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4 minuti fa, Felis scrive:

io ne vedo abbastanza, anche di Stelvio..

C’è da dire che in Veneto c’è una rete exFCA molto capillare.

Magari in altre zone d’Italia meno…

Perché che di my23 con la nuova fanaleria se ne vedono molte ed in linea con Tonale per quanto riguarda la Stelvio.


Stelvio MY23/24 ne vedo molte più di Giulia. Per la cronaca, la mia (MY24) è arrivata 3 mesi dopo il termine contrattuale.

  • Mi Piace 1

No matter what anybody tells you, Words and Ideas can change the world!


In UK c'è crisi idrica quindi ecco i consigli di Alfa su come lavare al meglio la propria Giulia senza sprechi 




  1. Alfa Romeo advises drivers to take advantage of wet weather weekend for essential car washing
  • Alfa Romeo advises drivers across the country planning any essential car washing duties to take advantage of the wet weather forecast for the coming weekend
  • Advice follows call from the brand for drivers to avoid actively washing their car throughout September in a bid to preserve water
  • Recent study by Alfa Romeo found that almost one third of drivers wash their cars multiple times in the space of a month, yet only 8% do so using recycled water, such as collected rainwater
  • Drivers are estimated to use around 300 litres of water when washing cars at home with a hose, compared to just thirty litres with soap and bucket
  • Alfa Romeo teamed up with expert valeter and car detailer Richard Tipper to provide 10 tips of how to wash a car more water efficiently, list below here


Alfa Romeo is advising drivers across the country to take advantage of the upcoming wet weather weekend forecast by the Met Office to carry out any essential car washing.


The Met Office is advising that parts of England, Wales and Scotland will be hit by heavy rain from Friday 6 September, providing drivers with the perfect opportunity to top up their car’s shine. The brand’s first ‘car wash forecast’ follows its call earlier in the week for drivers to avoid actively washing their car throughout September to help preserve water resource.  


Research by Alfa Romeo highlighted how passionate UK drivers were about keeping their cars clean, with almost one third (32%) admitting they wash their car more than once a month, and 14% washing at least once a week.


In the survey, Alfa Romeo found that an old-fashioned bucket of soapy water and a hose to rinse off afterwards was the most common method used by drivers when washing their car (51%), while 29% go for a regular tunnel car wash. However, only 8% of drivers told Alfa Romeo they wash their car using recycled water, such as by collected rainwater, and 8% also say environmental considerations are the main deciding factor for their method of cleaning.


According to consumer body, the Consumer Council for Water, drivers use around 300 litres of water when washing their car at home with a hose, compared to just thirty litres by a soap and bucket method*. Utilising an already wet car and harvested rainwater reduces water usage further.


Through advocating a car wash-free September, Alfa Romeo is also encouraging drivers to appreciate the innate beauty of their vehicles, highlighting how a dirty car is one which has been enjoyed, as cars should be, demonstrating the unique beauty of its timeless Giulia model - even when covered in dirt and mud - with a series of beautiful muddy photos.


To support drivers looking for the most efficient way to wash their car, Alfa Romeo partnered with expert car valeter and detailer Richard Tipper to create a list of ten hints and tips for how drivers can wash their car in a water-responsible way, including waiting until the right moment for the weather to turn.


  1. Start from the top – an entire car of average dirtiness can be cleaned using just one standard sized bucket of water. Cleaning from the roof down not only means the cleanest areas are attended to first but the run-off water will help soften the dirt below.
  2. Regular rinsing - when washing the car with a bucket, the cleaning mitt or cloth should be rinsed out regularly and the dirtiest areas, such as wheels, should be left until last. To avoid picking up grit when rinsing, use a grit guard in the bottom of the bucket. This separates any grit that could damage your paintwork from the water you want to reuse.
  3. PH Neutral – A pH neutral soap is biodegradable, so it breaks down naturally without leaving behind harmful residues. It also gives a lasting shine and is even suitable on classic cars. A couple of capfuls in a large bucket is all you need due to its concentrated formula.
  4. Collect rainwater – levels of water hardness vary dramatically from county to county and can have a marked impact on car cleaning. Hard water can cause spot stains if not dried thoroughly and can also affect the amount of suds you get. Rainwater however is far softer, free, and readily available in this country. If you can collect rainwater in a vessel over time, be sure to fit a filter or mesh gauze to it to reduce the debris and contaminants that may have fallen with the rain, before using it to clean your car.
  5. Get wet - another way to save water and utilise nature's most precious resource is to get outside and wash your car in the rain, pop your waterproofs on and get the kids involved for a fun outdoors activity.
  6. Go waterless – there are many effective cleaning products on the market today which do not require water, they work by softening and lifting dirt from the surface, coupled with a plush microfibre cloth to reduce swirls or scratches. Waterless products should always be purchased from a recognised industry standard manufacturer and supplier to ensure the best available is used and opt for cleaners with plant-based ingredients where possible for less environmental impact.
  7. Steam clean - Water expands 1700 times when it turns to steam, whilst this isn’t obvious when using steam to clean it is undeniably a significant water saving measure. Steam cleaners are expensive and specialised, and techniques and methods should be researched before use as it isn't recommended for all surfaces.
  8. Check for leaks - by far the most wasteful of all car cleaning methods is the hosepipe which can use up to 250 litres per wash. However, if you have to wash with a hose, always check your tap and attachments for any leaks. Kinks in the pipe and sand or grit in the attachments can all cause leaks which in turn can lead to hundreds of litres of water being wasted. If your hose is a trigger style hose gun, ensure its adjusted for minimum water volume and always switch to the fan jet setting to reduce water usage.
  9. Switch off - simply switching off the tap to your hose when it is not being used will literally save 100’s of litres of water every time you wash your car.
  10. Time it right – as tempting as it is, avoid washing your car on a hot and sunny day as this can cause the water on the car to evaporate quicker than you can dry it leaving ugly water and soap marks which will need rinsing again, leading to more water consumption.


For more information, visit


Research commissioned by Alfa Romeo among 2,000 UK drivers, conducted by One Poll in August 2024.


(In realtà ho voluto pubblicare sto post perché trovo sta Giulia tutta infangata molto sexy 😍)

  • Mi Piace 3
  • Adoro! 3



Segmento D più bella dal 2015 ad oggi, senza ombra di dubbio. Come lo era stata precedentemente la 159, a mio parere ovviamente.

  • Mi Piace 9
  • 3 settimane fa...
Inviato (modificato)
1 ora fa, Davidoch81 scrive:

Ennesimo brutto segnale per Alfa Romeo: Giulia superscontate negli Stati Uniti, anche con 13.000 euro di sconto. Imparato dice che sta valutando di vendere la Junior oltre oceano, ma se non vendono Giulia e Stelvio la vedo grigia...


Perché non in Europa? 😂🤦🏻‍♂️

Comunque parliamo di sconti non così inusuali, soprattutto 6000$ di sconto sulla Quadrifoglio, come sta scritto, sono praticamente nulla.

Modificato da gpat
  • Mi Piace 1

In my courtyard: 2019 Maserati Ghibli 250cv GranSport, 2017 Alfa Giulia 150cv


In USA Giulia/Stelvio Con il MY25 segnano l'addio definitivo delle versioni Quadrifoglio! In più la gamma Viene ulteriormente semplificata con due allestimenti uno base che può essere allestito con vari pacchetti come il pack Veloce e debutta l'allestimento tributo italiano con il verde Montreal che prende un altro nome da loro, ora l'unico motore disponibile è il 2.0 280cv RWD o Q4

E questi vorrebbero far concorrenza ai marchi premium.

Che amarezza 😑

  • Mi Piace 1
  • Tristezza! 3
  • Assurdo! 1
  • Grazie! 1

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