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At the Teatro Lirico in Milan, the world première of the Pagani Utopia for clients, dealers and employees


● A special evening for clients and dealers from across the globe, as well as the employees from San Cesario sul Panaro who created this new hypercar
● The soundtrack to the evening comes in the form of a symphony composed by Vincenzo Parisi, inspired by pieces dreamed up at the piano by a young Horacio Pagani and performed by the Symphonic Orchestra of the Milan Conservatory
● A project celebrating the highest quality craftsmanship of those who compose music and those who express themselves through vehicle design


Milan, 12 September 2022 – The Teatro Lirico in Milan will host the world première of the new Pagani Utopia, the hypercar that is ready to write a new chapter in the history of the famous marque from San Cesario sul Panaro. The event on September 12th is dedicated to Pagani clients and dealers from across the globe and a very special audience of more than 170 of the company’s employees whose expertise and passion have helped create this new model. After the greeting from Horacio Pagani and his family, the Pagani Utopia is unveiled to a unique musical backdrop. It is the designer and founder of the company who sat at the piano and played the first few notes of a tune he composed as a young man before handing over to the Symphonic Orchestra of the Milan Conservatory. An original composition by Vincenzo Parisi, inspired by the work of the young Horacio Pagani. “The composition is based on
three themed motifs devised by Horacio Pagani in the early 1980s, originally for piano only” explained Parisi. “I expanded these motifs by following a narrative arc which celebrates the story of the designer, from the pampas of Argentina to the first cars he designed and the creation of the brand-new Pagani Utopia. The gripping sound of the orchestra mimics the sleek and compact design of the car, its engineering inspiration contrasting with the lyrical melodies that speak of distant dreams.
“It is very moving to appear on this stage and play the notes I wrote as a youngster and it is a privilege to do so alongside the Symphonic Orchestra of the Milan Conservatory” added Horacio Pagani. “I am immensely grateful to Vincenzo Parisi. He started with just a cassette and a small tape recorder, but he was able to transcribe a score to be played by 48 musicians. I never studied music. I just sat at the piano until I was able to express what was in my mind, pieces that I would never have thought would be played in this setting. But this music now has a name: Utopia”. The collaboration between the car manufacturer and Milan's Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory is one built on craftsmanship, as Cristina Frosini, director of the institute, explains: “Music and cutting-edge car design come together in the new Pagani hypercar. A journey which involved the designer and his songs, that formed the basis for the composition students to create original works. A testament to how the students at the Milan Conservatory have, throughout their studies, been involved in artistic projects which prepare them for the profession in the broadest sense of the term. Today, music is part of the world of industry, design, fashion, gastronomy and technology, offering students professional opportunities which are often innovative and surprising”. In the new hypercar, music also has a functional purpose. The symphony composed has been used to create some specific melodies which will characterise the goodbye sound of the Pagani Utopia.








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"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Benvenuti nel mio futuro distopico 


Ridigità torsionale + 10% rispetto ad Huayra.

Motore V12 6.0 litri TwinTurbo da 864 CV

Cambio manuale o automatico XTRAC a 7 rapporti, trasversale, con (nel manuale) frizione triplo disco e servo assistenza.

NESSUNA infotelematica all'interno.

Meccanica dura e pura.

Tasti fisici.


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Utopia, supercar dal volto triste. UN GRAN NO

La strategia di ricreare un'icona come 911 mi sembra chiara, allora perché non contiunare a chiamarla Zonda?

Dettagli fuori dagli schemi ok, ma dentro è un albero di natale e fuori è obsoleta oltre ad avere dettagli terribili, contorno fari anteriori in primis

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Concordo con quello che è già stato detto, spero che con un' altra tinta migliori a livello estetico. Meccanicamente nulla da dire

☏ IN2023 ☏

Osservate con quanta previdenza, la natura, madre del genere umano, ebbe cura di spargere ovunque un pizzico di follia. Infuse nell'uomo più passione che ragione, perchè fosse tutto meno triste. Se i mortali si guardassero da qualsiasi rapporto con la saggezza, la vecchiaia neppure ci sarebbe. La vita umana non è altro che un gioco della follia. IL CUORE HA SEMPRE RAGIONE...

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Non mi fa impazzire come la Huayra, ma soltanto perché è qualcosa di già visto; la considero comunque una meraviglia. I dettagli sono stupendi, per non parlare dell'arredamento (termine scelto di proposito) che è qualcosa di bellissimo.


Le foto dell'evento la fanno risaltare davvero tanto.


Gran lavoro!

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