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Il nuovo quadro strumenti digitale da 12,5 è direttamente mutuato dall'ultima generazione di Crown che per la cronaca è un "premium andante"...


Una curiosità riguarda la 1.8 che parrebbe essere un po più silenziosa di termico a seguito di una data differenza in caratteristiche che al momento non rammento...

  • 7 mesi fa...







Toyota focuses on new technologies for the 2024 Corolla range


  • Toyota announces details of the 2024 Corolla Hatchback, Touring Sports and Sedan
  • Introduction of new Smart Digital Key, compatible with both Apple and Android smartphones
  • Focus on driver and passenger well-being with nanoe-X™ air purification technology in a Toyota model in Europe
  • Vibrant and sophisticated new colour options


Toyota has focused on new, advanced technologies in its programme of upgrades for the 2024 Corolla range, adding further convenience and sophistication to its highly successful range of mid-size Hatchback, Touring Sports and Sedan models.

The new line-up offers the convenience of a smartphone-based digital key and introduces the nanoe-X™ air quality system, combating viruses, bacteria, allergens and bad odours inside the vehicle. New colour options are also available, including an on-trend Super Green metallic.

These new features add to the increased appeal delivered by the Corolla’s adoption of fifth generation Toyota hybrid electric technology, giving higher performance and extended all-electric EV driving capability while reducing fuel consumption and emissions.


Easy access with a Smart Digital Key

Corolla owners can enjoy the convenience of a new Smart Digital Key. This allows the car to be accessed and driven via a smartphone as an alternative to a physical key fob.

The Smart Digital Key is compatible with Apple and Android phones and allows up to five individual profiles to be stored for each vehicle. An authorised user only has to have their phone on their person to unlock the door and start the car– there is no need to call up an app to gain access.

The technology makes it easier to share access between family members, or to authorise third parties to use the vehicle, such as service technicians or rescue/recovery crews. The system will also be useful for multiple driver operations, such as car sharing platforms.

One year’s subscription is included in the Corolla’s on-the-road price; the digital key is standard from Mid+ grade and available as an option for Mid grade models.


Air quality protection with nanoe-X™

The new Corolla’s air conditioning system does more to promote the well-being of everyone on board with the introduction of nanoe-X™ air purification technology.

Developed by Panasonic and featured for the first time in a Toyota model in Europe, this feeds trillions of nano-sized, atomised water particles into the ventilation airflow. These hydroxyl radicals have been proven in independent laboratory testing* to have wide-ranging beneficial effects when used in enclosed spaces. Inside vehicles such as the new Corolla, these can include: -

  • Inhibiting the activity of airborne bacteria and viruses
  • Helping prevent the spread of mould
  • Inhibiting pollen and other allergens, such as those linked to pets
  • Breaking down hazardous substances found in particulates (PM2.5)
  • Eliminating common, unpleasant odours

Using nanoe-X™ also maintains a good moisture level in the cabin atmosphere, which has a positive effect on human skin and hair.

These benefits can be enjoyed every time the air conditioning system is used but are particularly valuable when driving in urban areas where atmosphere pollution is highest, or when the car is regularly used by different drivers and passengers. The system is provided as standard on the new Corolla, from Mid+ grade.

*Testing programme details available at


New colour options

In tune with the latest trends, Toyota is adding a new Super Green metallic to the exterior paintwork options for the Corolla Hatchback and Touring Sports. This highly saturated colour is available exclusively with a bi-tone finish, combining with contrasting gloss black roof and pillars for a refined yet sporty look. For the Sedan, a new Precious Silver projects a more premium appearance.

The Corolla GR SPORT models adopt new Liquid Black finish for exterior details on the higher equipped versions, creating a sophisticated, dark satin chrome effect for the door mirrors, sill inserts and lower front spoiler trim.


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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

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8 ore fa, MotorPassion scrive:

Air quality protection with nanoe-X™

The new Corolla’s air conditioning system does more to promote the well-being of everyone on board with the introduction of nanoe-X™ air purification technology.

Developed by Panasonic and featured for the first time in a Toyota model in Europe, this feeds trillions of nano-sized, atomised water particles into the ventilation airflow. These hydroxyl radicals have been proven in independent laboratory testing* to have wide-ranging beneficial effects when used in enclosed spaces. Inside vehicles such as the new Corolla, these can include: -

  • Inhibiting the activity of airborne bacteria and viruses
  • Helping prevent the spread of mould
  • Inhibiting pollen and other allergens, such as those linked to pets
  • Breaking down hazardous substances found in particulates (PM2.5)
  • Eliminating common, unpleasant odours

Using nanoe-X™ also maintains a good moisture level in the cabin atmosphere, which has a positive effect on human skin and hair.

These benefits can be enjoyed every time the air conditioning system is used but are particularly valuable when driving in urban areas where atmosphere pollution is highest, or when the car is regularly used by different drivers and passengers. The system is provided as standard on the new Corolla, from Mid+ grade.

*Testing programme details available at


Sarei curioso di capire meglio come funziona, che manutenzione occorra, ecc. 

  • 1 mese fa...
On 12/3/2023 at 11:25, alfagtv scrive:

Versione iper basica anche lì,i pannelli porta così plastici sono ben brutti,ma alla fine sicuramente saranno costruiti bene,sara' per le flotte sicuro questa versione.

Li la chiamano business,in Italia la vecchia business aveva piu' cose utili della Active.

Provando a configurare una Active plus,li viene poco più di 25 Mila,molto meno che in Italia,sarà' per il reddito pro capite molto più basso?

Va anche considerata la differenza di IVA ed eventuali altre tasse.

Sto pensando all'acquisto di una Corolla, la mia compagna, giapponese, mi ha detto quanto costa in Giappone, mi ha preso un colpo, poi ho pensato all'IVA che da loro è al 10%. Comunque in Giappone la Corolla costa circa 18.000 Euro considerando un cambio medio euro/yen, perché considerando quello attuale costerebbe ancora meno.
Prima che diciate "Eh, ma è giapponese", la Stelvio base qui costa 53.000 di listino, di là 46.000.

  • 2 settimane fa...

ho ritirato oggi la mia Corolla 1.8 MY23. Dal concessionario abbiamo impostato tutti i settaggi, aggiunto l'auto all'app My Toyota e collegato Android Auto.
Di seguito, mentre mi veniva mostrato il sistema infotainment, premendo sul pulsante del navigatore, questo non appariva, mi è stato detto che avendo collegato Android auto la macchina si aspetta di usare Google Maps, Waze (che ho installato) o eventuali altri navigatori presenti sul telefono.
Tornato a casa stacco il telefono, premo il pulsante del navigatore sul sistema di infotainement, appare la scritta che il servizio è scaduto e mi chiede il rinnovo andando sull'app nella sezione dei servizi connessi.
I servizi connessi però risultano già attivati e la data di scadenza risulta 12/12/2033.
Anche i servizi da remoto sono abilitati e scadono il 12/12/2027
Gli unici servizi non abilitati, ma con periodo di prova disponibile sono i "Servizi smart", non credo però che il navigatore ricada in questa sezione, li ho comunque attivati adesso, domani mattina controllerò se è cambiato qualcosa.
Qualcuno che possiede quest'auto ha riscontrato lo stesso problema? Come dovrei provare a risolvere?

  • 1 mese fa...
Inviato (modificato)

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