat meramente estetico, è l'unica auto elettrica che comprerei ad occhi chiusi.

I MY non fanno altro che migliorarla di volta in volta anche nei contenuti: benone.


Modificato da Cole_90
  • Mi Piace 5
  • Grazie! 3

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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  • Cole_90 ha messo in primo piano/indicizzato questa Discussione
1 minuto fa, j scrive:

Ma in Italia questa arriverà?


Ma da quanto ho letto Polestar dovrebbe debuttare in Italia entro fine anno, ma non ne ho certezza.

In tal caso, penso e spero proprio di sì.

  • Adoro! 2

12/17 Mercedes-Benz A180d Premium (W176 FL) ♥️ 

05/21 Mercedes-Benz C200 Coupé EQ-Boost Premium (C205 FL) 🔥

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Comunque BMW ci ha provato per anni a far funzionare quello smusso in fiancata, e ha sempre fallito. In Polestar hanno fatto un unico tentativo e il risultato è perfetto.

  • Mi Piace 1

Fai parte della comunità LGBT+ o vorresti supportarci? Iscriviti alla nostra pagina su Instagram: @motorpride_it


8 minuti fa, aboutdas scrive:

Comunque BMW ci ha provato per anni a far funzionare quello smusso in fiancata, e ha sempre fallito. In Polestar hanno fatto un unico tentativo e il risultato è perfetto.

Quale sarebbe lo smusso? 


Bella auto, piace molto anche a me.
Però i miei rimpianti per la S40 che non è mai nata, aumentano.

I'M IN LOVE!:pippa:

"La 6° marcia, K@zzo!"

P.s. Ve lo avevo già detto che i cerchi della Junior fanno Cag@rissimo? :mrgreen:

30 minuti fa, KimKardashian scrive:

Quale sarebbe lo smusso? 

Quello nella parte bassa delle portiere. BMW ci ha provato per due generazioni di Sr.7, con la seconda Sr.6, la prima Sr.2...

  • Mi Piace 1

Fai parte della comunità LGBT+ o vorresti supportarci? Iscriviti alla nostra pagina su Instagram: @motorpride_it



Qui in CH di Polestar 2 ne ho viste 3 in croce, mentre di Model 3 ne vedo tutti i giorni. Secondo me, ad "occhiometro" (prendetelo con le pinze), è un po' un flop questa Volvo.


Per me la Polestar 2 è una delle auto più anonime, asessuali (non trovo altro termine adatto) e noiose mai concepite dall'essere umano. Non ha un singolo guizzo estetico ''carino'', non ha una colorazione entusiasmante (le colorazioni sono in bianco e nero con varie sfumature)...veramente sconcertante. 


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